Homesick - BlueSpike9997 - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: An Invitation

Chapter Text

The hotel was constantly needing minor repairs and maintenance in order to keep it in pristine condition and prevent it from falling into disrepair as badly as the old building had. Typically, these small jobs were handled by either Alastor, or the imp staff. Once a month however, Charlie would arrange for everyone to come together and have a work day where they all worked as a team to tackle the larger renovations and responsibilities of the hotel.

Hacate and the other imps washed the windows on the inside while Husk washed the outside. Vaggie and Charlie were applying a fresh coat of paint to the lecture room. Cherri Bomb and Vetty were touring the building with a box of light bulbs, on the hunt for any that needed replacing. Legion and Sage were on lawncare duty. Legion mowed the mostly dead but still always growing hellish grass while Sage planted fresh thorny roses in the garden. Alastor had asked her to tend to the flowers growing around Niffty’s grave while she was outside. He didn’t feel as hesitant to visit the stone now that he knew she was in Heaven, but he still wanted it to look nice and serve as a memorial for her life in Hell.

Alastor and Angel were inside in the lobby, replacing a rotting rafter. The hotel hadn’t been standing too long, so the wood shouldn’t be rotting already. Alastor assumed that when they’d been building, they’d neglected to check all of the boards as closely as they should’ve. No matter, it would be an easy fix.

Angel Dust was on a tall ladder, pulling nails from the board and dropping them to a bucket on the floor far below. The high ceiling in the lobby made it difficult to reach. Usually, Charlie kept a strict no-flying-indoors rule, but since they were working so high up, she’d allowed Alastor to use his wings to help. He was holding the board up, keeping it from crashing to the floor while Angel removed its stabilization.

“One more oughta do it.” Angel nodded, prying at the last nail. The hammer slipped out of his hands and he instinctively dove to catch it. Shadow tentacles immediately wrapped around his waist and kept him from falling over the edge. Alastor braced one foot against the tipping ladder to steady it, and another shadow raised the hammer back to Angel’s hands before it fell. “My bad!” Angel huffed, running a hand through his hair, “I wasn’t bein’ careful.”

“It’s okay.” Alastor half smiled.

“This nail is bein’ stubborn!” Angel growled, trying again to pry it loose to no avail.

“Let me try something.” Alastor nodded at the plank of wood and Angel braced his hands against it, taking Alastor’s place in holding it up. The shadow tendrils rose from the ground again, winding around each other to create a narrow platform for Alastor to stand on. Once he no longer had to use his wings to fly, he raised the hooked end of one of them to the nail, wedging the sharp claw-like bone between the nail and the wall. He pulled his wing backwards, just enough to yank the nail free. He caught it in the air before it flew out of his reach and dropped it down in the bucket. Flapping his wings again and allowing the shadows to retreat.

“Show off.” Angel smirked, rolling his eyes.

Alastor took the rotting wood down to the ground and flew back up with the new one and some nails.

As they were finishing up, Charlie and Vaggie entered the lobby, each sporting several spots of yellow paint on their baggy work-day clothes.

“That looks great boys, thanks a lot for getting that done.” Charlie smiled, looking up at the rafters while Alastor and Angel cleaned the leftover mess.

“No problem.” Angel nodded, closing up the bucket of nails, he moved towards the front door, carrying the bucket with him, but paused and turned back to Vaggie.

“Hey, what else was you needin me to do today?” He asked.

“I can’t remember off the top of my head, why?” Vaggie shrugged.

“Val wanted to know if I’d be willing to do a shoot this afternoon.” Angel Dust explained. Ever since Valentino had released the spiders soul, Angel had been occasionally starring in a few of the moths films. He worked under his own terms now, and if Valentino ever laid a hand on him or anyone else on set, he’d walk out. Valentino knew this, and somehow managed to respect his boundaries. Alastor assumed his gentler behavior had something to do with Vox reminding him that if Angel wasn’t in their movies anymore, the studio would lose billions of dollars.

Vaggie looked at Charlie who just smiled and nodded. “I suppose that’s fine. I think we’ve got things covered from here if you need to get ready and go.” She reasoned.

“Thanks. I’ll just finish cleaning the-” Angel was cut off when Alastor’s wing stretched out in front of him.

Alastor blinked, confused.

“Al, whaddya doin’ I’m talking to-” The front door swung open, bumping against Alastor’s opened wing instead of slamming into Angel Dust. Once the threat was over, his wing folded back into place. “Oh.” He and Angel both nodded at the same time. Sometimes Alastors protective instincts acted even quicker than anyone could prepare for.

Lucifer marched into the room, eyes locked on the ground. He looked distraught. Upset. Worried!

Alastor tilted his head. It was only Thursday. Lucifer wasn’t due to come visit until Saturday. He hadn’t heard anything about the fallen angel staying any extra this week. He glanced in Charlie’s direction. She seemed just as surprised to see him.

“Dad?” She asked, searching his face nervously. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

“We’ve been summoned to a meeting with Heaven.” Lucifer swallowed, looking up at her with sorrow in his eyes.

Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. Alastor felt the need to tear into something or someone. Rip open the throat of whatever was scaring Charlie so badly. But the threat was invisible. He had nothing physical he could save her from.

Heaven hadn’t reached out to them since the failed extermination nearly a year ago. Has it already been that long? He thought back to Niffty’s death. She’d been murdered not too long after the extermination. Next month would be the anniversary of her loss. Time had gone by so fast. So much had changed.

“Us?” Charlie repeated, “As in you and me?”

“As in you, me, and him.” Lucifer pointed to Alastor without even looking in his direction.

“Me?” Alastor’s ears folded and his wings drooped. “What… What do they want with me?”

“They know.” Lucifer replied, finally turning to look at him.

“They know?” Angel gulped, “Like… How much do they know?”

“That he’s a guardian. That he’s regained his wings. That he’s taken on the role of protector of the hotel. They know all of it.”

Alastor felt like he was going to throw up. He would’ve been perfectly content to keep living in Hell with his newfound family. Only using his guardian abilities to protect them from falling down the stairs or stubbing their toe. He wasn’t prepared to actually face Heaven. What would they want from him? Would they expect him to adhere to their rules? He was technically an angel now. Did that mean he had to answer to someone? They didn’t want the guardians though, they’d kicked them out, removed their wings and halos. Would they take his wings away? He just earned these! He’d just gotten used to them! He didn't want to lose them!

“When is the meeting?” Charlie asked. She moved to stand beside Alastor, carefully taking his hand into her own.

“In an hour.” Lucifer frowned, “I’m so sorry. I would’ve warned you sooner if I could.”

“It’s okay.” Charlie nodded, “We’ll handle this. They just want to talk right? That doesn’t mean anything bad is going to happen.”

“I… I don’t know.” Lucifer shook his head.

Alastor’s ears folded. He didn’t like how nervous the shorter man had become. Lucifer was the Prince of pride. He was supposed to be confident and prepared. He was supposed to be stronger than this.

“Don’t worry.” Charlie squeezed his hand tighter for a moment, “Everything’ll work out just fine. I’m sure of it. Let’s just get ready to go.”

He nodded at her, taking a deep breath. He had no idea what to expect.

Exactly one hour later, Lucifer and Charlie were standing on either side of him in front of a large clean building. No demons ever dared to enter the steeple. The large church-like building in the center of the pentagram with the dreaded count down on the top. The three rotating digits on the clock tower had been stuck on zero since the failed extermination. No one was sure what to make of it.

Alastor absentmindedly fiddled with the buttons on his red dress shirt. His wings shifted uncomfortably behind him. He wasn’t a fan of the stares he’d get walking down the streets of Hell with the large red appendages.

Charlie nodded forward with a small smile of encouragement and the three of them entered the large building together. The inside looked more like a church than the rest of the place. An empty altar and golden pews were arranged in the center of the room. Ironic that the building was fashioned after a place encouraging repentance while the angels who’d visit entertained themselves with the idea of eternal damnation.

A door to the side opened and they looked at each other nervously before entering. The last time Charlie had been here, she’d been meeting with Adam. Alastor hadn’t thought about Adam in a while. He put a hand to the scar left by the angelic ax, it had healed easier than he’d expected it to, but it would forever be the deepest and most jarring scar on his mottled body. Even as his new angelic form worked to lessen the amount of markings on his skin, the one made by the head angel's blade would never be completely healed.

Lucifer stood between Charlie and Alastor and stared forward, clearing his throat.

“Hello, Lucifer.”

Alastor jumped at the sound of a feminine voice. He turned to look at the head of the golden table where two seraphim were sitting. Had they been there the whole time? He tilted his head, something about their appearance wasn’t quite right. As he turned his head slightly, their images became slightly distorted. Of course, they weren’t really there. They were projecting themselves into the room somehow.

“Sera.” Lucifer nodded once, taking a seat on the other end of the table, leaving Charlie and Alastor to stand on either side.

“Hi, Emily.” Charlie whispered, waving slightly.

Alastor watched curiously as the shorter of the two angels enthusiastically waved back with a wide smile on her face. He froze up again once he realized the taller seraphim was looking directly at him, or more accurately, his wings.

“You must be, Alastor.” She said in a flat and unreadable voice.

“Yes ma’am.” Alastor nodded once, “Pleasure to meet you.”

“You’ve just grown those wings recently, is that correct?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Well…” She cleared her throat and Alastor’s ears folded. Charlie bit at her bottom lip and Lucifer did his best to hide his rapidly increasing anxiety. “On behalf of all of Heaven, let me just say…”

He folded his wings as tightly as he could against him, prepared to feel some mystic and otherworldly force rip them from his back ruthlessly.


“Huh?” Charlie and Lucifer both gasped at the same time. Alastor opened his eyes and gave Sera a confused and distrustful glare.

“Excuse me?”

“Congratulations.” Sera repeated, a warm smile spreading over her face, “It has been many years since I’ve seen the beauty of Guardian wings. You should be very proud.”

“Okay hold up, I’m confused.” Lucifer rubbed a hand over his face and took a deep breath. “I thought you hated the Guardian angels.”

“What would’ve given you that impression?”

“You were one of the angels to vote for their banishment.”

“Nearly 100,000 years ago, Lucifer.” She rolled her eyes, “I believe in that amount of time, an angel can have a change in opinion.”

“So… You aren’t mad?” Charlie asked.

“Mad? Why my dear, we’re thrilled.” Sera folded her hands together delicately.

“The council of angels wants to give Alastor a trial!” Emily all but squealed, bouncing in her seat excitedly.

“Trial?” Alastor and Lucifer asked in unison.

“Yes. We’ve all heard about the possibility that Guardians could be returned to us, and we would like to give Mr. Thomas a chance to prove himself worthy of holding such an honorary title.” Sera explained, “As I’m sure you’re aware, becoming an official Guardian angel would place him higher in the ranking than the Exorcist angels.”

“It would?” Charlie’s eyes widened.

Sera nodded. “It’s not a matter to take lightly. That is why we’ve decided on a trial. If Alastor can prove that he has indeed undergone a transformation and become a fully fledged angel, then the title of Guardian is his.”

“And…” Lucifer twirled his fingers together, “You’d be okay with him living down here? As protector of my daughter's hotel?”

“Of course.”

“Well that sounds great!” Charlie smiled.

“It does?” Alastor’s ears pinned back as he glared at her. He’d never been on trial before. He definitely deserved to be on trial, but he’d never been caught.

“Yes!” She beamed, “Alastor! If you become an official Guardian, then you’ll not only have power over the exorcist angels, but you’ll prove just how effective the hotel truly is! We can start working to redeem more souls than ever!”

“I don’t know Charlie…” Lucifer gave her a nervous smile.

“I don’t know either.” Alastor agreed, shaking his head. “What if I f*ck it up?”

“You won’t f*ck it up!” Charlie gave him her largest puppy dog eyes, “We already know you’re a real angel, you just have to go show them! You’ll do great, I know you will!”

He stared at her pleading face, cursing himself for his inability to turn her down. “Okay.” He sighed, “I’ll try.”

“Yay!” Emily and Charlie both clapped excitedly, their motions mimicking each other almost perfectly.

“Very well then.” Sera nodded, “Alastor, you have been formally invited to Heaven for a chance to prove yourself as a true Guardian.”

“Okay.” Alastor shrugged nervously, “W-when do we leave?”

“A portal will be opened for you at sunset this evening.” Sera explained, “Should you choose to accept the invitation, you’ll be brought directly to the front gates of Heaven from there. Then your trial will begin next week.”

“Next week!?” He took a step back, wings unfolding as his fight or flight response kicked into overdrive. “If the trial isn’t until next week, w-why would you need to open a portal tonight?” He asked.

“The council will only agree to hear you out if they believe you have spent a decent amount of time among other angels in Heaven.” Sera explained. “I know it’s not an ideal situation for you, but it’s what they want in exchange to hear your case.”

“We can’t leave the hotel for that long.” Alastor shook his head, “Charlie has people here that need her.”

“That’s why the invitation is only for you.”

“What!?” Charlie and Lucifer’s voices rose and their eyes reddened.

“Of course Princess Morningstar and a number of your other fellow demons will be allowed to attend the trial, but the portal that will open tonight is only accessible to you.” Sera sighed, “We can’t have demons in hell for that amount of time, but since you’ve grown your wings you’re not technically a demon anymore.”

“What if I refuse to go without them?” Alastor asked.

“Then you will have shown the council that you’re unworthy and exorcist angels will come to collect your wings and angelic abilities.” Sera replied seriously. “The portal will open tonight, Alastor. If you go through, you’ll have one week in Heaven before your trial. If you don’t, the trial is over automatically, and you’ll never have another chance for redemption.”

Chapter 2: Welcome to Heaven


Alastor agrees to stay in Heaven.


I'm surprised I managed to finish this today, not gonna lie. I've been all over the world car shopping because I decided to do a stupid and sell my Jeep without having anything lined up to buy afterwards. I think I got things sorted out now, and Imma go buy a Subwuw tomorrow :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Another small stack of clothes dropped into his suitcase. Alastor rechecked everything he had before going back to his dresser to grab a few more things.

“We aren’t seriously doin’ this are we!?” Angel threw his upper set of hands in the air and crossed the lower set.

“I don’t have a choice.” Alastor growled without looking at the spider demon, “If we want Heaven to believe in the hotel, I have to prove I’ve changed.”

“He’s right.” Charlie said with a deep sigh, “Sera was adamant that he spend time in Heaven before the trial.”

“And we just trust her!?” Angel huffed, “The bitch that was helpin’ cover up the exterminations!?”

“I’m not happy about it either, Angel.” Alastor rolled his eyes, finally turning to face him. “Every part of me is screaming that I’m supposed to be here, protecting all of you! I don’t want to spend a single day away from this place, let alone an entire week! I have to go.”

Angel turned to glare at Lucifer who was standing by Alastor’s bedroom window, looking down at the ground several floors below. “Are you gonna do anything about this!?” He complained.

“I don’t like it.” Lucifer shook his head, “I don’t trust Sera in the slightest. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that she’s up to something… But…”

“No!” Angel snapped, “No buts! You’re a f*cking king, ain’t ya? Tell them that Alastor belongs here with us and he’s not going!”

“He’s not a demon anymore, Angel.” Husk sighed beside him, leaning against the door frame. “Heaven has more authority over him than Lucifer does.”

Alastor froze for a moment at the thought. The idea that Heaven was in charge of him. Why was there always someone else in charge? Why did everything have to involve a leash?

“We’ll be able to stay in contact.” Cherri shrugged in an attempt to calm Angel Dust down. She turned to look at Alastor. “I know you don’t like your phone all that much, but you’d better promise to send us pictures of all the cool sh*t they got up there.”

“I will.” Alastor half smiled. He turned to recheck his suitcase. He felt like he was forgetting something, but everything he needed was present. Slowly, Charlie pushed the pale green plush frog Vox had given him into the suitcase with a smile.

“I don’t need that.” Alastor’s ears flattened out like airplane wings, an unamused expression on his face.

“Come on, we all know you like it.” Charlie grinned, “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“I don’t like it.” Alastor rolled his eyes, picking up the stuffed animal and handing it back to Charlie. “I keep it on my bed so that I have something to claw at other than my hair. I haven’t had any issues lately though, so I don’t need it anymore.”

“You might not need it, but you want it.” Charlie said smugly, “Just humor me, will you? Please?”

“Fine!” He snatched the plush frog out of her hands and dropped it unceremoniously into his suitcase before zipping it closed. “I will take it, but only to make you stop talking.”

Charlie kept staring at him, a distant hopeful look in her eyes. She’d broken down into tears at least four times that he’d counted on their walk back to the hotel. Constantly telling him how proud she was of him and how happy she felt. It was sweet, but it wasn’t helping relieve the insane amount of pressure that Sera had put onto his shoulders.

He was going to be in Heaven for an entire week, alone, representing the entirety of Charlie’s hotel. All it was, all it could accomplish, all it stood for. It was all reliant on him. The serial killer from the deep south. The cannibalistic psychopath from the bayou.

His stomach growled and another worry shot through his brain. What am I going to eat?

It occurred to him that none of the others had thought about this predicament either. They were too busy wondering what it would be like past the pearly gates. Too busy wondering what all Alastor would get to experience.

Good. He didn’t need them to think about how he would feed his inner Wendigo. If they thought about it, they’d probably try to get him to bring his own food. It wouldn’t be a bad idea, but if any of the angels found out he’d smuggled demon meat into their kingdom, it wouldn’t do well by the hotel's image. No, he’d just have to figure something out. He’d gone longer than a week without a cannibalistic meal before. He’d be fine.

“Vaggie.” He sucked in a deep breath of air, “Give me a quick guide. What should I expect?”

“It’s really bright there.” Vaggie said with a nod. “It might be hard on your eyes for the first little bit, but you’ll get used to it pretty fast. There are a lot of pastry shops. Everyone is nice to the point that you feel like they’re too nice, but don’t panic, that's just how they are. And prepare yourself for a good deal of physical contact. The angels prefer hugs over handshakes.”

