Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (2024)

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Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (1)Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (2)Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (3)

I just realized that I have added some form of fruit to all of my past 7 posts. Who can blame me though? It's summer and fruit is sweet without having to add sugar. This Vegan Blueberry Cheesecakeis no different.

It is actually very similar to my Raspberry Lemon Cheesecake. However, this time instead of swirling in the raspberries I made a blueberry glaze on top. I also nixed the powdered sugar from this recipe :) This vegan cheesecake recipealso only has 8 ingredients! How amazing is that? I can't call it healthy but what the hell, it's straight up delicious!

One of the best parts of this vegan cheesecake is the macadamia nut crust. It's really easy and straightforward. Just toss macadamia nuts, dates, and a pinch of salt in your food processor and blend.

Depending on the strength of your food processor you can processall three ingredients at once, otherwise I suggest pulsing the nuts first and then adding the dates. I then like to use my fingers to press the macadamia crust mixture into a springform. If you don't care about removing the cheesecake from a form then you can also just use a regular pie form.Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (4)

The filling can't really get much easier either. Only 4 ingredients and you are good to go. I used key limes for this pie and needed 2 for 4 tablespoons of lime juice. It will really depend on the size of your limes. I also made sure to use organic untreated key limes because I was also wanted to use some lime zest for garnish. Conventional limes you find at your grocery store are really not suited for zesting since they are covered in wax as well as pesticides. Nothing like making a delicious vegan cheesecake and then covering it with wax zest with a hint of lime.

Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (5)

The blueberry topping is made with just 2 ingredients: blueberries and dates. Blend and pour over your filling and you are done! Well, will need to leave it in the fridge for at least 4 hours until it firms up. You can also put it in the freezer to speed this up but I find that it takes almost just as long for it to thaw.

Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (6)

You can leave the blueberry lime cheesecake as is or top it with fresh blueberries and lime zest for one spectacular vegan cheesecake that even non-vegans will swoon over. Did I mention that it is deliciously creamy and tastes like summer? Are you still sitting there staring at the screen? Why aren't you making this yet? Get to it!

Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (7) Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (8)

Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (9)

4.8 from 10 votes


Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime

A vegan cheesecake perfect for the summertime. Cool, refreshing and easy to make!


Cuisinegluten-free, Paleo, vegan

Prep Time 20 minutes

Total Time 20 minutes

Makes 8

Calories 343 kcal

Author Vanessa


  • 4Medjool Dates
  • 1cupMacadamia Nutsraw, unsalted
  • Pinchof Salt
  • 2cupsCoconut Creamsee notes
  • of a cup Cashewssoaked in water for 10-15 minutes
  • 4tablespoonsFresh Lime Juice
  • 2tablespoonsMaple Syrup
  • 2Medjool Dates
  • 1cupfresh Blueberries
  • 1teaspoonLime Zestoptional
  • ½cupfresh Blueberriesoptional


  1. Line a 7 inch springform with parchment paper.

  2. Place macadamia nuts, 4 dates and pinch of salt in food processor and pulse until a sticky mass forms.

  3. Press macadamia crust into bottom of springform and half way up the sides using fingers. place in freezer while you prepare the filling.

  4. Clean out food processor and place coconut cream, cashews, lime juice, and maple syrup in it. Pulse and process until mixture is smooth.

  5. Remove springform from freezer and pour lemon cheesecake filling into the springform. Place springform in freezer again until filling in slightly firm (about 10 minutes).

  6. Clean out food processor again and place blueberries and 2 dates in it. Pulse again until smooth (blueberry skin will still be present, this is OK). Carefully spread blueberry topping over filling in the springform.