Alastor shivered a bit at the thought.

“The winner angels can be more understanding than you’d expect.” Vaggie continued, “It might hurt their feelings if you avoid a hug from them, but if you just explain your touch aversion they’ll be okay.”

“Okay.” He nodded. He turned to look at each of them, etching their faces into his memory. He didn’t want to leave. He wanted to go downstairs, build a blanket fort, and laugh about the whole ordeal as if it had all been a joke. A small noise beside him drew his attention, and he turned to see a bright golden portal opening up a few feet away. Fluffy clouds and a gentle breeze blew in from the portal, drying up and disappearing instantly in the hellish atmosphere.

“I guess this is it.” He sighed, grabbing onto his suitcase.

Charlie lurched forward and hugged him tightly around the neck, burying her head in his shoulder. “Be safe, Al. Call us if you need anything!” She sniffled.

“I will.” Alastor promised, hugging her back gently. “That goes both ways. You have to promise to call me if any of you need your guardian back.”

“We will.” Charlie laughed a bit, backing away and drying her tears.

“We love you, Alastor.”

“I love you all too.” Alsator sighed. He stared for just a moment longer before he pulled himself away and stepped through the portal.

The portal disappeared behind him, leaving a gaping hole in his chest as he stared at the shining golden gates, heart thudding in his ears. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, tilting his head to one side when the gates didn’t open. How was he supposed to get inside?

“Hello!” An all too cheerful voice called from his left. He turned to face the blond angel smiling back at him.

His ears folded and he took an involuntary step back cautiously. “Hi?” He asked.

“Welcome to Heaven.” The angel waved, “Can I have your name?”

“Uh…” Alastor’s eyes flicked to the book in the angel's hands. “I doubt I’m on the list. Sera invited me.” He explained.

“I can check. What’s your name?”




The angel flipped through the pages, humming to himself. “Thomas, Thomas, Alastor Thom- Oh!” Alastor flinched at the sudden outburst.

“Yup, there you are.” The angel nodded.

“Really?” Alastor tilted his head.

“Yeah…” He narrowed his eyes, “Odd. Your death date is marked in 1933, but your name was just added to the list pretty recently.”

“Best you don’t question it too much.” Alastor sighed.

The angel looked up again, and Alastor felt him looking at his wings. He pulled them in closer, uncomfortably.

“You said Sera invited you?” He asked.

Alastor nodded.

“Okay. She’ll probably want to see you first.” He put the book down gently and flew to stand by Alastor’s side. “Come with me and I’ll take you straight to her.”

Alastor got the feeling he was being hidden. He’d expected as much.

The Angel led him away from the golden gates and towards a separate entrance. This one letting into the majestic city from behind, leading them right next to a tall building off towards the side.

“I’m St. Peter, by the way.” The angel smiled, opening the door to the building and standing aside for Alastor to enter behind him.

“I gathered that.” Alastor replied, rolling his eyes slightly.

The angel laughed as Alastor walked past. “You’re funny. I think you’re going to fit right in here.”

Alastor gave him the odd man a stare. Vaggie was right about people seeming too nice.

Inside the building, Alastor had to squint to see anything before his eyes adjusted to the blinding light. Once he could see, he realized the building was filled with seraphim and ophanims. Some in their pure angelic forms, others in a more humanoid body. They were moving around, carrying paperwork or taking phone calls. They looked more than busy.

“What is this place?” He asked, feeling dizzy trying to keep up with the commotion in the office space.

“This is the soul department.” Peter explained. “These angels are making preparations for incoming souls. Setting up appointments to get them introduced to their new lives, and finding the perfect place for them to live. We strive to make sure that once you’re in heaven, you never have to worry about anything else again. You already have a home and a job if you want.”

“That’s incredible.” Alastor tilted his head to one side, “In Hell you just kinda poof into existence and have to fend for yourself.” He remembered his first day. How scared and confused he was. How he’d had to fight for his life. If he hadn’t run into Rosie he’d have been ripped to shreds in mere seconds.

“What about me?” He asked, turning to Peter. “My name was on the list. Does that mean you have all that stuff set up for me too?”

“Eh…” Peter sucked air through his teeth and rubbed the back of his neck. “To be completely honest with you, friend, we’re a bit inexperienced when it comes to welcoming souls from Hell. Your buddy, Sir Pentious, was the first. We had no idea he was coming, so we were seriously underprepared. Same with your daughter, Niffty.”

“Niffty’s not my-”

“We had no idea she was coming, and she just showed up. The streets of gold have never been that clean, let me tell you! We managed to figure out where to place them pretty quickly though. Especially after Mrs. Dorothy offered to help.”

His ears stood. “Dorothy?” He asked, “As in, Dorothy Thomas?”

“You’re related?” Peter asked.

“She’s my mother.” He smiled a little. He shouldn’t have expected anything less. His mother had spent her entire life on earth caring for those less fortunate than her. Giving everything she had to someone in need, even if it meant she had nothing left for herself. It didn’t surprise him one bit to discover that she’d been the one to help Pentious and Niffty find a spot in Heaven.

“Really? I can see the resemblance.” Peter pointed at Alastor’s deer antlers, “She’s a very kind woman, Alastor.”

“I know.” He sighed happily.

“There you are, Alastor.” Sera smiled as she and Emily approached. Emily was already bouncing on her heels, arms flapping excitedly in movements very similar to Charlie’s. “We were worried you weren’t going to accept our offer.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Alastor narrowed his eyes with a small smirk.

“I’m so glad you’re here!” Emily squealed, launching herself forward to wrap him in a hug. Alastor instinctively moved out of the way, stepping behind St. Peter to avoid her.

“Jumpy, are we?” Sera asked.

“I don’t like being touched.” Alastor cleared his throat, ears lowering nervously.

“You’ve no reason to fear anything here, Mr. Thomas.” Sera nodded once, “Nothing will hurt you in Heaven. Hugs are quite common.”

“It’s alright, I’ll try to be more respectful of that.” Emily offered him a kind smile and took a couple steps back, folding her hands together.

He watched her for a moment before looking back at Sera. “Okay, so I’m here. What is it that you wanted me to do exactly?”

“Absolutely whatever you want.” Sera shrugged with a smile, “You’re simply here to enjoy the redemption you’ve earned.”

“Seriously?” He raised an eyebrow skeptically, “That’s all? There’s no catch?”

“There’s no catch to anything here.” Peter laughed a bit.

“You’re probably exhausted and don’t even realize it.” Emily sighed, reaching for his hand but stopping herself before getting too close. “All souls know deep down that they’re meant for Heaven. Even when you were alive your soul longed to be here. Now that you’ve finally earned your place, you can rest.”

Alastor glanced around. He didn’t feel any more relaxed than he was back at the hotel. If anything, he felt more on edge than usual. He was in a strange place with strange people. Was something wrong with him? Why didn’t he feel whatever longing Emily was talking about?

“We just need to take care of one tiny detail before we set you loose in the cities.” Sera shrugged one shoulder.

She stepped closer and held out a glowing hand. Alastor stepped back, ears folding backwards and wings stretching slightly. Sera extended her hand and touched one finger to the very tip of one of his feathers. A shift in colors slowly spread from the singular touch to the rest of his wings, changing them from crimson red to a solid white with pinkish tinted tips. He turned one way, then the other to try and get a good look at them. They were completely unchanged aside from the color, they were still shaped in the same way, were still the same length as before, and still had the sharp hooks on the elbow joints.

“What was that for?” He asked, a slight growl in his voice.

“The other winners don’t know about Guardian angels yet.” Sera explained, “We don’t want you to be bombarded with questions right away, it would hinder your stay here. I believe we should just keep their true colors hidden until after the trial, does that sound fair?”

He looked between her and Emily a few times. “I suppose.” He said hesitantly.

“Good. Now, Emily has asked if she could be the one showing you to your home. If you would follow her, I’ll see you again soon.”

“Home?” Alastor asked, tightening his grip on his suitcase handle and following Emily and Peter back out of the office building, “I have a home here? I thought he said I didn’t.” He glanced at Peter.

“We set up a temporary place for you.” Emily explained, grinning ear to ear. “We don’t have hotels or apartments here in Heaven, but one of our resident winners agreed to let us add a temporary spare room to their heavenly mansion for your stay.”

“Who?” Alastor asked.

“Ally!” His question was answered when his mother flew down from seemingly nowhere and hugged him tightly around the neck. He didn’t hesitate to drop his suitcase and hug her back, burying his head in her shoulder. Emily stood back, clasping hands with St. Peter to watch the exchange. Tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she watched the two deer-like angels hold each other, fluffy tails wagging happily.

“I’m so glad you agreed to come!” His mom smiled, finally backing out of their hug. “Finally I can spend some time with you again. I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since Niffty arrived. I knew you’d get here eventually!”

“I didn’t even think I’d get to see you!” Alastor admitted, ears bending back sheepishly. “I thought Sera was going to keep me somewhere away from the other winners.”

“No no no, boy!” His mom laughed, “You’re here to enjoy yourself, and how could you possibly do that without someone to cook all your favorite meals for you?”

He lurched forward and hugged her again, smiling wider than he had since his stitches had been removed.

“Come on, let's get you settled in.” His mom sighed, “We’ve got so much catching up to do!”


M-A-M-A-B-O-Y Mama's Boy Mama's Boy!

Chapter 3: Heavenly Home


Alastor goes to his mothers house.


I apologize ya'll, this chapter's really short and it took me longer to write it than the others. I could've kept working on it for the rest of this weekend until I'd gotten it perfect but I knew that if I kept making myself linger on a chapter I wasn't motivated to add more to then the entire fiction would get ruined and I might lose interest and not finish it. So, it's short, but it's here. Hopefully we'll be moving onto the more exciting parts of this fiction soon.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

His mothers heavenly home looked almost exactly like the shabby old building he’d grown up in by the bayou. Inside however, it felt never ending. As she gave him the tour, he kept thinking that they’d soon be out of rooms, only for her to lead him into another hallway. It was almost as big as the original hotel.

“And this is where you’ll be staying.” She smiled, letting him into a smaller white room off to the side. He stepped inside cautiously looking around. It was cozy and peaceful, with a round bed in one corner. Good! He’d been trying to get a round bed at the hotel since he’d grown his wings. He’d heard they were much easier to sleep in than his simple full size mattress.

“What’s the matter, Gator?” His mom asked, watching him look around.

“Nothing.” He replied, smiling in her direction, “I’m just… Having trouble convincing myself that this is all real.”

“I know.” She grinned back at him, doe ears flicking. “I been here for years and I still wake up surprised some mornings.”

“Momma…” He looked at the floor, “If you don’t mind me asking… When did you die?” He glanced back up at her.

He expected her smile to fade. Her mood to shift. He expected her to act uncomfortable and hesitant to answer, the way most of the sinners in hell did when presented with such a question. She didn’t. She seemed perfectly fine.

“November 23d, 1933.” She replied quickly and easily.

“That was…” He trailed off, hoping he was wrong. “That was just two days after me.”

“It was, wasn’t it?” She thought.

“What happened?” He gulped, almost too afraid to know the answer. He knew his body hadn’t been identified in the woods. No one had ever found out that it was Dorothy Thomas’s son behind the mysterious string of murders. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder if a victim's family member knew it was him, and decided to act out their sick idea of twisted justice by attacking his mother.

“The pneumonia won.” She shrugged.

His heart ached. He was supposed to be taking care of her. He was supposed to be going home to fix her supper that night. He was supposed to be keeping her alive, and he’d foolishly gone out and gotten himself killed. They both could have lived a long and full life had he not been so reckless.

“Momma, I am so sorry I never came home.” He gulped, hands shaking. “I know it’s all my fault and I-”

“Don’t be sorry, love. I don’t regret anything.” His mom interrupted.

“But… I’m the reason you died.”

“Everyone dies eventually, honey.” His mom smiled a bit, shaking her head. “It wasn’t your fault. Besides, I left the living world where I was alone without you or your father. A world where I was treated differently just because of how I looked and what my gender was. And I woke up here, in actual paradise. There’s no reason to be sorry about it.”

It was weird to hear someone talk about their death as if it were a positive.

He opened his mouth to ask more questions, but a loud shriek echoed from the hall and a small colorful figure darted into the room through the air, tackling him backwards. He landed on his bed and pushed the unknown offender away, wings raising in defense.

“Alastor!” Niffty beamed, flying in a small circular loop before hugging him tightly again.

“Niffty!” He smiled, loosening when he realized he wasn’t in any danger. “What are you doing here?”

She let go of him, standing on his bed and tucking her small wings away. “I live here.” She explained with a wide grin. Her teeth were straight and clean where they used to be sharp and yellow like his own hellish fangs. “Pentious and I both do.”

“Really?” Alastor tilted his head to one side.

“Your mom let us move in.” Niffty explained, pointing back towards Dorothy who just nodded proudly. “She’s really sweet, Alastor! She cooks for us every night and helps me preen my wings and she always brushes my hair in the morning before I go to work!”

“I’m glad you get along so well. I always knew you’d like each other.” Alastor ruffled her hair with one hand. “Did you say you had a job?”

“Yeah!” Niffty grinned, nodding excitedly, “I’m a Cherub, remember?” She flapped her fluffy elliptical wings proudly.

“Right.” Alastor nodded, remembering the short conversation he’d been able to have with them when he was on the brink of death before. “What does that job entail?”

“Oh lots of things.” She waved her hand dismissively. “Cherubs were first created to guard the tree of life in the garden, but now we just kinda get hired out to do whatever the higher ranking angels need us for. My job is directing souls.”

“Directing souls?”

“When a human dies, their soul is supposed to automatically be sent in its proper place, Heaven or Hell.” Dorothy explained from the door, “Sometimes however, the choice is a little muddier than it looks. It’s not as easy to decide where to go. Cherubs like Niffty can help move it in the right direction.”

“I cheat and send most of them to Heaven.” Niffty whispered with a wide smile, batting her one large eye innocently.

He smirked at her, ears flattening for a moment.

She started walking around him on the bed in a circle, inspecting his wings closely. “Pretty!” She grinned, “But I thought they were supposed to be red?”

“They are.” Alastor rolled his eyes, “Sera made them change colors so the other winners wouldn’t notice them as much.”

Niffty was scrambling up to his shoulders in an instant, pulling at his left wing and poking at the hooked claw. “They look strong!” She mused, “Like the wings of a total baddie!”

“Okay, that’s enough.” He rolled his eyes and reached behind him, snatching Niffty by the back of her clothes to remove her, dropping her back onto the bed.

“Come now, Niffty.” His mother ushered her out of the room, “Let’s let Ally get settled in before we start pestering him.”

Niffty practically skipped out of the room, giggling to herself.

Once they’d left the room, Alastor flopped onto his side on the bed, sinking into the almost too-soft mattress. He laid perfectly still for a minute, soaking it all in. Where everything in Hell was always just slightly off, everything in Heaven was positively perfect. He could feel no soreness despite having been on his feet most of the day. The atmosphere was as bright as Vaggie had warned, but here in his room the lighting was exactly in tune with his sensitive eyes. There was no noise, but it wasn’t deafeningly quiet. It was warm, but it wasn’t so warm that it was hot. Everything was perfect.

His eyes opened and he sat up, looking around. It was too perfect. The lack of noise was odd, the temperature was odd, even the mattress and blankets beneath him were almost too good. He sniffed the air and only took in the scents of things he liked. It smelled like he’d just stepped in from the bayou. It smelled like home. It was unreal. It couldn’t be real. Where was the catch? Where was the danger?

To distract himself, he quickly stood off the bed and began unpacking his things, searching for something more casual to wear for the rest of the evening. Odie, the plush frog, tumbled out of his suitcase and landed on the floor. He quickly picked it up, glancing over his shoulder at the door. No one was there to witness him wrap the plush in a tight hug before tossing it down on the bed.

Almost as soon as the plush had hit the pillows, his phone started ringing and he jumped.

Incoming video call from: Charlotte Morningstar. The phone displayed, showing Charlie’s contact photo, which was just a picture of Lottie from the Princess and the Frog.

He sat down on the bed, crossing his arms and shoving Odie far enough away so he wouldn’t be in the frame before answering.

“HI!” A chorus of voices sang out as his screen was filled with as many faces as they could fit. Alastor could tell by Lucifer’s glowing hand that he was levitating Charlie’s phone above them so they could all see and be seen at the same time.

“Hello.” He waved with a small smile, “I was wondering how long you could all last without me.”

“We’re fine, Alastor.” Charlie laughed, waving a dismissive hand, “We just couldn’t wait to talk to you! How’s it going? How are things in Heaven?”

“It’s…” He looked around the too-perfect room, “Fine.”

“Does it smell like candy?” Cherri Bomb asked.

“How pompous are the other winners?” Angel added.

“Have they tried to file down your claws and fangs yet?” Husk nodded once.

“No, I haven’t really met any, and what do you mean yet?” Alastor smirked.

“I dunno, I just figure everythings all soft and mellow there. They might try to soften you up before your stay’s up.”

Alastor rolled his eyes, smiling, deer tail swishing behind him.

“Oh my God, what did they do to your wings?” Charlie asked, her face suddenly taking up the majority of the screen as she moved in for a closer look.

“Oh, nothing permanent.” Alastor shrugged, checking behind him at the now white and pink feathers, “It’s just so the news that Guardians still exist doesn't get out. It’s not a big deal, it was just something Sera thought would-”

“Aye!” Cherri’s voice snapped, interrupting him. “Get your hands outta your hair!”

His eyes widened. He hadn’t even realized he was pulling his hair again. Slowly, shakily, he released the large clump of red hair in his hand and lowered his arm back down.

“It’s okay, Alastor. They look pretty.” Charlie offered a kind smile.

He nodded.

“Don’t stress about it, kid.” Husk instructed, “You got one day down, six more to go. You’ll get through it.”

“And we’re here for you.” Vaggie added beside him, “One phone call and Lucifer will portal you back here in a heartbeat.”