  7. Place in refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight until filling is firm.

  8. When cheesecake is firm and ready to serve garnish with fresh blueberries and lime zest.

Recipe Notes

1) Cashews can be soaked in water for 10-15 minutes first to make filling extra smooth. Make sure to dry off excess water from them before placing them in food processor. 2) The cheesecake recipe calls for 2 cups Coconut cream. This can be store bought coconut cream. Alternatively, you can place 2 cans of coconut milk in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, then scoop the thick creamy part out of the can. Depending on the coconut milk brand, either 1 or 2 cans of coconut milk will yield 2 cups coconut cream.3) Blueberry lime cheesecake can also be placed in the freezer to help firm the filling up quickly. I find that it takes a long time for it to thaw to the point of the cheesecake being nice and smooth. However, if you are planning on transporting the cheesecake then having it frozen works wonders. 4) Cheesecake will keep in refrigerator for up to 4 days.5) Crust can easily be made with other nuts as well. Almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts work well.

If you liked this Vegan Cheesecake Recipe, you'll love these ;)

More Vegan Cheesecake Recipes

  • Vegan Raspberry Cheesecake
  • Vegan Caramel Cheesecake
  • Vegan Coconut Banana Cheesecake
  • Vegan Kiwi Mango Cheesecake

Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (17)

Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (18)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Jo from Yummyvege says

    Wow this looks amazing - can't wait to try it!


    • Vanessa says

      Thanks Jo - It's so delicious :D


    • Jennifer says

      Do this have a coconut taste to it? I am not a big coconut fan.


      • Vanessa says

        It will have a slight coconut flavor but the lime juice helps cover it up quite a bit. I had a friend who can't stand coconut actually really like this.


      • Jordyn says

        If you're not a huge fan of coconut, Whole Foods has an excellent recipe for whipped coconut cream where they add vanilla. I'm not sure how this consistency would play out with this cheesecake, but I plan to try there recipe but omit the sugar, as I think the sweetness from the maple syrup will be plenty. I'll try it out and let you all know :)


    • Vanessa says

      Thanks Paddy! Great recipe site btw :)


  2. Vicky and Ruth - May I Have That Recipe says

    What a beautiful recipe and no sugar added, now that is impressive!


    • Vanessa says

      Thanks Vicky and Ruth!


  3. Luz Vottero says

    This cheesecake looks beautifully delicious! Besides I'm totally impressed about the simplicity of its ingredients, you're amazing! I just have a question, do you think it would be ok if I subtitute other nut for the Macadamia nuts? Because I can't find any Macadamia nuts at the moment and I really want to try the recipe this weekend... Thank you! x


    • Vanessa says

      Thank you Luz! You can use 1 cup of most types of nut for the crust. I think almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts work really well. I don't suggest using cashews. I've also made this with 1/2 cup almonds and 1/2 cup walnuts and the crust was delicious. Let me know how it goes this weekend :)


  4. Amy says

    Took this to a party and it was such a hit! No one could believe it was vegan - amazing recipe, will definitely make again. The macadamia nut crust was especially delicious!!


    • Vanessa says

      I'm so glad to hear that! Funny how people are surprised that vegan food can actually taste amazing. Thanks so much for stopping by to let me know. Always great to get positive feedback ;)


  5. Infrid says

    Hi great recipe... do you think it would work as mini cheesecakes using a muffin tin for the bases? Thanks.


    • Vanessa says

      Hi! That should work. I can't tell you exactly how many it will make though. I would also put them in the freezer for 10 min before trying to remove them from the muffin tin. Hope this helps! Let me know how it goes :)


  6. Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen says

    This cheesecake looks amazing and like such a versatile base! I find straight the cashews in the straight up "cashew" cheesecake too overpowering so can't wait to try your wonderful recipe! It is absolutely gorgeous! Pinned :)


  7. Sarah says

    Hi Vanessa, the photos of your cheesecake are amazing. I made it today for a friend who is vegan. I have a few questions. Is the coconut flavour supposed to be really prominent in the filling? This is my first vegan recipe so I am not sure. Obviously it's using coconut cream but I felt like it overpowered it a little. I also used a cheaper version of coconut cream as it was my first attempt and the cream itself was quite runny. Do you use just the thick part of the coconut cream or buy a good quality brand that is thick. Because the coconut cream was runny it meant the whole filling was quite runny and took ages to firm up in the freezer.

    Sorry to be a pain in the bum because the cheesecake was a lovely flavour and the blueberries and lime go so well together. I just want to make sure I get it right the next time! Thanks :)


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Sarah,
      You're not a pain at all! I want people to be able to make this cheesecake. It's too good not to share :)

      Were you using coconut milk or coconut cream? Coconut cream is thick almost like butter in texture and should never be runny. You can buy coconut cream as is or I usually just pop a can of coconut milk in the fridge for at least a few hours (some brands need to be in the fridge overnight) and then scoop out the hard white coconut cream layer that sits on top. I would also try to use a coconut milk or cream that has no fillers or preservatives. It might mess with the texture. If you filling if you say your filling was too runny then I would try to pat off the extra water off the cashews after they have soaked.

      The cheesecake will taste like coconut (there's a lot of coconut cream) but it shouldn't be overwhelming. I would check the ingredients on the coconut cream you used again and see if they used any flavor enhancers or something weird :D

      Let me know if that cleared up your questions a bit. :)


  8. Guga says

    Do you think i can change the blueberries for grapes?


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Guga,

      I honestly don't know if grapes would be a good substitute for the blueberry glaze/topping. I would try different berries (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries,etc.) instead. Grapes will most likely give it a very weird texture and flavor.


  9. Mery says

    Can I replace Cashews with Brazil nuts? Thank you!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Mery,

      Brazil Nuts won't work for the filling. Cashews are unique that they will soften and become creamy. You substitute any nut for the crust though.


      • Mery says

        Hi Vanessa!
        I saw your warning early enough and followed the recipe exactly as described (with cashews), exactly for the crust, for which I used almonds instead (but you mention its alright in the recipe).
        The cake came out not only delicious but in grate shape, which was what worried me most! Thanks for an easy, delicious and healthy recipe!


        • Vanessa says

          Hi Mery,

          I'm so glad it turned out great! ;D


  10. Kristin says

    Hi Vanessa!
    I am planning on making this this weekend for some friends, however I have a friend who is terribly allergic to coconut. Do you think I could easily swap in dairy free cream cheese as a substitute for the cream? or do you have any other recommendations? Also when I substitute, will the measurements remain the same?



    • Vanessa says

      Hi Kristin, I've never tried making this without coconut cream. Though using dairy-free cream cheese might seem like it should work. I would keep the amounts/measurements the same. I'm really interested to see how it goes without the coconut cream. Please let me know :) Thanks!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Anne,

      Yes, you can definitely make this without the lime juice. It adds a citrus flavor to the filling but you can do without it as well :)


  11. Sondra says

    Hi There! I signed up for your newsletter and I am so glad that I did. As someone with the worst sweet tooth, I am always looking for healthier options to satisfy my cravings. I made a cheesecake from the Kind Diet endorsed by actress Alicia Silverstone a while back and it was quite good. With that said, I cannot wait to make this cheesecake and other recipes featured on your site!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Sondra, I'm so glad you did! This cheesecake is one of my favorites! I can't wait for blueberries to be in season again :)


  12. Julie says

    Wow! A transportable GF tasty dessert?! I may get to have a treat at the in-laws Easter celebration after all!


    • Vanessa says

      Oh yes! That's the great thing about vegan/gf cheesecakes. They freeze really well and it doesn't affect the texture of them like with other desserts. I make several different types of vegan and gluten-free cheesecake/tarts that you can freeze and take with. Have a look around :)


  13. Deb says

    Hi. Could you tell me please what I could use instead of coconut cream as it is very high in saturated fat? Could I use low fat cream cheese and still 2 cups? I'm not a dairy-free person so I don't have to use coconut products.


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Deb, I haven't made this recipe with low fat cream cheese before so I can't let you know exactly what it was taste or be like. However I think cream cheese really is the only other viable substitute for coconut cream in a cheesecake. Would love to hear how it went.