“Thanks, guys.” Alastor let out a breath of relief. There was no danger in Heaven that he’d seen yet. No threat, no stress, no nothing. It still felt nice to know that his family would be there to bring him home if he needed.

Home… Where was home? Emily had said his soul was supposed to long for Heaven. It was supposed to feel at peace here. He was too restless, he wanted nothing more than to be back in the hotel, forcing someone to watch his favorite movie with him again. Reading quietly in the library with Charlie. Drinking coffee with Vaggie in the morning. He wanted to be flying with Lucifer and Husk. He wanted to be cooking for all of them and even helping Hacate wash the dishes. Heaven didn’t feel like home. What did that say about him as an angel?

“Where are you staying?” Lucifer asked, pulling his attention back from his quickly spiraling thoughts. “They don’t have you staying with the Seraphim do they? Or worse, with one of my brothers! Is it Uriel? They’ve got you with Uriel don’t they? Son of a bitch, tell him he’s an asshole!”

“I’m not staying with any Heavenborne angels.” Alastor assured him, “I’m actually staying with my mom.”

“Awww!” Charlie practically melted, tears forming in her eyes, “That’s great Alastor! I’m so happy for you!”

“Don’t cry, Charlie.” He sighed. He decided he’d tell her that Niffty and Pentious were with him later. He didn’t imagine the other residents wanted to deal with her bursting into tears in the lobby when he’d hung up the phone.

“I’m not, I’m not!” She sniffed, rubbing her hands over her eyes. “Well, we’ll let you get back to your mother, Alastor. We’ll talk to you again soon, okay?”

“Promise.” Alastor nodded.

“Goodbye, Al!” They all waved.


The screen went black and Alastor was left alone in his temporary room again. An aching in his chest made his ears droop and his wings sag. He wanted so badly to be back in the hotel. He pushed the feelings aside. It was only for a few more days, surely he’d be able to handle it.

He started reaching for his hair but stopped himself, subconsciously hearing Cherri Bomb scold him. He grabbed Odie instead, nails finding their way between some of the plush frogs looser stitching. His ears pinned down and he bit the stuffed animal’s head, staring vacantly off into nothing. There was no reason for him to feel afraid. No reason to be sad. Nothing was wrong. For the first time in years there was absolutely nothing wrong. Yet, he couldn’t feel happy. He should be overflowing with joy right now. He was in Heaven! He was staying with his mother in Heaven! He should be happy! Why wasn’t he happy!? All he could feel was a cold numbness settling into his chest. Everything was too perfect.


I bought my Scaboobaloo (Subaru but I always spell it wrong to make my car loving brother angry) outback yesterday, and I've been out on the road with it literally all day long, hauling my grandma around. I like it. It's nice to finally be in a car with working AC.

Chapter 4: Too perfect


Alastor gets to spend the day with his mom and tour Heaven.


I don't have any notes right now.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Reminding himself he was in Heaven took longer than he’d expected. When he woke up in a much too comfortable room, lying on a much too comfortable bed, Alastor had a brief moment of panic. He dug his claws into Odie, folded his ears back and laid perfectly still, heart beating in his ears. He thought he’d been kidnapped. Once he finally managed to piece his memory together and remind himself he was in Heaven, he calmed down and prepared for his day.

He hoped Vaggie was able to figure out his broadcasting equipment easily that morning. With Heaven giving him such a short amount of time to leave, he hadn’t been able to seek out a more suitable replacement for his job as Hell's best radio host. Since Vaggie was an early riser like he was, she agreed to do it to the best of her ability. He hadn’t had enough time to teach her how to use all the electronic components, but she was a smart girl, he had confidence that she’d do a decent job.

Downstairs in the large and cozy living room, Alastor found his mother sitting on the edge of her rocking chair. Niffty was sitting cross legged on the floor in front of her, patiently waiting on the older angel to brush through her hair and pull it back into a neat ponytail. Niffty was wearing a white t-shirt and dark green cargo pants. She had a beige crossbody bag slung over her shoulder, and was tying up some brown boots. She looked as if she were about to treverse a muddy terrain and crawl under barbed wire. She looked ready for combat.

“Well this is a rather dramatic change in wardrobe.” Alastor smirked, taking a seat on the couch across from them.

“You’re one to talk.” Niffty smirked up at him, glancing up and down at his blue jeans and gray hoodie.

“Touché” He rolled his eyes.

“Niffty has to be at work this morning, Ally, so she won’t be able to go on your grand tour of Heaven with us.” His mother explained, wrapping a hair band around the ponytail she’d created to hold it in place.

“That’s how Cherubs dress for work?” Alastor raised an eyebrow, “I thought they’d be a bit, well, cuter if I’m being honest.”

“You don’t think this makes me cute?” Niffty giggled, standing up and spinning in a circle.

“I meant rainbows, puppy dogs, and candy kind of cute.”

“Some of them dress like that.” Niffty shrugged, “In my department, I have to be prepared for anything. I’ve had to travel to the living world a few times to chase a lost soul down.”

Alastor’s ears folded. “You’ve been back to the living world?” He asked.

Niffty nodded proudly, crossing her arms. “We don’t do it often, but every so often, a soul can’t find it’s way to Heaven or Hell and it’ll try to haunt the living world as a ghost. That’s when I have to go find them and bring them back where they belong.”

“That sounds challenging.”

“Not really.” She thought, “Most of the time the souls are just sad. They need someone to help them. Comfort them and guide them back in the right direction.”

Alastor thought back to all the times Niffty had found him having a particularly rough evening. How she’d scratch his ears and calm him down and lull him to sleep. She definitely had experience in helping ease the minds of lost souls.

He watched her flap her small wings and hover in the air for a moment. “Have a good day in Heaven, sir!” She smiled brightly before flying out the nearest window. He watched her soar through the sky, heading towards one of the large golden buildings in the distance, before turning his attention back to his mom.

“Well, Gator, that’s not exactly how I meant it when I said I wanted you to give me some grandchildren, but I’ll accept it.” Dorothy shrugged, shaking her head with faked disappointment.

Alastor just smirked back at her. “What? You don’t like, Niffty?”

“No, I adore that girl.” Dorothy let out a contented sigh, looking out the window where Niffty had disappeared, “She’s a lot like you, you know.”

“That’s why I’m still so confused about how she made it here to be honest.” He admitted.

“She told me all the things you guys did at that Hotel.” Dorothy replied, leaning back into her rocking chair. “She learned to trust people, learned to open up to people. She helped defend the place from the angels, and she was the one to deliver the final blow to Adam. She’s told me a few times that she didn’t think she’d have gotten redeemed if it weren’t for you.”

His ears stood. “Me?” He asked, “I… I didn’t do anything.”

“No, but you brought her to the hotel and encouraged her to take part in Charlie’s lessons. You had her on a leash, but you gave her a lot of slack. You allowed her enough freedom to better herself, and that’s how she got here. If you’d have been any of those other nasty overlords, you never would’ve let her even consider listening to Charlie.”

He looked down at the ground. He wasn’t sure how true all of those statements were.

“Anyways.” His mother stood from the chair and stretched, long winner wings bending and flexing. “Let’s get going. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.”

She made her way towards the front door.

Alastor quickly stood off the couch, checking to be certain he had his cellphone so he could take pictures to send back down to the hotel.

“I doubt we’ll be able to show you all of Heaven. I’ve lived here for a while now and I haven’t even seen it all, but I can show you the best parts.”

“That sounds great.” Alastor smiled, deer tail wagging. As he followed her out the front door he reached for the long, only for his claws to slide off the smooth door knob. There wasn’t a lock there. No deadbolt either. He paused for a moment, and considered asking his mother how she kept her home secured, then he realized that they were in Heaven. There was no reason to lock anything up.

Dorothy led him down shimmering golden streets through the biggest part of the city he’d seen the day before. Vaggie was right about there being a multitude of pastry shops. The sickly sweet scent of sugar was everywhere. It didn’t have quite the same effect on his body as the sugary smell from the Gluttony ring, but it reminded Alastor of Beezlebub. The smell of these pastries didn’t make him want to consume everything in sight however. It didn’t make him feel like he was going to be sick but still wanted more. It just smelled nice.

They walked over an iron fenced bridge and looked down at a river so crystal clear it was like looking through a sheet of solid glass. Rainbow colored fish swam around excitedly, their scales shimmering in the bright heavenly light.

She took him to a vibrant green field filled with the most colorful flowers he’d ever laid eyes on. Bees that didn’t sting buzzed around, tending to the flowers. Butterflies that didn’t fear being caught fluttered by, often landing on Alastor’s wings or ears to catch a break before flapping their delicate wings and gliding away again.

Clouds rolled in and as they made their way back into the city districts, it started to rain. At first, Alastor was worried that the weather would put an abrupt end to their day, but as droplets of water began to pour down around them, he realized none of the raindrops were actually touching them. They’d completely disappear just short of him and his mother, as well as the other angels walking the streets. The longer it rained, the more puddles built up on the sidewalk. Whenever they stepped down into one of the puddles, the water parted to make room for their feet.

“And that’s the shop Sir Pentious works in.” His mom said, drawing his attention as she pointed to a large building towards the very edge of the skyline with a heavy steampunk aesthetic.

“I haven’t seen him since I got here. What does he do?” Alastor asked curiously.

“He’s always busy, but he enjoys it.” His mother explained, “He’s been working with other mechanically gifted angels to improve a lot of things around here. He’s only been here for about a year now and he’d already changed so much. He keeps busy most of the time because he says it helps keep his mind off of things.”

“What’s he keeping his mind off of?”

“I think it’s more who is he keeping his mind off of.” His mom shrugged with a smile.

“Oh.” Alastor remembered him asking about Cherri Bomb last time he’d spoken to the newly redeemed Sir Pentious. His ears pointed forward and he smiled, tail wagging as he came up with a brilliant idea. “I’ll have to let him call her on my phone tonight.” He thought out loud, “I’ll let him and Niffty both talk to the other residents down at the hotel.”

“That would be a lovely idea, sweetie, but I don’t think it would work.” His mom’s doe ears folded back for what he felt like was the first time since he’d arrived.

“Why not?” He asked curiously.

“Well… They’ve tried calling down there before, but it doesn't work for them.” Dorothy explained. “You can call Hell, and Hell can call you, but the rest of us have no means of communication. If you handed Pentious or Niffty your phone, no one down there would be able to see or hear them.”

“That’s awful.” Alastor huffed, “Why would they cut them off like that? Pentious and Niffty had lots of friends down there that miss them!”

“I know, honey.” HIs mom sighed, “Heaven’s still terrified of an uprising from Hell. Since Niffty and Sir Pentious are from Hell, they’re worried they’re trying to form a rebellion. They don’t want them having any contact with Hell. I’m surprised they let you have contact with Hell.”

“I’m sure it’s just to keep me cooperating.” Alastor rolled his eyes with a slight growl. Sera definitely knew he’d buck the idea of coming to Heaven if it meant he was unable to stay in contact with the people he was meant to be protecting.

“Hey.” His mom smiled suddenly, her ears standing back up. “I know somewhere you’ll want to go! Follow me.” She took him by an arm and drug him two streets down, stopping in front of what looked to be an enclosed photo booth.

“What is this?” He asked, taking in the designs on the side. It was decorated in graphic images of clocks and hourglasses.

“It’s called a time and place box.” His mom explained, “I know, not a very clever name.”

“What does it do?” Alastor asked.

“Simple, watch.” His mom took his hand again and climbed into the booth with him. He looked around. The inside seemed like a simple seat with a screen mounted in front of them. His mother started tapping the screen expertly, clearly having done this before.

“Heaven, as you probably guessed, is infinite. This box can transport you to different areas set aside to help mortal souls feel more at home. It can take you to a heavenly replica of any town, during any time.”

His eyes widened and his heart rate spiked. He quickly scanned the options on the screen. It was asking for an address and a year. It was asking when and where he wanted to be. It could take him anywhere he wanted to go.

“It can take us home?” He asked, quickly turning to look at his mom.

“A replica of home.” She corrected before turning and tapping on the screen. “A lot of my old friends live there. You just punch in New Orleans, Louisiana, 1926.”

That was the exact year he was going to ask to visit. The year before everything fell apart. The year when things were perfect. Before the flood, before the recession, and even before he’d become a murderer. Back when things were exactly how they needed to be.

She didn’t even ask if he wanted to go, she knew he did. She pressed the green button that said accept and in a bright flash of light that nearly stunned him, they were in a completely different area.

His mom stepped out of the booth first and held out a hand to him. He waited for a moment before accepting. What awaited outside of the booth was everything he remembered, but better. The buildings looked the way they had before. The people were dressed the way they used to, only now they were sporting wings and halos. A trolly rolled by, bell ringing with working men grabbing onto the railing and hopping aboard. Old cars lined the streets and in the distance, music was playing softly.

“This…” Alastor swallowed, ears drooping and legs shaking as he took a step back. “This has to be some kind of a joke. Right?”

“Not at all, baby.” His mom sighed, taking his hand again and leading him deeper. Everything was exactly as he remembered. The names of the restaurants and buildings, the dips in the sidewalk, and even the slightly crooked placement of one of the street posts. He used to walk home from school this way. He used to go to that store for candy when he had some extra change.

“Hiya, Mrs. Dorothy!” A cheerful voice called out. A brightly colored lamb-like angel flew down and embraced his mother in a hug. “Haven’t seen you out here in awhile! Where’ve you been hiding?”

Alastor didn’t recognize her. She must’ve been either someone new that his mother met in Heaven, or maybe she was one of her moms old church friends.

“I’ve been busy taking care of those two knew winners, Niffty and Pentious.” Dorothy explained with a wave of her hand. “And, I’ve been spending some time catching up with my baby. You remember my son, Alastor, don’t you?” She asked, looking in his direction.

“Hello.” He gave a nervous smile, internally praying that she didn’t expect him to know her name.

“Of course! How’ve you been, Ally?” The lamb asked, quickly moving to hug him before he could escape. He tense, ears folding back and feathers bristling, but he didn’t try to escape. He didn’t want to embarrass his mom.

She finally let go and smiled up at him while he took two hopefully inconspicuous steps backwards. “I’ll bet you don’t even remember me, do you?” She grinned.

“You caught me.” He gave an awkward laugh.

“I used to hire your momma to sew my daughter's dresses.” The lamb explained.

“Oh!” Alastor’s mind flashed through memories of a white woman about his mom’s age bringing him and her daughter lemonade while they played in her backyard. He’d only been about four or five years old, and he couldn’t for the life of him even remember the little girl's name. He remembered she was older than him, and she’d walked him to school on his first few days, but other than that it was a complete blank. “I do remember you.” He said, “Just barely.”

“Barely is enough for me.” The lamb laughed.

“I’m going to keep showing him around. It was nice to talk to you Bethany.” Dorothy waved as she and Alastor kept walking past. “I haven’t seen you act like that in awhile.” She said once they were a good distance away.

“Like what?” He asked, hoping he hadn’t done anything to give his mothers friend a bad impression.

“Afraid.” His mom commented. Her ears were lowered again and she had a serious look in her eyes.

He looked away and cleared his throat, rubbing his hands over his arms, nails picking at the loose threads of his hoodie sleeves. “I don’t like hugs.” He said quietly.

“I know you didn’t like people touching you without you seeing them coming as a kid.” His mom thought back, “And I always knew that was because of your father. When he went missing though, you loosened up more and you weren’t as afraid. Matter of fact, I don’t think I saw fear in your eyes ever again after he went missing… Except.”

“Except for what?” He turned to look at her again, ears standing back up.

“Except for one afternoon. You came home from that club your friend Mimzy worked at. You were all shaken up, wouldn’t talk to me or anything. I think that’s when you started acting like you did back there again. That’s when you started staying away from everyone.”

“I’m sorry.” He swallowed, silently hoping she’d change the subject.

“What happened, Ally?”


“You know you can tell me anything, honey.”

“I know I can.” He bit his tongue, “There’s just nothing to tell.”

“You stopped letting even me hug you after that day.” His mom thought back, letting out a sad sigh, “When you first got up here, you let me, Niffty, and Sir Pentious hug you. I thought maybe you’d gotten over whatever it was.”

“There’s nothing to get over.” Alastor mentally cursed himself for the slight growl in his voice. He wasn’t going to argue with his mother. Not again. Not after spending so long wishing he could be by her side again. No argument was worth it, not after the amount of time they’d spent apart.

“Gator, you know momma’s know everything, right?”

“Can we stop?” He finally asked, nails digging into his arms, “C-can we not talk about this right now I mean?”

“Oh. Sure.” She looked him up and down in a wide eyed and confused stare. She really didn’t know that the conversation was bothering him. She honestly had no clue. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Nothing.” He started twirling a strand of his hair. “I don’t want to talk about anything. Let’s just enjoy the scenery for a little while. Is that okay?”

“Sure, hon. Whatever you want.” She offered a warm smile and it made him feel small. He was overreacting again.

The longer they walked, the more things he noticed that made him feel uneasy. The music that had been playing through the air was too clear. There was no radio static or backfeed behind it. It didn’t sound like a music player from this century, it sounded fake. Artificial. Some of the stores were missing. Several bars and clubs that he’d known were there once were suddenly gone. While at first the music and the troll bells were a welcome and familiar sound, he soon realized what they were lacking. He couldn’t hear the voices of old men hollering at each other over crowds. He couldn’t hear people muttering curses and profanities at him and his mother as the strolled past.

When they climbed aboard a bus to ride down to the bayou, they sat right up front and no one stopped them. There was no sign, there was no muttering. There was no anger or silent hate in their direction. It was wrong. It wasn’t like it was supposed to be.

Heaven had perfected the roaring twenties in New Orleans. Taken it and washed out every bad element. Every sinful store, every racist thought, every dark stain in its history. Having his childhood home presented to him without any of the bad sounded like a good thing, but in reality the badness was needed to make the good parts that much better.

It felt broken. It felt fake.

“I think I’d like to go back to your house now.” He swallowed, staring down at the sidewalk.

“Are you sure? We still have a whole day left to explore if you’d just like to go somewhere else.” His mom offered.

He shook his head. “I’m done for now.”

“Alright. We’ve got all week to do whatever you want.” His mom smiled, taking his hand and giving it a quick squeeze before she led him back to the time and place box, putting the information into the machine to send them back to her heavenly mansion.


Hope you guys have a good Memorial Day and remember those of us like me who're stuck in retail hell while the rest of our family kicks back and enjoys their long weekend.

Chapter 5: Uncomfortable


Sera invites Alastor to her office.


Warning, some implied/referenced past history of sexual assault.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Good evening, Alastor!” Pentious waved as he slithered into the house that afternoon.

Alastor was too busy staring intently at the TV screen in his mothers living room to respond. His mom had turned on a TV drama for her to listen to while she prepared supper, but he’d accidentally gotten involved.

“What are you watching, sir?” Niffty asked, plunking herself down next to him on the couch.

“Well from what I’ve gathered, he’s dating her but he’s also engaged to her sister. She doesn’t have any right to be so angry because I know just two scenes ago she was having dinner with some guy from the hospital.”

“Sounds like some of my favorite fanfictions being played out in real life.” Niffty smiled, crossing her legs and making herself comfortable.

“Mrs. Thomas,” Sir Pentious cleared his throat as he slid into the kitchen. Alastor’s ears twitched in their direction, no longer focused on the show.

“I was thinking that perhaps we could bake one of those lovely cakes of yours for dessert. As a way to celebrate Alastor’s visit?” The snake angel shrugged.

Dorothy laughed, wiping her hands on her apron. “Pentious, Alastor’s never been a fan of sweets. Even when I make them. You know you can ask me to bake you a cake whenever you want, you don’t have to make up an occasion.”

“Oh. Well then, could you bake a cake?” Pentious asked, frills on his head poofing out excitedly.

“Of course.” Dorothy smiled.

“Yes!” Pentious cheered, “I am victorious!”

Niffty leaned closer to Alastor, sensing his confusion over their interaction. “Snake boy likes your moms baking skills.” She whispered to him, “But he’s used to only getting cakes and cookies when it was deserved so he won’t just outright ask her to make it for him.”

“Oh.” Alastor’s ears flicked back again.

His mom was looking through the fridge, setting baking supplies out on the counter. “Although, we are running low on eggs.” She turned and looked back into the living room. “Niffty, Alastor, would you two mind running to the store and getting a carton of eggs for us?”

“No problem.” Niffty smiled, hoping off the couch.

Alastor watched her stretch out her wings before following her out the front door and down the sidewalk.

“So how’s Heaven so far, sir?” Niffty asked, flapping her wings and flying by his side so she was closer to his height.

“It’s… Alright.” Alastor sighed.

“Nothing like Hell.” Niffty half smiled.

He shook his head. “I’m supposed to feel comfortable and relaxed here, right?” He asked, looking down at his claws. “So why do I constantly feel as if something bad is about to happen? Why do I feel more on edge than ever?”

“You’re just getting used to it, I guess.” Niffty shrugged. “I mean, damn, you spent your entire living days afraid of your father or afraid of being caught by the police. You spent all your time in Hell afraid of Lilith. You spend your more recent days in Hell worried about what the angels are going to do to the hotel. You haven’t got a lot of time to experience relaxation, you’re just not used to it.”

He blinked a few times. He wasn’t used to Niffty being so straightforward, or smart for that matter. He’d always suspected her lack of intellectual awareness and impulse control was due to the lobotomy she’d undergone in her living days. Being in Heaven appeared to have reversed the effects of the unnecessary brain surgery and brought her back to a Niffty he’d never met. He liked it. He’d loved her before of course, but now she seemed to actually be aware of what was going on. Back in Hell he was always a little curious if she actually understood anything that was happening.

“Did you struggle like this when you first arrived?” He asked, “Did you feel like something was wrong?”

Niffty thought. “Nope.” She shrugged.

His ears flattened. Alright, so she was smart but she wasn’t exactly empathetic.

“That doesn’t mean anything, though.” She shook her head, “We’re different people. We’ve gone through different things. Obviously our reactions are going to vary.”

“I guess you’re right.” He sighed.

They arrived at a small market just on the edge of the city. As soon as they’d entered, Alastor immediately noticed the lack of staff. Or cash registers for that matter. Niffty didn’t say anything, so he didn’t either. He followed her back to the refrigerated area where the eggs were stored. She instructed him to get the eggs while she snatched a roll of cookie dough for herself.

When he removed the egg carton from the shelf, another one instantly appeared in its place. He quickly turned to find Niffty, watching the same thing happen when she picked up her cookie dough. Curiously, he lifted the new egg carton up. Another one didn’t appear for it. He had no intention of actually taking the second carton, so the unseen magic of the store shelves knew there was no need to spawn another one.

They walked out of the market with their items, without stopping to pay or even seeing an employee. There were no alarm systems on the doors, and nothing stopping them from taking what they wanted. There was no need for money here. No need for security, no need to part time retail employees. Just a self replenishing market where anyone could go at any time and collect what they needed.

In Hell, the market would’ve been overrun in an instant. He pictured demons raiding the never ending shelves until someone took control of the entire store and forced other demons to pay him for entry. It’d go up in flames in a matter of hours no doubt.

“Ah, Alastor.” A voice from behind made him pause. He and Niffty turned around in time to watch Sera land behind them. Alastor wasn’t used to seeing her without the overly excited Emily by her side. “Just the angel I was looking for.” Sera sighed.

“Is something wrong?” He asked, glancing at his wings to make sure the white feathered disguise hadn’t disappeared.

“No, nothing is ever wrong.” Sera nodded, “I was just wanting to see how things have been going for you here and discuss some of the things you’ll need to know before your trial.”

“Oh. Okay.” Alastor glanced nervously back at Niffty.

“Is now a bad time?”

“No.” He cleared his throat, handing the cartoon of eggs down to the smaller angel. “Now’s fine. Niffty, could you tell mother I’ll be home later?”

“Yes sir.” Niffty nodded proudly before flying off towards their house.

“Excellent.” Sera smiled, “Best to get these annoying meetings out of the way when we can, right?”

“I guess.”

“Follow me.” She turned and flew back in the direction she’d come from.

She led him back towards the first building he’d been brought into, only it wasn’t as crowded as before. Seraphim and Ophanim were packing their things and leaving for the day, flying back to their own glorious homes to get some well deserved rest. Alastor kept watching them leave as he followed Sera through the halls, the number of other bodies in the building was rapidly dwindling.

Sera opened a door and stood aside, allowing him to enter first. He swallowed nervously and went inside, ears bending back when he realized he was in what was most likely her office.

A large marble desk occupied the center of the room, a folding chair in front of it and a large office chair behind it. Shelves and filing cabinets lined one of the walls, and posters depicting beautiful heavenly landscapes decorated the walls.

His breath hitched when he heard her shut the door, a lock clicking into place. She locked the door. He was locked in her office. Just the two of them. Alone.

“Have a seat, Alastor.” She instructed as she walked around to her swivel chair.

“I’d rather not.” He replied in a voice much weaker than before.

She gave him an odd look before she sat down and folded her hands across the desk. “You seem nervous. Is everything alright?”

“Yes ma’am.” His eyes kept darting to random objects in the room as if they were going to come to life and attack him.

“You can relax, Alastor. You’re in Heaven. Nothing is going to hurt you here.” Sera reminded.

“I know.”

“Just making sure.” She held out her hands and a pitcher of water appeared in one, a glass in the other. When she poured the water into the glass, it came out clear but changed into a deep purplish red when it filled the cup. Water into wine. She slid the wineglass towards him.

“No thank you.” His eyes moved from the glass to the pitcher. How was that miracle performed? What was in the glass?

“Your trial is in five days, Alastor.” Sera explained, pouring a glass of wine for herself to sip on. “Would you like to know what’s going to happen?”

He opened his mouth to say yes but stopped himself, choosing to simply nod instead.

“The higher ups of Heaven, myself included, are going to try and determine whether or not you are worthy to keep your wings. If they decide you are worthy to keep them, we’ll have to decide whether or not you can qualify as a Guardian Angel, and if Guardian Angel’s are going to become real again.” She explained.

“Okay.” Alastor nodded, fidgeting with his bracelet. He wished she’d unlock the door.

“Is something wrong?” She raised an eyebrow.

“No ma’am.”

She let out a sigh, putting her glass down and standing from her desk. She crossed the floor, moving closer to him. He backed up, ears slowly folding, eyes never moving from her.

“Alastor. You’re aware that angels are supposed to feel peaceful in Heaven, right?” She asked.

He nodded.

“Do you feel at peace right now?”

He just stared.

She took a step closer and he took three back, running into the wall behind him. His heart rate was spiking, his breathing becoming more frantic. His tail was standing straight and his feathers were ruffling up.

“Are you comfortable here, Alastor?”

He didn’t answer. He didn’t know how? The back of his mind was screaming at him.

Do not say yes to anything!

“No.” He swallowed.

“Do you think you belong here?”


“Do you feel like you deserve those wings?”

He paused, searching her face. His body was shaking. She was far too close to him.

“Alastor…” She sighed, reaching forward. He flinched away as the ends of her fingers made contact with his forearm.

“No!” He all but growled.

“So you don’t feel like you should be an angel?”


Sera finally took a step back, but he stayed plastered against the wall, not taking his eyes off of her.

Please don’t hurt me!

“When the trial begins, they’ll ask you if you feel like you’re worthy of your wings or not.” Sera explained, eyes narrowing. A sudden coldness in her voice. “We both know you’re not happy here. We both know you’re not an angel. You just lucked into those wings, you don’t actually deserve them. If you know what’s best for you and that little hotel, when they ask if you’re worthy of your wings, you’ll say no.” Several sets of eyes opened around her body, all staring straight at him.

He didn’t want them to look at him!

“Do I make myself clear, Alastor?” She asked.

“I… I need these wings.” He shivered.

He squeaked as she put her hand against the wall next to his face, leaning dangerously close to him.

“You don’t belong in Heaven. Do you?”

“No!” He trembled. “No. W-whatever you have to say to me the answer is no!”

“So you do want your wings?”


In a swish of angelic magic, the door unlocked and swung open. Alastor darted out into the hall without turning back. He found the first exit and zipped out of the building, flying straight into the air, away from all the prying eyes. He looked around the ground frantically, tears stinging his eyes, before spotting his mothers bayou shack shaped mansion. He flew back to her house as fast as he could without slowing down.

He didn’t use the door, he didn’t want them to see him. Instead he found the window that somehow led into the guest room he was staying in. He flew in through the window, the walls immediately lighting up with a green aura as he used his soundwave manipulating abilities to lock all noise inside, preventing anyone outside the room from hearing him.

He fell to his knees, arms wrapped around himself, and he screamed. This ear splitting elk-like shriek that came out of his body would’ve been enough to shatter glass. Had anyone been in the room with him, they would’ve been bleeding from the ears. It was entirely possible that someone with sensitive hearing could’ve gone deaf. His own ears were ringing and his head was pounding.

When he’d managed to pull himself back to his feet, he snatched Odie off the bed and started sinking his teeth into the toy frog's arm, accidentally ripping the stuffed green appendage clean off the plush’s body. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and threw it as hard as he could against the wall, but it didn’t shatter. It bounced off the wall and landed softly on the floor, unaffected by the impact. He screamed again and attempted to punch a wall, but the hard drywall turned soft when his knuckles made contact. It was a sensation similar to punching a mound of cotton. Frustrated, he grabbed his ears and pulled at them, unable to feel any pain. He flopped onto the bed, pulling his knees in close to his chest as he started sobbing.

What had he done!? What had he agreed to!? He was so focused on not saying yes to anything, he hadn’t been paying attention to what he was saying no to. His mind kept flashing back to Sera’s office, and then to Dave’s. Sera’s hand propped up on the wall. Dave’s hand on his shoulder. Her cold heartless eyes. His evil glare.

Then it was all pain. Pain and confusion. He couldn’t see and he couldn’t hear, but he could feel, and all that he felt was pain. Everything hurt. Even actions as simple and harmless as fingertips brushing against his arm hurt. It was all pain. It was all hurt.

He laid there, curling in on himself, nails digging into chunks of his hair and ears, sobbing uncontrollably. He was alone. Completely and entirely alone! No one would ever-

Ring… Ring.

He looked up, eyes burning. His phone was ringing. He sniffed, forcing his sobs to settle down, before blinking once and having a shadow retrieve his phone for him.

Incoming call from: Angel Dust. The screen displayed a photo of Fat Nuggets under Angel’s name. He sat up, pulling the mutilated frog plush into his arms, and took a deep shaking breath before answering.


“Hey. Where the f*ck do you keep those little jelly things.” Angel’s voice asked from the other end, clearly chewing on some kind of snack already.

Alastor sniffed, rubbing his sleeve over his nose. “What?”

“The little candy things you hoard in your room.” Angel replied.

He could hear shuffling noises. Angel was in his room, going through his things. “You mean the Chuckles?” He tilted his head to one side. He remembered once showing Angel Dust the candy that had been popular when he was younger. He’d managed to find a replica of it in Hell and kept a large stash of it hidden in his room for himself. He hardly ever ate any of it, never having been a fan of sweets, but it was comforting on particularly bad days. He’d given Angel some once when the Spider Demon had gotten back from a rough shoot at the studio.

“Yeah, that sh*t.” Angel replied, “It has been a mess over here today and I need something that won’t screw up my redemption efforts to take the edge off. I’m already eating some peanut butter crackers but that’s not good enough.”

“They’re in my nightstand.” Alastor sighed, knowing he’d either come home to a depleted stash or he’d have to find a new hiding spot.

He heard the sound of a drawer opening, followed by the crinkling sound of a candy wrapper. Next the shuffling of bed sheets. Angel was sitting on his bed. He wished he could be sitting on his bed. His real bed. The one that his new wings didn’t fit quite right on. The one with the uncomfortable box springs that was flatter on one side. The one that wasn’t perfect.

“Lee has been driving me crazy since you left, Al.” Angel explained, his mouth full again. This time with a jelly-like candy. “He plays videogames all day and he keeps them turned up so f*cking loud I can barely function.”

Legion had attempted to play his strand picture box games loudly when Alastor was there, but the deer demon always put a stop to it. It was interesting to see how the demon with multiple personas only responded positively to Alastor and no one else.

“Anyway. Thanks for letting me know where the stash was. I’ll call you back later-”

“No, wait!” Alastor interrupted, stopping Angel from hanging up. “Don’t hang up yet.”

“You sure? It’s getting kinda late. I figured you’d be getting ready for dinner with your mom.”

“Please, just keep talking to me.”

It was quiet for a moment and Alastor was biting his tongue, hoping Angel couldn’t hear his shaking breath as the tears started to build back up in his eyes.

“Is everything okay, Al?” The spider demon asked carefully.

“It’s fine.” Alastor growled, sniffling, “I just missed hearing your voice. Please keep talking, Angel.”

“Okay. What do you want me to talk about?”

“Hell.” Alastor replied, “What’s it like down there right now? What’s the weather like?”

“I dunno. It’s hot.” Angel answered, “But today it’s not like the usual hot, it’s like a sticky muggy hot. Like we’re livin’ in some women's workout bra or some sh*t.”

“Really?” Alastor smiled just slightly. “H-How’s Fat Nuggets? Is he keeping cool?”

“Oh yeah, I took him out in the back and sprayed him down with a water hose.” Angel explained, “You shoulda seen him. I let a bunch of water spray into the dirt to make him a mud puddle. He loved it. Rolled around in it for a solid half hour.”

“I’ll bet he had fun.”

“Sure did.”

It was quiet again. Alastor tried desperately to soften the sound of his sniffles, but it was a losing battle.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Smiles?”

“I’m… I’m just… I want to go home.” Alastor stopped trying to hide his pain. He laid back down on his side, squeezing Odie tightly in one hand and keeping the phone to his ear with the other. “I don’t belong here, Angel. Everyone keeps saying I’m supposed to feel at peace and at home here, but I don’t! I just feel like sh*t! Is something wrong with me!? I’m in literal Heaven and I’m miserable!”

“Easy, Alastor. You got nothin’ to be scared about-”

“Stop saying that!” Alastor snarled, eyes flashing green, “I know I don’t have a reason to be afraid! I know everything’s supposed to be perfect here! I know I’m broken, I don’t need you to point it out!”

“Easy!” Angel said again, louder, “I wasn’t implyin’ that you were broken, Al. I was just tryna say that it’s okay for you to feel like you do.”

“No it isn’t!” Alastor cried, “I’m supposed to feel at home here! What’s wrong with me!?”

“You’ve been in Hell for almost a hundred years, Alastor.” Angel replied softly, “You’re not going to just feel right at home. Especially not with how Heaven’s handling things. For f*cks sake they only brought you there for a trial, you’ve got every right to be on edge.”

“I want to go home, Angel!” He sniffed, curling up tighter, “I don’t think I can do this!”

“Okay.” Angel breathed calmly, “Do you want me to get Lucifer? I’m sure he can portal you back here in a heartbeat if that’s what you want.”

Alastor laid there, visibly trembling, as he considered it. It would be easy for him to just go home now. Give up on the entire ordeal.

No. That’s what they wanted. Sera was trying to run him off. She was trying to scare him away from the Trial. If he went home now, he’d lose his wings in a matter of days.

Everything Charlie worked for would be ruined.

“No.” He sniffed, taking a deep breath to try and pull himself together. “I… I need to stay. I’m going to try to stay.”

“Okay. Do you want me to get Charlie?” Angel asked.

“No. Just… Would you mind talking to me some more?” Alastor swallowed nervously.