  14. Deb says

    hi, Vanessa. This a lovely cake! I am wondering about the crust. Is it soft or crispy/crumbly like a graham crust. And does it get mushy after sitting? Thanks!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Deb, The crust is not crispy like a graham crust. It's more of a softer, nutty crust. The cheesecake needs to be kept in the fridge or freezer if you're not eating it, so it really never has a chance to get mushy. The filling is also made so that there isn't much extra liquid that will seep down into the crust ( a major mistake that I made in a few failed recipes I could never post :) If you're looking for a crispy graham cracker like crust then you can easily substitute it and just use the filling. Hope this helps :)


  15. Charlene comier says

    Hi Vanessa,
    Is it possible to bake the crust to make it more crispy or wouldn't that work?


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Charlene, I haven't tried baking the crust so I'm not sure if it will actually get crispy. My husband actually asked me last time to make a vegan cheesecake with a crispy crust so I'll have to work on that. Otherwise if you find a different crust that you really like you can use that and just use the filling for this cake instead.


  16. A says

    HI! this looks fantastic and I'm wanting to make it for an Easter potluck with friends. I have a big bag of pecans that i would like to use...would that work in the crust. i know you said any nut substitution but i didn't see anyone mention pecans so i just wanted to see what you thought. Thank you!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Alexa, you can definitely use pecans for the crust. The only nut that doesn't work well for the crust are cashews. Hope you like it and Happy Easter :)


  17. Abbie says

    i'm nearly finished making this, i put in 2/3 of a cup of cashews in but i've just realised the recipe says "2/3 cups of cashews" does this mean to say "1 & 2/3 cups of cashews" or "2/3 cup of cashews" kind of scared i ruined it!!! also the mix tastes very very coconutty... hopefully it'll be okay! i'm excited to see how it goes


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Abbie, 2/3 of a cup is right. I changed that in the recipe to get rid of any further confusion. So, you probably did it right :) Did you add enough lime juice to the filling? The filling will have a slight coconut taste but it really shouldn't be overpowering. Once you add the blueberry layer on top it should also mask it some more. Hope it turns out well and that you like it :)


  18. suzy says

    Hi, I am making this recipe right now and I am a bit worried I under or over processed the cream part it was a bit watery and still grainy… ideas??


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Suzy, You can't really overprocess coconut cream it should thicken right back up in the fridge. As for the grainy part, did you soak your cashews long enough? Hope it turned out ok. Would love to hear how you liked it :)


  19. Anna mathe says

    Hi! I've been wanting to make this recipe for a while, finally made it this past weekend for my bday; it came out delicious , not as pretty as yours on the pic but the flavors were amazing! The only thing that wasn't great was my coconut cream, it was a little grainy , I did soak my cashews for 3-4 hrs . Anyway it was amazing and will be making it again soon! Thank u!


  20. Nanci says

    Not healthy? Sounds wonderfully healthy to me! Can't wait to try it. :)


  21. Tiffany says

    I absolutely love that I found this recipe. I have a friend who's son is on a Paleo diet and I made this for him. The flavors are so awesome. I liken the filling to key lime pie with hints of coconut. Can you say Summer? Yum!!! I was very amazed at how easy it was to make this as well. Compared to ingredients that use flour and refined sugars, this is a recipe that is totally forgiving if you add a little more or less of an ingredient. In response to the grittiness, I found that processing the nut ingredients a little longer took care of that. Thank you for the recipe!