“Sure.” Angel replied kindly. “Lemme tell you about the sh*t that happened the other night at dinner. Cherri Bomb decided to wear this hot pink crop top which looked phenomenal on her. Vetty made some kind of snarky comments about it and-”

As Angel rambled on, Alastor laid still, slowly lowering his phone to the mattress to listen. He laid there, unmoving, for hours as Angel went on and on about any and every topic he saw fit.

Eventually, the poor deer couldn’t hold his eyes open anymore and he drifted off.

Angel Dust didn’t stop talking until he heard the quiet snores from the former Radio Demon. And even then, he listened quietly to Alastor’s deep breathing before hanging up the phone and letting him sleep.


Sorry I've been uploading these late, hopefully I'll be back on track soon. Hope you all had a good Memorial Day!

Chapter 6: Hall of Records


Niffty takes Alastor into the hall of records to find information about Guardian angels.


I know I said I was going to stop uploading these late at night but it's been a rough week, I'm doing what I can.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He woke up the next morning feeling tired and defeated. He didn’t want to get out of bed, but he knew his mom would come looking for him if he didn’t. The last thing he wanted was to worry her. He sat up in bed and stretched, wings extending far above him. A few feathers shook loose, changing from white to red as they lost connection to his angelic disguise.

He hadn’t changed out of his clothes before falling asleep last night, and he didn’t feel like changing out of them now. They were wrinkled but not enough to look trashy. It was Heaven, if anyone was judging him based on how he was dressed he imagined they would be in the wrong place.

He quietly snuck into the living room and sat on the couch. His mother was in the kitchen. He knew she was cooking because he could hear her humming along to songs she used to sing in the choir. He laid his head against the couch, pointing his ears forward, and listened. He missed hearing her humming in the mornings. He missed watching her happily cook breakfast. He was glad she was happy here, he only wished he could feel the same.

“Morning.” Niffty’s voice giggled above him. He looked up at her upside down face above his own as she flapped her tiny wings to stay in the air. She rolled over in the air, folding her wings to her back, and landed across from him on the couch, grinning up at him. “Guess what?”

“Niffty it’s too early for guessing games.”

“You’re all mine today, buddy!” Niffty smirked, jabbing a pointed finger towards him. He hoped she hadn’t noticed his slight flinch away. He didn’t feel like letting anyone touch him today. Not after the close call he’d had last night. Not after feeling so close to reliving his worst nightmare.

“Yours?” He asked.

“That’s right.” She nodded proudly, “I don’t have to work today, so now it’s my turn to show you my favorite parts of Heaven.”

“I don’t know, Niffty.” He let out a sigh, ears drooping back, “I didn’t get much sleep last night so I was kind of hoping we’d be able to just stay here today.”

“Uh uh uh!” She shook her head, “You and I are going to hang out together, just the two of us, all day. No if ands or buts about it.”

“Niffty I-”

“You don’t own me anymore, Alastor.” She cut her one large eye at him dangerously. “You can’t tell me what to do. And after years of doing whatever you asked without hesitation, I think I deserve to have a day where I’m in charge for once.”

He felt a hole open up in his chest as he thought back over the atrocities he’d had Niffty witness in Hell. All the things he made her see, all the blood he made her clean. He owed her more than just a day. He owed her so much more than he’d ever be able to repay.

“Alright, fine.” He breathed, ears standing back up. “Where are we going to go?”

“That’s a surprise.” She smirked.

He opened his mouth to argue, but decided against it. She’d already played the well you had me on a leash for this long card, who knew what else she was prepared to throw in his face.

“When are we going?” He asked instead.

“As soon as we finish breakfast.” Niffty nodded back towards his mom in the kitchen.

Good, he was starving. He chewed on the inside of his mouth, thinking about the bacon he knew he could smell on the stove. It wouldn’t be enough of course. He’d still be hungry once he’d eaten. He could eat everything in her entire kitchen and it wouldn’t put a dent in his hollow stomach. He needed the flesh of a mortal soul, be it angel or demon. He wondered how much longer he could go without it before his stomach started attacking him again. He was just making progress in getting back to normal in Hell, and then he’d had to go on this trip. He couldn’t bring cannibalistic food with him, and he was fairly certain there was nowhere to get any here. He’d just have to deal with the gnawing pain in his stomach until he got back to Hell and hope to God that he didn’t start losing anymore weight. He hadn’t gained any back yet.

After enjoying a not-so filling breakfast, Niffty got dressed. She was wearing a dress very similar to the one she’d used to wear in Hell, only it was more pastel than the former. Her hair was down and her makeup was done up the way it used to be. She took the messenger bag he’d seen her with before and threw it over her shoulder before walking out the door, waving goodbye to Dorothy and Sir Pentious.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?” Alastor asked after they’d walked along a golden street for what felt like a half hour.

“Not yet. It’s still a surprise.” Niffty smirked.

She made a left turn and Alastor followed, unable to help but notice the sign reading; Heavenborne Spirits Only Beyond This Point. He kept following her, albeit more cautiously than before, and soon they were approaching a large towering building with marble pillars surrounding every floor.

They got to the door and Niffty pranced right inside, ignoring every sign stating that the Library was only for angels ranked higher than Exorcists. Nervously, he followed her through the door and down a shining tile path leading to a large golden front desk.

“Hello!” She beamed up at the Ophanim behind the desk. The tall fiery angel turned, looking around before one large eye found her on the ground, several feet below the top of the desk. The eyes lining the three golden rings making up the creature's head narrowed on her skeptically.

Alastor took an involuntary step back.

“What are you doing in here, Niffty?” The Ophanim asked in a great echoey voice, “I’ve told you before, Cherubs aren’t allowed inside the Hall of records.”

“Aw, Oscar, you know you love when I visit you.” Niffty smirked, hands behind her back as she rocked back and forth on her heels.

The Ophanim, apparently named Oscar, rolled his multitude of eyes.

“Besides.” Niffty cleared her throat, “I’m authorized to be here today. Sera wants me to clean the shelves in the winner wing.”

He gave her a skeptical glare. “I highly doubt that.” He scoffed.

“Alright, well then if you don’t wanna let me in you can be the one to tell her that the cleaning she had scheduled for today isn’t getting done.” Niffty shrugged and turned to leave.

“Wait!” Oscar called, and she smirked up at Alastor before turning on her heels and smiling back at him.

“Yes, pookie?” She grinned.

“You can go in, but only as far as the winner wing. If I find out you were in any of the other areas, Niffty-”

“Don’t worry about it.” Niffty waved a dismissive hand as she skipped up to the desk and took a card he was handing down to her.

She moved to a door next to the large desk and tapped the card against a black box. A beeping noise followed and the door unlocked, slowly opening to allow her inside.

“Come on, Al!” She called, motioning for him to follow.

Alastor’s ears lowered nervously, hands in his hoodie pockets, as he followed behind her.

“Wait!” Oscar stopped him from getting any closer to the door. “Niffty I said you could go in, not anyone else.”

“It’s cool, Oscar. He’s got clearance already.” Niffty shrugged.

“I’ve never seen him before.” Oscar’s several eyes locked on him and he felt like melting into shadows.

“He's a high enough ranking.” Niffty explained, flying closer to Alastor. She pointed at the hook on the end of his wing. “He’s in disguise, Sera’s orders.”

Curiously, Oscar reached forward. Alastor took a step away, but Niffty grabbed the end of his wing and pulled it closer, allowing the Ophanim to grab ahold of one of his long flight feathers. The white disguise disappeared at the stronger angel's touch, revealing the red and black feathers underneath.

Alastor watched Oscar's eyes widen as he quickly withdrew his hand. “My mistake, sir.” He cleared his throat and backed away. “Please, go on in. Just… Stay within the winner wing with Niffty.”

Alastor nodded, following Niffty inside.

“Okay, Niffty, I’m thoroughly confused now.” Alastor sighed once they were inside, heading towards a maze of book shelves towering at least thirteen feet off the ground. “I know you’ve changed a lot since Hell, but I never pictured a library being your favorite place in Heaven.”

Niffty ignored him, pulling a hair tie off her wrist and pulling her hair back into a ponytail. She slid the messenger bag off her shoulder and tossed it on the ground beside herself. Alastor watched as she slipped out of her skirt, revealing her cargo pants rolled up to her thighs underneath. She unrolled them and shoved the skirt into the messenger bag. She took out a pack of needles and started inspecting the keycard the Ophanim had given her.

“Niffty?” Alastor asked, looking around nervously. He watched as she pried the chip off the end of the keycard with her needles and started poking at it, moving the metal strips along the back side. “Niffty, what are you doing?”

“Saving your ass.” Niffty replied without looking away from the task at hand.

His ears stood and his head tilted to one side as he watched her fiddle with the small angelic device, her slender fingers easily working through the small components. “Saving my ass from what?”

“I’m not dumb, Alastor.” She turned to glare at him for a moment, “I know you soundproof your room when you came home last night. I know Sera didn’t drag you away from me after office hours were over for no reason. She knew the trauma you’ve gone through in the living world and she was using that sh*t against you. She’s trying to break you down so you’ll be more likely to say you don’t want your wings anymore during the trial. She’s trying to get you to give up.” She clicked the parts of the key card back into place. “That’s not gonna happen on my watch.”

“What are you talking about?” He started picking at his bracelet. “I-I didn’t soundproof anything. I don’t know what trauma you’re referring to but-”

“Al.” Niffty interrupted with a small laugh, “Look at where you’re standing. This is the hall of records.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means every bit of information about every single creature that ever lived is written down within these walls. This isn’t the first time I’ve snuck in here, I’ve seen your file. I know what happened to you, and I know that’s why Sera wanted to talk to you so late in the evening.”

He looked around at the shelves, each holding books and boxes and folders with names on them. The Ophanim had said that this was the winner wing. This must be where they kept records of the mortal souls that became or would become winner angels.

“Why did you read my file?” He asked, ears lowering.

“You’re my friend.” Niffty shrugged, suddenly avoiding eye contact as she fidgeted with the keycard. “I missed you and the others. Wanted to have some information to remember you by.”

“So did you read the others files?”

“Uh, no. Just yours.”

“Why just mine?”

“We don’t have a lot of time.” She huffed, turning towards the next door. She swiped the card and it took a moment longer, but finally beeped and opened up to them. “Come on, we’re going to find every bit of information about the Guardian’s we can.”

He stood for a moment, watching her disappear down more long and twisting hallways before finally he started following after her.

After what felt like an eternity, they reached a door that’s golden shine wasn’t quite as bright as the others. It had built up lots of dust and grime from what Alastor could only imagine was centuries of neglect. The card reader that was on the other doors was absent here, instead it only had a standard lock. Niffty put the keycard in the pockets of her cargo pants and retrieved more sewing needles from her bag. She flew up to the door knob and stuck two needles into the lock, leaning closer to hear the tumblers move around. With a small click, the door popped open and dust rolled out of the dark abandoned room.

“Alright.” Niffty sighed, “We’re gonna go in and swipe what we can. I’ll avoid the urge to clean, and you stay close to me so that you’re not stuck in the dark.”

“How will staying close to you keep me out of the dark?”

Niffty didn’t answer, she just landed on the floor and stepped into the room. A halo that had once been invisible suddenly appeared above her head, emitting a soft glow around her. Alastor followed close behind her, focusing on the small areas he could see in the light of her heavenly crown.

A thick layer of dust and cobwebs covered every inch of the room. He could see Niffty practically shivering as she resisted her compulsive need to tidy up. They scanned the shelves, squinting in the darkness, until they came across the shelf labeled G. There was an entire box with the word Guardian written on it and then crossed back out. Alastor took the box off the shelf and sat it on the ground, removing the lid. There were books, folders, and photographs inside. All unmistakably written in reference to the old guardian angels. The records of their missions, and the following angelic court cases. Their sins and wrong doings. Everything that led up to getting them kicked out of Heaven was laid out like a map before them. A scrambled mess of documents to unwind.

More interesting to Alastor than any of that, was the fact that he could learn their names. Their personalities. Their likes and dislikes. Maybe if he was able to read more about who the Guardian of the Hungry was, he’d have a better understanding of why it chose him. Why this scrawny little boy from New Orleans when he could've chosen someone better suited for the job? Why not a world hunger activist or a strong public figure? Why a mean spirited twelve year old alone in the woods?

“Can you put this in a pocket dimension or something?” Niffty asked, looking up at him.

“Not here.” Alastor admitted, shaking his head sadly. “Ever since I got to Heaven my demon powers haven’t been as strong. I can still use some of it, like the shadows and the radio wave control, but my ability to teleport or hide objects is completely useless.”

“Then we’ll just have to sneak what we can carry out with us.” Niffty sighed, grabbed a handful of folders and stuffing them into her messenger bag.

He followed her lead, folding his large wings as tightly as he could so he could tuck some of the larger books underneath. They weren’t able to carry everything, but what they had was plenty.

“It would be easier to exit through the back, but if we do that they’ll know we left the winner wing.” Niffty explained, “We have to go back out the long way.”

“Can we grab one more thing before we leave?” Alastor asked, following her back out of the dark room.

“We’re kind of pushing it as is.”

“I want to read your file.” He explained.

Niffty froze in place, silencing a gasp too little too late. “You don’t need to do that.” She cleared her throat and kept walking, taking her skirt out of her bag to change again.

“Why not? You read mine.”

“That’s different.”


“I… It just is.” Niffty growled, “You weren’t here to answer questions for me, I had to read yours to figure things out.”

“What did you need to figure out?”

“Just dumb stuff, nothing important.”

“What kind of dumb stuff.”

“I don’t know!”

“Niffty, It’s kind of freaking me out that you read my file, that’s kind of an invasion of privacy, don’t you think? I’d like to know why exactly you felt the need to-”

“Can you just drop it!” She snapped, turning around to glare at him. Her voice echoed through the labyrinth of bookshelves.

“sh*t.” She gritted her teeth. She flew high enough to grab his hand and pull him forward, faster than before. He considered flapping his wings to speed them up, but remembered that he was hiding books under them. They ran through the twists and turns of shelves, avoiding the sounds of footprints around them as other angels within the library wandered around in search of the noise. Finally, Niffty shoved him back into the winner wing of the library and she followed after, slamming the door behind her.

She took several deep breaths before calming herself and retrieving the keycard from her bag along with a needle so she could reverse the changes she’d made to it.

“What was your name on earth, Niffty?” Alastor asked, keeping his voice low.

“I’m not telling you.”

“Why not?”

“Because I know if I do you’ll come back looking for my files.” She glanced up at him, almost as if warning him not to even attempt it.

“Where are my files then?” He asked in frustration, “I’d like to read those for myself.”

“No you wouldn’t.”

“Niffty I don’t understand why-”

“Do you really want to relieve everything you’ve ever gone through?” She interrupted, glaring at him. “Every hit, every scratch, every feeling? Do you want to read about things your brain blocked from your memory to protect you? Do you want to relieve awful brain surgeries that you went through while you were awake?” He realized she wasn’t talking about him anymore. “Because if you do, go ahead. Read your files. Put yourself through all the horrible sh*t you went through in the living world again just for the sake of doing so, I don’t care. Just stay the f*ck away from mine.”

She snapped the keycard back together, shoving her needles back into her bag. He watched her stomp past him towards the door. She paused before letting them out, taking a deep breath.

“Trust me, Alastor…” She said quietly, small wings drooping, “There are things about yourself that you don’t even know and you don’t want to know. You’ve been through things you can’t even remember. And it’s for the best that you never find out about them.”

He didn’t say anything. He was almost afraid to. Niffty was different in Heaven, but she was still Niffty. She’d once stabbed him in the hand with a fork for trying to take food from her plate in Hell. He didn’t know what she was capable of in her right mind.

“Come on. Let’s get this sh*t home before we get caught.” She sighed, opening the door and letting them back out into the front desk area.


Suppressed memories are scary.

Also, fun fact, the stabbing in the hand over food thing is based off of a true story. When I was 11 (I think) my dad took me to Chillis, which was my all time favorite place to eat at the time because of the molten lava cakes. He ordered me my molten lava cake, and ordered himself a vanilla molten lava cake. Well he didn't like his, so he thought he could get away with sneaking some of mine off my plate while I was eating. I stabbed that mofo in the back of the hand with my fork without even thinking about it, he was so mad! He said I was feral when hungry and never tried to take my food without my permission again.

Chapter 7: Skip Ahead


Alastor reads his file


Warning, this chapter contains heavy depictions of sexual assault. Read at your own risk.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He sat on the roof of one of Heaven’s shimmering buildings, looking down at all the bustling activity below. It seemed each time two angels ran into each other they’d hug before going about their way. It was weird. Why did they like hugging so much? Why would anyone?

He’d split with Niffty shortly after their argument in the hall of records. She said she needed some space, and that she was taking the documents they’d swiped back to his mothers house. She’d catch up with him again later. He had nowhere other than his mothers house to go, but didn’t want her to feel as if he were following her, so he ended up here.

Heaven was turning out to be a more confusing mess than Hell had ever been. He let out a sigh and put his head in his hands, wings drooping back behind him. How was he ever going to get through this and come out of the trial victorious? Even with all the potential information they’d just stolen, how was he supposed to convince Heaven that he was worthy of his wings?

He felt so alone. He was glad that at least someone had finally recognized and acknowledged that things aren't all sunshine and rainbows here. He was thankful for Niffty’s help, but somehow it only left him feeling more alone and confused than ever.

“What kind of formation is that, soldier?” A voice asked from behind.

His ears stood and he frantically looked around, searching for the asker. Vaggie landed delicately on the roof beside him, smiling down at him as she folded her exorcist wings away.

“Vaggie!” He gasped, quickly standing up and wrapping her in a tight hug, deer tail wagging excitedly.

Great. Now he was hugging. The effects must be contagious.

He let go, backing away and looking her up and down to make sure she was real. “What are you doing here!? How did you get here!? Does Sera know!? Does Lute? Does Lucifer? How did-”

“Calm down, Al.” Vaggie interrupted with a nervous laugh. “Angel told us you talked to him on the phone the other night.” She explained, “He was worried about you and said he thought you could use one of us by your side.”

“But Heaven said they didn’t want any of you coming with me.” Alastor recalled, shaking his head.

“They said they didn’t want a demon coming with you. I’m not a demon.” Vaggie smirked.

He let out a deep sigh and couldn’t help but hug her again. She’d shown up exactly when he needed her.

“What’s going on?” She asked, taking a step back and looking him in the eyes. “Angel said you sounded pretty upset on the phone.”

“Right now I have bigger issues.” Alastor rolled his eyes, turning to pace the flat roof of the building they were standing on, folding his wings up to his sides. “Apparently Heaven has a hall of records where they keep extensive files over every living creature.”

“Yeah.” Vaggie nodded.

“And for God only knows why, Niffty has read my entire file.” He continued, watching the look of shock fall over Vaggie’s face.

“She read all of it?” She asked.

“All of it.” Alastor replied with a sigh. “And she doesn’t want me to read it. She says my brain is sparing me from certain memories. She says that I don’t know all there is about myself.”

“Lots of people with traumatic pasts have repressed memories.” Vaggie shrugged, “Though, knowing half the sh*t you went through when you were alive, I can’t imagine anything bad enough for you to repress it.”

“Exactly!” Alastor huffed, throwing his hands up momentarily. “And I want to read it. I want to know what I forgot, but I… I’m afraid to do it alone.”

Vaggie put a hand to her chin, thinking for a moment, before she let out a sigh. “I guess I could read it with you.” She offered.

“Would you?” Alastor asked hopefully. “I’m worried that if there’s things about me I can’t even remember, then Heaven will try to use it against me during the trial. I want to be prepared for anything.”

“That makes sense. And you do have a right to your memories.” Vaggie sighed, rubbing a hand across the back of her neck. “I’m just… You’ve got to be prepared for the absolute worst. I’ve seen the kind of sh*t mortal souls repress and it is not pretty.”

“I’ve seen lots of not-pretty things.” Alastor replied with a nod. A human's insides sprawled across a Louisiana sidewalk came to mind, but he ignored that thought. It didn’t make him uncomfortable so much as it made him hungry now.

“Alright. Let’s get this over with I guess.” Vaggie sighed, clearly she wasn’t ready to face whatever dark secrets hid within Alastors mind.

They flew back to the hall of records, this time Vaggie led them inside. She kept her wings visible instead of hiding them away behind her. They approached the front counter and she cleared her throat.

“Hello, how may I help you?” Oscar asked, eyeing Vaggie suspiciously. Her wings no longer resembled traditional exorcist wings, and Alastor wondered if he was trying to figure out why.

“We’d like to see some records from Alastor Thomas’s file, please.” Vaggie explained professionally.

“Alastor Thomas.” Oscar repeated, his eyes going white as he magically poured through some unseen database. “Oh my, that’s a pretty hefty one. We don’t get a lot of exorcists reading into that one. Are you using it for a hunt?”

Alastor’s ears flattened. Using information for a hunt? Did exorcist angels use the information within the hall of records to target specific demons during exterminations? The thought was sickening. He remembered his first extermination. How an exorcist used his mothers voice to try and lure him out of hiding. He wondered if it had been planned.

“Something like that.” Vaggie replied, eyes shifting to the floor.

“Alright then.” Oscar replied nonchalantly, as if the idea of hunting down another once human soul wasn’t the most disgusting thing he’d ever heard. “What part of his file would you like to see?”

“Repressed memories.” Vaggie answered. “Especially any big ones.”

“Repressed memories, repressed memories.” Oscar chanted as he sorted through things. “Oh! Wow… He doesn’t have a lot of repressed memories. Just the normal stuff from that time period for the most part. Hunger, neglect, parents fighting, you know the norm. However there is one memory that’s quite large. It’s as if he completely forgot an entire day out of his life.”

“That’s probably the one Niffty was talking about.” Alastor whispered.

“We’ll take that one.” Vaggie said louder.

Suddenly, Oscar's eyes were back, and he was holding two manilla folders, handing them out to Vaggie.

“Here you go. One repressed memory, and some basic information. Is that all you needed today?”

“Yes sir, thank you.” Vaggie nodded, carefully taking the file and nodding for Alastor to follow her back outside.

They’d found a large and quiet open field and had settled down in the grass. Vaggie took a deep breath, moving the folder marked basic information aside so she was just holding the other. The big thick one marked November 9th 1933

He’d died not long after this day. Not long after this repressed memory had occurred. Try as he might, he couldn’t recall a single event that happened on November 9th. He couldn’t even remember getting out of bed that morning.

“Okay, I’m going to warn you, Alastor, reading this isn’t like reading a normal document.” Vaggie sighed.

“I expected as much.” He shrugged, “We’re going to see what happened. Aren’t we?”

“See it, hear it, feel it.” Vaggie swallowed nervously. It didn’t take much to rattle the former exorcist. Alastor wondered if she’d ever dove into the repressed memories of a sinner before. What kind of things had she read about?

“Once you’ve been reminded about this, there’s no going back.” She continued, “Are you absolutely sure that you want to know what happened?”

“It’s not that I want to know, it’s that I need to know.” Alastor shook his head. “I don’t want to stand before a council of angels and claim that I’m worthy of these wings if I don’t even know myself.”

“Alright.” Vaggie sighed, looking down at the folder and slowly pulling it open. “Here goes nothing I guess.”

In the blink of an eye they were standing outside of a large mansion-like house. Alastor turned in a circle to take in the environment. He didn’t recognize this place, but he could tell they were in New Orleans. Close to the heart of the city it seemed. The large home was decorated in candles and light fixtures. Tables lined the yard were filled with round tables draped in black table clothes, a box of tissues as the centerpiece for each one.

“Where are we?” Alastor asked, ears folding back as people he barely remembered started to fill the space. Many of them were crying.

“Apparently we’re at a funeral.” Vaggie replied. “For someone named David.”

“f*ck!” Alastor took several steps back, unconsciously grabbing onto the ends of his hair.

“What? Do I need to stop reading!?” Vaggie asked, quickly turning to look at him.

“No!” He growled, squeezing his eyes closed for a moment. “No, don’t stop! I need to see what happened. I need to know what I forgot.”

They walked around the space, searching the faces of the people mourning. A few times, they’d been in the way of someone walking past and the person would walk straight through them as if they weren’t there. Alastor realized that to the people within this visualization, they weren’t there. They were like spirits witnessing the events unfold from another plane of existence.

“Is that you?” Vaggie asked, pointing to a man sitting alone towards one of the tables at the very edge of the yard. He was tall and had tan skin and curly brown hair. He was avoiding eye contact with everyone, leg shaking next to his seat as he threw back what was clearly not his first glass of rye.

“That’s me.” Alastor sighed. He hadn’t seen his human body in so long. It looked strange. Out of place. No wonder he couldn’t remember this day. He was downing that glass like he wanted to drown in it. This funeral was taking place mere days after he’d staged Dave’s suicide, so it made sense that he was trying to block out everything and lose himself in a drink.

“Damn… You’re kind of cute.” Vaggie shrugged.

He turned to glare at her, ears pinning back.

“What?” She shrugged. “You are! You got that 1930s charm to you. You look depressed as f*ck though, what happened? Were you close to the man that died?”

“Closer than I wanted to be.” He sighed. “I’m the one that pulled the trigger.”


They watched as a short round woman with blonde hair and a mildly inappropriate dress for a funeral sashayed over to Alastor’s table and plunked herself down across from him, propping herself up on her elbows.

“Is that-”

“Mimzy.” Alastor answered before Vaggie could even answer the question. They moved closer so they could hear what the two were talking about.

“So, Alastor. How you holding up?” Mimzy asked, offering a warm smile.

The Alastor from the past just shrugged, avoiding eye contact as he took another long sip of his drink.

“I know you’d only been working for Dave for what, two days?” Mimzy sighed, “But you’ve known him for like four years now. Must’ve been hard hearing the news.”

“Yeah, it was pretty shocking.” Human Alastor sighed, still refusing to look up at his friend.

“Well, I know now’s not the best of times, but I wanted to introduce you to someone.” Mimzy smiled, waving to someone off to the side to come closer.

“Mimzy, I’m not really in the mood for-”

“This is Kiyoshi.” Mimzy interrupted, scooting her chair to the side so a short Japanese woman could sit down beside her.

“Do you remember her?” Vaggie asked.

“Not in the slightest.” Alastor replied, tilting his head to one side as he stared at the woman. “I mean… She looks vaguely familiar but… I don’t know why.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” The human Alastor sighed. He notably didn’t shake her hand. This wasn't long after his incident with David, so he was still extremely touch aversive.

“You might not have known this, Al, but Kiyoshi was actually engaged to Big Dave.” Mimzy explained, putting a hand on the other woman’s shoulder.

Alastor nearly choked on his whiskey. He had to sit the glass down and wipe his mouth on his sleeve.

The present Alastor’s ears even stood up as he quickly looked back at the woman in shock.

“I’m sorry!” He coughed, clearing his throat, “I apologize for that reaction ma’am I just… I didn’t realize that… he was in any kind of relationship.”

“Well, that’s because he wasn’t.” Mimzy shrugged.

Alastor narrowed his eyes, looking back and forth between his long time best friend and the woman he’d just been introduced to.

“Allow me to explain, Alastor.” Kiyoshi sighed. Her accent was very good for someone who was clearly new to the United States. “I’m not exactly here legally, mind you.” She cleared her throat, glancing around nervously, “I was working for Big Dave because he was the only man who’d hire me. Now with the American Government changing their immigration policies and deporting more and more people every day, I fear I’ll be sent back to my home country. I was not in the best of situations in Japan, and I cannot go back.”

“You were marrying him to get citizenship.” Alastor realized out loud, “But… Now he’s dead.”

Kiyoshi nodded, looking down at the ground sadly.

Alastor, both past and present, felt an intense amount of guilt begin eating away at their heart. They’d taken the life of someone who was going to help this poor woman. They’d selfishly murdered a man because they were afraid. This woman was probably twice as scared as he was, and now he’d ruined her chance of ridding that fear.

“Kiyoshi only has one month left to get married to get citizenship.” Mimzy explained, “So, I was thinking, maybe she could marry you.”

“What!?” Past and present Alastor shouted in unison with Vaggie.

“Come on, Al!” Mimzy laughed, waving a dismissive hand at him, “We both know you ain’t getting any younger. And Lord knows how often your mother pressures you into finding a nice woman to settle down with. Marrying Kiyoshi could solve both of your problems. She’d get citizenship, and you’d get your family off your back.”

“That is sick.” Vaggie sneered, shaking her head.

“I… I’m sorry.” Alastor shook his head, “Kiyoshi, I’m sure you’re a wonderful woman and I’m sorry about what happened, but I can’t marry you.”

“Alastor, I know this is sudden but it’s really a good plan!” Mimzy reached for his arm and he quickly pulled away from her. “And you wouldn’t have to be married forever or anything! I mean who knows, one day she might meet someone she actually loves and you two could get divorced. It’s just so she doesn’t have to worry about getting deported.”

“I can’t, Mimzy!” Alastor shook his head. Both he and the current Alastor started absentmindedly pulling at their hair. “I’m… I’m sorry, I just can’t do that.”

The girls watched him rip out a few strands of his hair for a moment before they glanced at each other. Current Alastor noticed Mimzy give Kiyoshi a slight nod.

“Alright, sorry to stress you out, dear.” She sighed, “We’ll drop it. How about we get another shot of rye? It’s a funeral, what better time to drown our sorrows?”

“Now that is a plan I can get behind.” Alastor sighed, finally letting go of his hair.

In what felt like half a second, they watched as that one more shot turned into six, then to eight. They were starting to see things blurrier. Feeling the effects of the alcohol with him. The memorial service was coming to a close. People were starting to head out, walking in different directions.

Alastor could barely stand on his own. He stumbled forward, nearly falling on his face, but someone caught him. Kiyoshi was on one side, and Mimzy on the other, helping him get his footing.

“Easy, big guy!” Mimzy laughed, “Looks like someone’s not going to remember this tomorrow.”

“Let us walk you home, Alastor.” Kiyoshi added as they guided him down the sidewalk. Notably not in the direction of his home.

“Oh no…” Vaggie shook her head, moving her nails to her mouth to bite on.

“What?” Alastor asked, frantically turning to look between her and his past self walking further and further away from his home. “What’s happening!? Where are they taking me!?”

“I knew I never liked Mimzy but this is a new low even for her.” Vaggie shook her head, a sorrowful look in her eyes.

“What is!?” Alastor growled.

In the blink of an eye, they were inside a hotel room. The past Alastor was looking around, clearly confused. “Where the f*ck are we?” He asked in a slurred speech. He had to have been drunk to be cursing. He hardly ever cursed when he was alive. Such words would’ve gotten him fired from his job as radio host, so he’d gotten into the habit of not saying them ever.

Kiyoshi backed him against the wall, planting a kiss right on his lips, then another, and another.

“Oh God!” Present Alastor started backing up, both hands grabbing onto his hair. “Oh God, what is she doing to me!?”

Mimzy was nowhere to be found. Clearly she’d separated from their little trio before they’d reached the hotel.

“No… Stop.” He whined between breaths. He tried to push her away, but he could barely tell where she was. He was too dizzy.

One of Kiyoshi’s hands was unbuttoning his shirt, the other had grabbed his bow tie and was pulling him closer to the bed.

“Please stop.”

“Vaggie, stop reading!” Alastor shivered, watching the scene unfold.

Vaggie was staring, unable to look away. She looked like she wanted to puke, but she was frozen in place. Unable to believe her one working eye.

“Vaggie!” Alastor shouted, causing her to jump in alarm, “Stop reading this! Skip ahead or something!”

“Right!” Vaggie frantically shook her head and looked down at the pages of a file Alastor couldn’t see, in a flash, they were standing in the same hotel room, only everything had quieted. They could feel the hurt that the Alastor from the past felt. The spinning head, the confusion, the heartache. He was asleep sideways on the hotel bed, face drawn up miserably. And Kiyoshi was nowhere to be found.

Alastor swallowed nervously and approached the bed, looking down at himself sadly. “Why… Why did she do that?” He asked, picking at his bracelet.

“She was using you, Alastor.” Vaggie sighed. “It’s hard for immigrants to get citizenship in the US, especially back then when only two percent of people who tried actually made it in legally.”

“How would this have helped her?” He asked, his voice squeaking. “I told her I wouldn’t marry her. What did she think she would accomplish by doing this?”

Vaggie took a deep breath and stared down at the floor. She didn’t attempt to hug him or hold his hand. She knew that was the last thing he wanted. “No. This wouldn’t help her get citizenship. I think she was trying to make it more difficult for her to be deported. Complicate things.”

“What do you mean?”

Suddenly, they were back in the grass. Vaggie shut the folder and dropped it on the ground, burying her face in her hands. Were those tears on her face? Was she crying? For him!?

“What do you mean she was trying to make it complicated?” He asked again, ears bending back.

Vaggie picked up the folder marked basic information without even looking at it and handed it out to him.

Nervously, he took it from her and opened it up to the single page inside.

Name: Alastor Thomas.

Parents names: Dorothy and Lawrence “Lou” Thomas.




And some how it's still Dave's fault.

A few throw away conversations from different chapters are about to make much more sense.

Chapter 8: Far from the tree


Alastor and Vaggie find the file about Alastors missing child and decide to find out what kind of life she lived.


Warning, this chapter will depict scenes of abuse and some brief mentions of some not-so-fun to think about medical procedures.

I know it is hella late at night and I kept telling myself "Stop, it's a long chapter just post it tomorow" But the more I wrote the more I wanted to finish and once I finished I couldn't wait to share it with ya'll so here you go! Here's the plot twist that everyone saw coming :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Alastor, breathe!” Vaggie had her hands on his shoulders, shaking him. He couldn’t see her, he could barely hear her, he was too busy freaking the f*ck out. He was hyperventilating, pulling his hair until blood ran down the back of his neck, shaking uncontrollably.

“Alastor!” She screamed, moving her hands from his shoulders to his antlers, forcing him to look up at her.

“This can’t be real!” He finally screamed, trying to pull away from her as she pried his hands away from his hair. “I can’t have a kid! I swore I’d never have any kids!”

“I know, I know this is a lot to take in but you’ve got to breathe, you’re going to pass out!” Vaggie said. She started taking deep breaths of her own, encouraging him to mimic her.

He finally managed to slow his breathing enough to think rationally. Not that there was anything to be rational about. It was too late now. He’d already ruined some poor child's life by not being there. He’d already screwed someone up beyond repair. It had been a hundred years. It was too late.

“I… I told myself I’d never have kids.” He swallowed, ringing his hands around each other as he stared at the grass. “I didn’t want them to feel neglected like I did. I knew I’d end up like my father.”

Vaggie watched him, not speaking, just listening.

“But I’m worse.” He bared his fangs, digging his claws into his wrists. “My father was a horrible monster of a man, but… But he was there! I wasn’t even there.”

“It’s not your fault.” Vaggie said calmly. “Even if Kiyoshi planned to tell you about your child, you were probably dead before she even found out if her sick plan worked. You were long gone by the time she realized she was pregnant.”

“I would’ve changed!” Alastor growled, burying his face in his hands, “I wouldn’t have kept killing. I wouldn’t have been in the woods the night I got shot. I’d have been home with her. I wouldn’t have liked it, and I wouldn’t have loved her, but I would’ve been there.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I ruined someone’s life.”

Vaggie carefully picked up the basic information file and opened it back up, scanning the page carefully. He watched her eyes dance along the page, collecting whatever data she was after before she folded it back up and stood off the ground.

“Come on.” She said, reaching a hand down to him.

His ears folded back as he stared at her. “I don’t feel like moving.” He muttered.

She rolled her eyes and reached down, grabbing him by the hand and forcing him to stand. She practically pulled him back to the hall of records before letting go at the door and instructing him to wait outside.