    • Vanessa says

      Hi Tiffany, I am so glad you like this recipe! It is really one of my favorites that I love making over and over again. Now with summer approaching, I'm sure I'll make it even more often. Thanks so much for giving this a try and your feedback. Made my day :)


  22. Norine says

    Thanks for a great recipe and all the work you do. This cheesecake was delicious. I made it on Friday and froze it and transported it to my party and kept it refrigerated so it could slowly defrost until time to eat it. It was still almost frozen when we ate it. A little crunchy and very cold but outstandingly delicious! The only problem was that it completely melted into a puddle on your plate if you didn't eat it quick enough and the same went for the leftovers. My canned coconut cream was liquid but I just thought it was because the weather is so hot! 100 here in LA! Maybe it was not real coconut cream? It was Native Forest organic coconut cream and it had water and guar gum added. I probably should have just used the cream from my coconut milk that I usually get huh?


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Hi Norine, I'm glad you liked it. It might have just had more to do with the heat than anything else. However if the coconut cream wasn't right or if there was accidentally too much liquid added then that might happen as well. My biggest bet though is that at 100F, coconut cream will surely just melt and not quite stay set the way you would expect it to. Glad the cheesecake still tasted good though :)


  23. Matthew says

    HI :)

    Just wondering if it would be possible to use rice malt syrup instead of maple syrup? as that's what I have. Or would it change the recipe/flavour too much?

    Looks great!


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Hi Matthew, I've never really worked with rice malt syrup before but I'm guessing it's similar in texture to maple syrup so it shouldn't affect it in that way. I would start off using just one tablespoon of rice malt syrup and taste testing to see how sweet it is and adding more if needed. Remember that the blueberry topping on top is also sweet so you don't want your cheesecake filling to taste very sugary. Hope it helps :)


  24. Tegan Chislett says


    I made this for a work party, and it was delicious! Really smooth and light. One question: do you have an idea of the calorie count per serving?



    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Hi Tegan, I added the nutritional information to the bottom of the recipe. The nuts and coconut milk do give it a fairly high fat content. I have it so that one serving size is 1/8 of the vegan cheesecake recipe. You might have noticed that even that is quite a bit and fills you up.

      I'm so glad to hear that you liked it. :)


  25. carley j says

    This was such a refreshing vegan cheesecake recipe. we loved it. I added extra lime juice too!


  26. Evelyn K. says

    I really didn't know vegan cheesecake can taste this good. The lime juice just makes it perfect!


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Thanks Evelyn, It can take some time getting used to vegan cheesecakes but they can taste pretty darn good :) So happy you liked it!


  27. Stefania Ponitz says

    Wow this really seems like a wonderful recipe, can't wait to make it and I will definitely let you know how it goes :D


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Thanks Stefania. This vegan cheesecake os one of my favorites :) Let me know how it goes when you make it!


  28. suzi says

    made this saturday for company on sunday :) so easy, light and yet rich. so fresh and yummy!!! thanks for the great recipe thats perfect for a healthy summertime treat !!


  29. KBH says

    This is DELICIOUS!!! It tastes just like key lime pie to me! Be careful with the coconut cream and make sure you chill it overnight so any liquid (coconut milk) separates out before trying the recipe. I had to make it a second time after messing that up the first time around. But with the coconut cream, pure deliciousness!!! I really can't believe how good this tastes. I will make it for my very desert picky boys tonight. Thank you!!!!


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Hi Kyra, So happy you liked this vegan cheesecake recipe ;) Accidentally adding too much liquid to vegan cheesecakes is always dangerous but sadly it happens to all of us every now and then. Two weeks ago, I made a chocolate cheesecake that I was so excited about. When I took it out of the spring form it just fell apart and spread across my kitchen counter :( So you're not alone!


  30. Debbie Crisp says

    Hi , I made this but my coconut cream etc kept separating out, could not get a creamy consistency and I tried several times. I used organic coconut cream. What did I do wrong


  31. Christina says

    Hey, I made this today and my filling curdled into a perfect cottage cheese consistency. Still tasted good, though. Maybe too much lemon juice? Any idea of how to save this if this happens? I kept processing, hoping that would do the trick, but no luck


  32. Alina says

    Love to eat such cakes I really appreciate your efforts for sharing this recipe.


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Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime - Vegan Family Recipes (2024)


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