He stood with his arms crossed, watching the other heaven borne angels pass by, smiling and laughing. Enjoying their life in paradise. Not doing a single thing to help the people down in the living world struggling to survive. Not helping people like himself or Kiyoshi who were forced into bad situations by events out of their control. It wasn’t Kiyoshi’s fault she had trouble getting her citizenship. What she did was awful, but what other choice did she have? He should’ve just agreed to marry her. He should’ve been more helpful and understanding.

Vaggie came back out of the library, carrying a larger folder than before. She unfurled her wings and nodded for him to follow her. He hesitated for a moment. He didn’t feel like flying. He didn’t feel like doing anything. He let out a sigh and spread his wings, the white feathers taking him by surprise before he remembered that they were disguised. He followed her to the back end of the library where she landed on a small balcony and pointed at a round table.

He sat down across from her and folded his hands over the table, laying his head on them and letting his ears and wings sag. “What are we doing?” He groaned. He wanted to go back to bed. He wanted to start the day over. Pretend this had never happened. He should’ve taken Niffty’s advice and left his file alone.

“Just sit and let me read.” Vaggie said, opening the large folder and taking a deep breath.


Suddenly, they were in a dark room, surrounded by what looked like small rolling carts.

Alastor turned a few times, ears twitching in different directions as he picked up the faint sounds of breathing all around them. The carts weren’t carts at all, they were rolling cribs. Rolling cribs holding day-old infants in a hospital.

“Where are we?” He growled, backing up nervously.

“We are in a hospital in California. August 13th, 1934.” Vaggie replied.

“No!” Alastor hissed, frantically searching for an exit, his breathing speeding up again. “No, why would you bring me here!?”

“You don’t want to meet-”

“No! No, I don’t! Trust me, the less I know about them the better off they are!” He snarled, walking away from the bassinets filling the middle of the room. “I’m going to go back to forgetting. The kids better off if I don’t know they exist, I-”

He stopped, ears standing, a soft crying breaking the silence. He froze in place, ear twisting to the noise. He didn’t turn around, he barely moved. “Is… That…”

“That’s yours.” Vaggie nodded, slowly approaching him and taking him by the hand, pulling him back towards the center of the room.

He allowed himself to turn around and tilted his head, looking down at the one baby that had woken up, the one crying out for attention. It almost looked like it was reaching for him. He knew it wasn’t. He wasn’t really there. He’d never be there for them.

“Her name’s Aiko. They called her Alice though, so she’d have an easier time fitting in with American peers.” Vaggie explained.

He found himself reaching for her, but stopped. He couldn’t actually touch her. He wanted to. He wanted to hold her and apologize. He wanted to wrap his wings around her and take her away from whatever life she was about to face. She didn’t deserve this. She didn’t ask to be here. It wasn’t fair.

“You okay?” Vaggie asked softly.

It wasn’t until she asked that he felt the tears on his face. He backed away from the bed, ears folding, rubbing his sleeve over his eyes. “I’m fine.” He sniffed.

Vaggie scooted closer, reaching forward slowly. When she saw that he wasn’t retreating from her hand, she started rubbing his arm comfortingly. “She’s beautiful, Alastor.” She sighed.

He laughed a little. It came out more pitiful than he’d intended. “That’s good. That means she doesn’t look like me.”

Vaggie smiled at him, almost sympathetically. “I can stop reading if you want. I just wanted you to get to see her.”

He looked back at the infant in the bed. Her crying was quieting as she drifted back to sleep. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on. He never wanted to leave her side. He couldn’t imagine how he’d gone this long without knowing she existed. He couldn’t comprehend how he’d ever managed to live without her.

“You could read a little more if you wanted.” He shrugged.

In the blink of an eye they were standing outside of a small white house in what looked like a quiet and peaceful neighborhood.

“Where are we now?”

“Aiko’s childhood home in 1941. She’s about seven years old right now.” Vaggie explained, nodding for him to follow her into the house. Alastor took a deep breath and followed her forward. They were able to walk through the walls of the home and enter the living room without issue.

The house was filled with chaotic energy. Music poured through a radio in one corner, toys were scattered all over the floor, and the sound of children screaming echoed down the halls. Alastor’s ears pulled back, and he instinctively took a step behind Vaggie as a trio of children rushed past them, each of them holding a wooden airplane in the air as they went. The one in the lead was a couple inches taller than the rest with long brown hair and bright hazel eyes.

“Is that her?” He asked, watching as she leapt over the arm of the couch, rolled across the cushions, and bounced back to the floor to keep running and screaming.

“That’s her.” Vaggie laughed, “Wow, she’s a fireball.”

“What the hell is she doing?” He tilted his head to one side, watching her jump onto the coffee table and slam the wooden plane down on the floor.

“She’s babysitting.” Vaggie nodded.

“She’s what?” He turned to look at her, hoping he’d misheard her. “She’s not but a few years older than these boys at most. She can’t be babysitting, she’s still a baby herself!”

“Those are her little brothers.” Vaggie pointed, “Twins. She watches them after school while her mom’s at work.”

Alastor looked around at the nearly destroyed house. “She shouldn’t be doing that. What if the house catches on fire? What if someone breaks in? What if one of the boys get choked or injured? She’s too young to be babysitting!”

“She does a decent job at least.” Vaggie shrugged, “Well. At least as far as the boys are concerned. I don’t think everyone is as thrilled about her entertainment methods.”

“What do you mean?”

“Alice!” A male voice shouted from the doorway. The two boys shrieked in fear and rushed back down the hall, their screams turning to giggles as they disappeared into what Alastor assumed was their room.

Aiko’s demeanor retreated. She jumped off the table, quickly approaching the dark haired man at the door, twiddling her fingers nervously. “I-I’m sorry papa, I was going to clean before mama got home I just-”

She was interrupted by a back hand across the face, sending her crashing to the floor.

“Hey!” Alastor snarled, eyes glowing and antlers growing as his wings spread out and claws sharpened. Vaggie grabbed his arm, holding him back.

“Alastor, we aren’t really here!”

“He can’t touch her like that!”

Aiko shakily pulled herself off the ground, sniffling back tears as she turned back to the man masquerading as her dad. “I’m sorry, papa.” She sniffed, staring down at the floor. “I’ll clean up right now. It won’t happen again.”

“You’d better.” The man sneered, “Your mother will be home in an hour and if this place isn’t spotless by the time she arrives, you’ll be sorry.”

“Yes sir.”

Alastor’s ears flattened, and he growled, eyes like daggers locked on the man towering over his little girl in such a threatening manner. He would’ve killed him on the spot if he could.

Another flash and they were standing in an old school building. Aiko was sitting at one of the desks, leaned over a drawing of a princess in a tower.

“Now we’re in 1946. Aiko is twelve years old.” Vaggie explained as they walked around her desk, watching her draw while the teacher droned on in the background.

“She’s a talented artist.” Alastor observed, watching her shade in the detail work of the castle bricks. “Definitely didn’t inherit that from me.”

Suddenly a wad of paper smacked into the back of her head. Aiko let out a frustrated growl and rolled her eyes but ignored the assault, focusing on her drawing once more. Another one hit her in the ear and she turned around, narrowing her eyes on the blonde boy a few seats back.

“What?” She mouthed.

“Read it!” The boy replied.

Aiko rolled her eyes again and picked the crumpled up ball of paper off the floor, unrolling it on her desk.

Alastor looked over her shoulder, tilting his head at the crude drawing of what appeared to be battleships exploding while airplanes soured overhead. The word murderer was scratched across the drawing in harsh capital letters. Aiko tore the paper in half and stood up, whipping around to glare at the boy.

“I wasn’t even born in Japan, Fat Head!” She yelled, “Stop blaming me for a war that ended already!”

“Alice!” The teacher shouted, “Sit down and behave yourself young lady!”

“Mrs. Branson, James keeps ragging me about Pearl Harbor!” Aiko turned and pointed an accusing finger at the boy behind her.

“What happened at Pearl Harbor?” Alastor asked, turning to Vaggie whose face fell uncomfortably.

“Uh… I’ll fill you in later.” She said, shaking her head.

“Alice Smith, I have told you countless times we do not say Pearl Harbor in this school, it is disrespectful to the families who lost loved ones in the attack.” The teacher huffed.

“Well that little f*ck started it!” Alastor growled.

“She can’t hear you.” Vaggie reminded him gently.


“No buts! Sit your rear down young lady or I’ll call your father.” The teacher warned.

Aiko stood for a moment longer before sitting back down at her desk and crossing her arms.

In an instant they were standing in an alley behind the school. The boy from before had shoved Aiko against the wall. She was already weak, having taken a hit to the stomach and a slap across the face.

The boy whipped a pocket knife out and flicked it open. Alastors wings unfolded and his claws sharpened. Vaggie grabbed his wrist to hold him back.

“It’s time I rid our school of you, you Jap Broad.”

Aiko gritted her teeth and took a step back, eyes scanning the alley as he moved closer. She ripped the lid of a metal trash can behind her and flipped it in her hands, tossing it like a frisbee, knocking him across the head and causing him to fall backwards onto the cement. She ran forward and stomped on his stomach, snatching the pocket knife out of his hands as he groaned in pain. She looked at the blade in her hand, her eyes suddenly looking much more like Alastor’s than before. She twisted the knife, and held it with both hands, lifting it high above her head and prepared to drive it down into the boy's neck.

Vaggie and Alastor didn’t get to see what happened next, because in the next instant they were standing back in the living room of the small house. Aiko was sitting on the couch, arms crossed and eyes on the floor.

“What were you thinking!?” Kiyoshi shouted as she stood across from her.

Alastors ears folded back and he growled, taking a step away from Aiko’s mother.

“Do you realize you could’ve killed that boy if that police officer hadn’t seen you!?”

“He was threatening to kill me first.” Aiko muttered.

“That’s just how little boys are, Aiko.” Her mom shook her head, hands on her hips, “He probably has a crush on you.”

“Well now he has crushed ribs.” Aiko couldn’t help but smirk.

Alastor wondered if the pride he felt was wrong.

“Young lady, do you have any remorse for what you’ve done? Little James had to go to the hospital because of you!” Kiyoshi huffed.

“No.” Aiko glanced at her mother, unphased. “He’s lucky he didn’t end up in the morgue.”

“Okay I see the resemblance now.” Vaggie nodded beside Alastor.

“I feel like I know her somehow.” Alastor tilted his head to one side. It was impossible. He’d been shot before Aiko was born, there was no way he’d ever met her. Somehow though, it felt like he’d known her for a long time now.

Kiyoshi let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed her hands over her face. “Child I swear you’re more deranged than your father ever was.”

Alastor’s ears stood at the same time Aiko reeled back, eyes snapping up at her mom. “My what?” She asked

“She didn’t know…” Alastor breathed in realization, ears folding back down.

Kiyoshi took a deep breath and sat down beside her on the couch, putting a hand on her leg as she prepared herself.

“Aiko… Your papa is not your real father.” She said, ripping the bandaid off without any warning.

A strange mixture of both horror and relief passed over Aiko’s face as she processed the information. “If… Who is my father?” She asked nervously.

“A man from Louisiana.” Kiyoshi replied, “A very very bad man from Louisiana.”

Alastor’s ears flattened and he crossed his arms over himself. “She’s going to hate me so much…” He swallowed, backing up. Vaggie offered her hand out to him and surprisingly, he took it, squeezing tightly.

“Bad… Like how bad?” Aiko raised an eyebrow.

“He was a serial killer.” Kiyoshi sighed. Again, not holding back or attempting to sugar coat the truth.

“Excuse me!?” Aiko gasped.

“He was a friend of a friend. We met one night and had a few drinks. My friend Mimzy told me that he was the man behind all the recent murders, but he was so sweet it was easy to forget that. Next thing you know, he was gone and I had you.”

“That is not what happened and you know it, bitch!” Vaggie shouted, clenching her fists.

Alastor thought about smugly reminding her that they couldn’t hear her, but he was too distracted watching his daughter's face as she processed the information she’d just been given. He wished so badly he could talk to her. Tell her he was sorry, and that he’d never intended to become a serial killer. He wished he could explain his side of the story and promise her that she wasn’t going to become as bad as he did just because they were related. He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her it was alright. He wanted to be there for her so badly.

“So… My dad was a serial killer?” Aiko swallowed, “I’m a serial killer's daughter?”

Kiyoshi nodded.

“That… Is… The best news I’ve ever heard!” She jumped up, standing on the couch with bright eyes.

“What!?” Vaggie and Alastor both asked at the same time.

“No, Aiko, that’s a bad thing!” Kiyoshi scolded, “Your father was insane, I don’t want you to turn out like he did!”

“I’m not actually related to your horrible husband!” Aiko cheered, “I have a dad in Louisiana who’s the bees knees! A dreamboat serial killer! A total bad boy!” She jumped off the couch, spinning in a circle happily. “I can’t wait to meet him! Do you have his address? A phone number? How can I find him?”

“Aiko… He’s dead.” Kiyoshi sighed.

Aiko’s face fell. Her happy dancing stopped. “He died?”

Vaggie squeezed his hand again.

“How? When?”

“Right after we met.” Kiyoshi explained, “He was in the woods and a hunter thought he was a deer. He was shot in the head.”

“Bullet didn’t kill me.” Alastor muttered.

“He was shot?”

“He was paralyzed and eaten alive.”

“He’d been dead for years, Aiko.” Kiyoshi shook her head, “And I moved us out here to get away from it all. My friend Mimzy and I were two of the only people who knew who he was and what he’d done. I didn’t want you to get caught up in the tragedy he left behind.”

“No, you wanted an anchor baby to secure your place in the states!” Vaggie huffed, “You moved out here so no one would find out what you did!”

“Vaggie.” Alastor sighed, “Just… Drop it. She can’t hear you.”

Tears started to steadily stream down Aiko’s face. Kiyoshi made no move to comfort her. She couldn’t understand her pain. Honestly, Alastor couldn’t either. She should be glad that her monstrous murderer father was dead. She should be thankful she’d never had to meet him. Still, seeing her cry hurt his heart. He wanted to dry her tears. He wanted to fix it for her. To take her pain away forever. He never wanted her to hurt.

Time flashed forward once again, and they were watching Aiko, now a fine young teenager, brush through her hair in front of the mirror. Alastor couldn’t help but notice the tattoo on her upper shoulder. It was a deer skull with what appeared to be a bullet hole right through the top of its forehead. She didn’t look old enough to have a tattoo. He wondered how she’d gotten it.

“Where are we now?” He asked, turning to Vaggie.

“We’re in 1951. Aiko is seventeen years old. She’s had four boyfriends in the past two years, and each relationship has ended in her nearly murdering them. She recently cut the ring finger off of her last boyfriend when she found out he was cheating on her. She said if he wasn’t marrying her, he wasn’t marrying anyone.” Vaggie explained.

“Oh…” Alastor cleared his throat, “So I get the sense she’s a little aggressive.”

“A family trait I presume?” Vaggie raised an eyebrow.

He cut his eyes at her dangerously. He knew he was aggressive, but saying it was a family trait implied that he’d gotten it from his father. He didn’t want to believe he’d inherited anything from his father. He imagined Aiko would’ve felt the same had she known him.

“So what’s she doing now?” He asked as she walked past them, heading to her room across the floor. They followed her, and immediately noticed the multitude of drawings taped to the walls.

“She’s getting ready to go on a road trip with her family.” Vaggie explained, reading off the file that Alastor couldn’t see.

“Did she draw all these?” Alastor asked, stepping closer to the comic strips lining the walls. Each story depicted a small woman that heavily resembled Kiyoshi and a strong looking man, often wielding a knife. The two were in multiple scenes robbing banks or standing over dead bodies. Kissing through jail cells or hugging in front of cop cars.

“She did. Apparently her mom didn’t talk about you again after telling her who you were, but she internalized that story and liked to write her own fictional scenarios about it. She had you two pictured as a Bonnie and Clyde type of relationship, and often romanticized your life together.”

Alastor felt sick looking at the pictures. Thank God the man she’d been drawing looked nothing like him. If it had, he might’ve thrown up. She would’ve been so disappointed if she found out how they actually met.

“Aiko, it’s time to go!” Kiyoshi called from the living room.

“Coming mama!” Aiko sighed, grabbing a sweatshirt to cover her tattooed arm. As she walked out the door she kissed two fingers and dabbed them against a drawing of the man from her comic strips with deer antlers on his head.

“I think she liked you even though she didn’t know you.” Vaggie shrugged.

“She shouldn’t. I don’t want her to end up like me.” Alastor sighed.

They were in the backseat of the car, on either side of Aiko as they rode down the streets.

“Why aren’t Henry and Miles coming with us?” She asked, “If we’re going on a family road trip, shouldn’t they be included?”

“They wanted to spend the day with grandma.” The man from before said from the front seat.

A horrible feeling was stirring up in Alastor's stomach. He didn’t feel like this road trip was going to end well. It felt like a trap. He was overcome with the sudden urge to grab Aiko and jump out of the car. Apparently Vaggie was feeling it too, because her arms were wrapped around herself and her leg was bouncing restlessly.

They turned into a hospital and Kiyoshi’s husband threw the car in park, letting out a deep sigh.

“What are we doing here?” Aiko asked.

“We’re getting you the help you need.” Kiyoshi replied.

“Wait…” Alastor’s heart rate sped up. His claws latched into his pants legs as he sat in the vehicle, watching them grab Aiko and force her out of the car against her will. “Wait… No. They can’t do this!”

“Can’t do what?” Vaggie asked, frantically looking from Alastor to the teenage girl being dragged into the hospital, kicking and screaming.

The scene changed again, and they were standing beside doctors in medical garb. Aiko was strapped tightly down to a table, pulling against the restraints with all her might, tears streaming down her eyes as she begged to be let go.

“It’s Niffty!” Alastor screamed, backing into the corner, hands grabbing onto his hair.

“It’s what!?” Vaggie turned to look at him, face going pale.

“It’s Niffty!” He shouted, heart pounding in his ears. “My daughter is Niffty! Niffty is my daughter!”

A doctor entered the room carrying an ice pick and a mallet. He approached the bed and said a few words to the girl that no one could hear over her screams as she begged him to stop.

“The f*ck are they doing to her!?” Vaggie screamed, backing up with Alastor, watching in disgusted horror as the ice pick was brought to Aiko’s left eye.

“They’re going to cut her f*cking brain apart!” Alastor snarled, covering his eyes. Niffty had told him what exactly took place during a lobotomy before, but he’d never lingered on the thought before. Never stopped and realized exactly how gruesome an operation it was.

“Okay!” Vaggie swallowed, her face turning green. “Okay, we’re going to skip ahead! I can’t watch this!”


“What!? Alastor there’s no reason for us to-”

“I don’t want her to be alone!” He growled, stepping closer.

She screamed in agony and Vaggie covered her ears. “Alastor, she can’t see or hear you! There’s no reason for you to stay and watch this!”

“I’m not leaving her!” He repeated, stepping closer. He grabbed onto her hand the best he could, tears running down his face. The more she cried, the more the white covering burned off his feathers, revealing the bright red and blacks underneath.

Vaggie’s one eye widened in surprise as Aiko’s, Niffty’s, crying calmed down, and she curled her hand around Alastor’s. She could feel him. Somehow she could feel his presents, and she was holding him back.

They stood there and he held her hand through the entire operation. When it was over, the elements of the room started to fade away with Aiko’s consciousness until they were left in darkness. Left in a void.

Alastor stood perfectly still, staring down into nothing, body shivering as his arms wrapped around himself.

“Al…” Vaggie slowly stepped closer nervously.

“It’s Niffty…” He breathed, staring off into space as a few tears dripped down his face. “Niffty was my daughter the entire time.”

“Do you think she knew?”

He nodded. “I don’t know how long she’s known, but she definitely knows now. That’s why she didn’t want me reading either of our files. She knew I’d find out.”

“Are you okay?”

He sniffed, nails threatening to dig into his sides, shaking as he restrained himself. “I… I just wish I could’ve been there. I should’ve been there for her! I wish I would’ve known when we first met, I would’ve been so much better. I wouldn’t have treated her like I did!”

“Al, it’s not your fault.”

He rubbed his sleeve over his eyes, feeling Vaggie carefully wrap and arm around him in a side hug.

“I just want to hold her.” He cried, “I want to take all of this away! She didn’t deserve any of this!”

Vaggie leaned her head on his shoulder, tears sliding down her one eye.

Alastor managed to pull himself together, taking several deep breaths. “Keep going.” He nodded.

“Are you sure?” Vaggie asked.

He nodded again. “I want to see what happened next.”

Vaggie prepared herself, straightening her posture before looking down at pages Alastor couldn’t see. “After the lobotomy, she was a lot more childish than before. They were able to convince her to be a good housewife by keeping their house clean and cooking all their meals. Eventually, they married her off to a wealthy man from their neighborhood.” She read, the landscape around them slowly changing. “One day in 1956, she found said husband cheating on her and-”

“She set the f*cking house on fire.” Alastor interrupted.

Vaggie quickly looked up, eye widening. Before them was the house they’d visited so many times, completely enveloped in flames.

Sirens blurred and men in suits rushed around, spraying thick bursts of water into the burning house.

“What are we looking at, sargent?” A police officer asked beside them, talking to the fire chief. Alastor and Vaggie glanced at each other before moving closer to them to listen in on their conversation.

“This fire was definitely intentional sir.” The fire chief explained with a heavy smoke-filled sigh. “Five casualties. Four males and one female. Looks like all the residents of the home and one twenty two year old man were here. All of them were tied down to a bed or another piece of furniture.”

“That’s awful.” The police officer shook his head, looking mortified. “Who in their right mind would’ve done such a thing?”

“Well… There’s one member of the family we haven’t found yet. And the husband's car is missing.” The fire chief explained. “The girl who grew up here, Alice. We don’t know where she is.”

“I know Alice. Sweet woman.” The police officer commented, “I don’t think she would do such a thing.”

“She was medically insane from what I heard. She had a lobotomy a few years back, but I don’t know how well it worked.”

Before they were able to hear the rest of the story, they found themselves sitting in the backseat of another car. A small woman was above them in the driver's seat, staring straight ahead and gripping the steering wheel tightly. The car started speeding up, fast and faster without showing any signs of slowing down.

“Niffty died in a car accident.” Alastor said out loud, remembering the rare times the small demon had talked about her death.

“We can leave if you don’t want to-”

“I don’t want her to die alone!” He crawled out of the back seat and over the bench ahead of them, sitting by Aiko’s side. He turned to look at her, tears falling out of her cloudy blind eye, hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles were turning white. She kept her foot pressed as far as she could into the petal, holding the car straight. She wasn’t watching where she was going, she wasn’t trying to. She had no intention of stepping out of this car alive.

Alastor slowly put a hand over hers on the steering wheel, ears folding back.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, Aiko.” He breathed, watching her drive. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for Niffty either. I’m sorry for everything. I… It’s all my fault.”

Vaggie didn’t say anything, but he could tell she was covering her face. She didn’t want to witness this, but she couldn’t stop reading without taking him away.

Aiko took a deep breath, taking one hand off the wheel to rub over her hidden tattoo.

“See you in Hell, dad.” She breathed.

He looked back out the front glass, a street lamp was approaching at high speeds. He lurched forward and wrapped his arms around her, unfolding his wings and covering them over the both of them as if they could shield them from what was about to happen.

A loud ringing filled their ears as a bright light enveloped their vision.


Sorry for giving ya'll something so long so late at night (for me it's 11 idk what time it is for ya'll)

Chapter 9: Wanted


Alastor confronts Niffty


This chapter is really short, but that's only because I didn't want to ruin the moment by stretching it out to the usual chapter lengths. Plus, last night's chapter was hella long, so just enjoy this short bit of fluff.

We need it after the Full Moon episode that dropped today... Thanks Viv, I'm heartbroken.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He shoved his way past two more angels that were flying in the way, ignoring their questions and gasps at the sight of his bright red wings. He looked around frantically, trying to remind himself which direction his mothers house was in.

“Alastor, slow down!” Vaggie called after him, tearing through the sky behind him and apologizing to any angels they’d knocked off course. “You’re going to crash or hurt someone!”

“I don’t care!” Alastor growled. He finally spotted his moms house and dove in that direction, hearing Vaggie groan a complaint before following close behind. If her wings hadn’t been similar in design to his own, he’d have out paced her long ago.

He practically forgot how to land as he got closer and rolled over himself in the yard, quickly pulling himself up to his feet and running through the door without bothering to knock the grass and dirt off of himself.

“Momma where’s-” He stopped once he was able to process the sights of the living room.

Sera and Emily were sitting on his moms couch patiently. Emily was chatting excitedly with Sir Pentious, discussing some kind of new creature they’d unveiled in a petting zoo across town. Standing on the other end of the room there was another seraphim and two ophanims that Alastor hadn’t met yet. His eyes searched through them quickly, not finding Niffty.

“Alastor, come in.” His mom stood from her recliner and moved to welcome Vaggie into their home as the exhausted fallen angel finally made her way inside. “Sera brought a few of the head angels from the council to see how you were enjoying your stay in Heaven.”

“Yeah, hi- Mom, where’s Niffty?” He shook his head, quickly looking around the room again in case he’d glossed over her small frame by mistake.

“I was hoping you could explain some of the things we talked about the other night, Alastor.” Sera said, an almost sinister smile on her face.

“Later. Where is Niffty?” He asked his mom again.

“Niffty?” His mom gave him a confused look, picking some grass out from behind his ear. “She’s baking cookies for our guests, darling, why do- Oh!” He gave her a quick hug and pushed past her, darting towards the kitchen.

“Alastor!?” Emily called after him, standing from the couch in concern as Vaggie ran behind him, apologizing to everyone.

“Niffty!?” He panted, skidding to a halt in the kitchen.

“Hey, Al.” Niffty replied without looking up from the dough on the counter, pressing cookie cutters into it to form shapes that she would then move to a pan to her right.

He ran around the counter and reached for her but stopped when she held her rolling pin out, keeping him five feet away.

“Stay back! Cookie baking is a delicate process!” She smirked.

“Niffty I-”

“And definitely don’t get close to my food without changing out of that first.” She wiggled her fingers at his grass stained and dirt covered outfit. “What’d you do? Pick a fight with the ground on your way here?”

The others were starting to file into the kitchen or peer through the door, trying to figure out what had Alastor so preoccupied.

“Niffty listen, you-”

“What happened to your wings?” She glanced nervously from him to Sera and the other council members watching them. “I thought you were supposed to be keeping them covered?”

“I-I know Niffty but I-”

“Take a deep breath and wait a second, Al. I’ll be done with the cookies in just a few minutes, you don’t have to get so worked up over-”

“Stop talking about the f*cking cookies and listen to me God Damnit!” He shouted, earning a few gasps from the higher ranking angels behind him.

Niffty dropped her rolling pin, one large eye widening up at him in confusion.

“Alastor…” Vaggie whispered through her teeth, “Control yourself, you’ve got company.”

“I don’t care.” Alastor shook his head, refusing to turn away from her now that he had her attention.

Niffty slowly shook her head, wings folding back nervously. “You didn’t… I told you not to read it.”

“Niffty…” He swallowed nervously, only now realizing how out of breath he was, “Aiko, I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you. I’m so so sorry that I didn’t get to watch you grow up.”

“Alastor, you don’t have to do this right now.” She shifted uncomfortably on the step stool helping her reach the tall kitchen counters.

“It can’t wait any longer.” He shook his head, “I can’t go another second without you.”

“It…” She sniffed, choking over tears she hadn’t realized were there as she quickly looked down at the ground. “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know about me, a-and I don’t want you to. You didn’t want me and you-”

“I want you now.” He interrupted. “Aiko, I will never be able to make up for all the years we lost. I can never get back all the time I missed out on. B-but I want to try. I want to be here now. You’re the most talented, most beautiful, and most courageous girl I’ve ever known, and I am so f*cking proud of you.” He started picking at his bracelet. “I’m sorry it took me this long to see you, Niffty. I see you now though, and I don’t know how the Hell I’ve gone this long without you.”

Tears dripped down Niffty’s face and she quickly backed away from the cookie dough so she didn’t ruin it. “Alastor, you don’t have to pretend to care so much.” She sniffed, trying to keep her voice low. Where he’d blocked out the prying eyes of the other angels, she was very much aware that they were watching. Judging. “I-I spent half of my life imagining this romantic love story between my mom and the New Orleans mystery killer. I built up the story so much and had you on a pedestal as this big, bad, indestructible man who loved my mom fiercely before you died. When I got to Heaven and read your file, I found out that you were just this scared boy. You didn’t want me, and my own mom didn’t want me. I only exist as a way to cheat a broken system. You don’t have to pretend that you care about me now just because you feel obligated to. I know she used you. I know what you went through. It’s okay, I’ll be fine without you.”

“I won’t be fine without you.” Alastor shook his head. “Your mother used you as much as she did me. We were both blindsided and helpless. I never asked for a daughter, and you never asked to be born, but we’re here now. And dammit Niffty, I love you so much.” His ears flattened like airplane wings.

He carefully took a step forward and took her hands in his own. She was shaking as much as he was. “Niffty, please. I want you. I… I don’t know the first thing about being a dad and I’m sure I’m going to f*ck it up somehow. I don’t deserve a chance, but if you’re willing to give me one, I’d like to make you feel as loved and wanted as you should feel.

With tears in her eyes, she nodded, unable to form words. He felt a weight lift from his shoulders and he wrapped her in a hug, folding his wings around them and squeezing his eyes closed tightly. He’d hugged Niffty plenty of times before, but he’d never had the privilege of hugging his daughter. And Niffty had gotten hugs from the Radio Demon on occasion, but she’d never been hugged by her father.

Everything else disappeared. Nothing else mattered. Heaven or Hell, angel or demon, it didn’t matter any more. They had each other and that was all they needed.

A shaky smile crept its way across his face, his deer tail wagging uncontrollably. For the first time in his entire existence, everything finally felt okay. Nothing was wrong.

“I’m confused…” Emily whispered to Vaggie who just stood smiling brightly.

“Alastor just found out that Niffty was the daughter he never knew he had.” Vaggie replied, nodding towards their still unbroken hug.

“Aw… That’s so sweet.” Pentious sniffed, tears easily welling up in his eyes.

One of the Ophanim cleared their throat, getting everyone’s attention except for Alastor and Niffty, who couldn’t have been bothered by an earthquake had they existed in Heaven.

“We’ve seen plenty, no discussions required today.” They nodded, even without a mouth, it was clear they were smiling.

“Tell them I said congratulations on finding each other.” Emily grinned before skipping out of the house after the others. Sera stayed behind longer than the rest, a flash of resentment in her eyes. Clearly she’d expected this interaction to go differently. She must’ve been trying to get under his skin again, but it had backfired. He could care less. He didn’t care about anything anymore, he was too busy soaking in every second of holding his daughter. He wanted to hold her forever. He was never going to let anything bad happen to her ever again.


If anyone needs me I'll be crying in the corner with my daddy issues. Thanks :D

Chapter 10: Court Date


Alastor's court date is unexpectedly moved up.


I got nothing to say about this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“When I was thirteen, my mother said I wasn’t allowed to go to the county fair with a boy I liked. What would you have said?” Niffty asked, leaning forward on the chair curiously.

“Uh, yes but only if I’d met him first and you brought a knife with you.” Alastor replied.

He’d spent the morning getting grilled by Niffty on parenthood questions he was underprepared for. When he tried to defend himself for being hesitant to answer some, she’d shout at him saying that parents were never prepared and he was going to have to think fast. It seemed a rather strange game to be playing, but they were trying to speedrun their way through a father daughter relationship in the short amount of time he had left before his trial.

Today was his fourth day in Heaven after all. His trial would be in three short days. He needed to be preparing for it, but he didn’t want to neglect any more time with the daughter he’d never known he’d had.

“Next question, and this one’s difficult so listen up.” Niffty sat back and looked at a clipboard in her hands. Alastor had seen the pages on the clipboard when she’d lowered it before, so he knew there wasn’t anything written down. She was making these questions up as quickly as she expected him to answer her, and was pretending to have it all planned out. “I was home alone when I got my first period, what would you have done if you were there?”

“Niffty!” He growled, ears flattening, “You can’t just-”

“Don’t argue with me, Alastor, you’re the one who said you wanted me in your life!” Niffty interrupted, pointing her ink pen at him. “You’re the only one around and I need help, what do you do?”

“I don’t know anything about that sort of stuff!” He cut his eyes at Pentious and Vaggie laughing at them from the couch.

“Well I didn’t either and I had to figure it out, so figure it out with me, chop chop!”

“Just, er, I don’t know, stay where you are until your mom gets home?” He shrugged.

Niffty sighed and shook her head, scribbling something random onto her blank sheet of paper. “I’m gonna have to deduct two points for that.”

“Why didn’t you just go to the neighbors house and see if any of the women who live there are home?” Sir Pentious asked.

“Because we’re in a fictional scenario and I don’t know if that counts as an answer or not!” Alastor growled, crossing his arms.

“That’s a good idea, Sir Pentious.” Niffty smiled, scribbling more nothingness. “Well, Al, as it stands right now, Sir Pentious is in the lead.”

“In the lead?” He tilted his head, “What kind of a competition is this? Winner gets to be your father? I’m pretty sure I won that game already when your mother got me sh*tfaced and took me back to her hotel room.”

She stared at him blankly before clicking her pen and writing down more scribbled notes.

His frustration turned in an instant and he smirked at her, body relaxing. “You’re just doing this to get a rise out of me, aren’t you?” He asked.

“Maybe.” Niffty didn’t look up from her paper where she’d started drawing what vaguely resemble Valentino having his head chopped off by a giant tarantula.

He opened his mouth to reply, but a bright flash of white light filled the room, temporarily blinding him. He backed away, squeezing his eyes closed to prevent himself from freezing. He felt the world shift around him and knew from his experience being teleported around Hell that he was no longer standing in his mothers living room.

“Niffty!?” He called, trying to force his eyes open, but he couldn’t see anything but spots. “Aiko! Where are you!?”

He felt small hands grab onto his arm, and his ears twitched at the sound of flapping Cherub wings. He reached out blindly and took one of her hands in his own, taking a deep breath to keep himself from getting too worked up before his eyesight returned.

He could hear other confused voices. Confused, but familiar. He kept his eyes closed, slowed his breath, and focused on putting a name with each voice.

“What happened?” Sir Pentious.

“The f*cks going on?” Husk.

“Is this Heaven?” Angel Dust.

“I thought it’d be nicer.” Cherri Bomb.

“Dad!? Did you do this?” Charlie.

“Everyone take a deep breath, it’s alright.” Dorothy.

“Sera!? The f*ck are you doing!?” Lucifer.

He finally managed to open his eyes and see something other than blinding spots. He shook himself off and took in his surroundings, still holding tight to Niffty’s hand. They were in a blue room accented in gold. Ceilings that rose high above them, and balconies on the walls. He’d heard of this room before. Charlie had described it to him before. They were all standing in the middle of Heaven’s courtroom.

“I apologize for the abrupt summing.” Sera’s voice echoed above him. He turned, ears folding back as he stared up at Sera and Emily at one of the higher balconies. The two seraphim delicately flew down to stand by them on the floor.

Alastor quickly noticed the multitude of other angels, seraphim, ophanim, and what appeared to be shining archangels, filing into the seats of the balconies.

“We were very impressed by your emotional display last night, Mr. Thomas.” Sera continued explaining, “It would appear you’ve been reunited with someone very important to you. We didn’t want the trial to stand in the way of your reconnecting, so we made the executive decision to move up the court date.” Her eyes flashed dangerously.

“Are you kidding me!?” He growled, wings outstretching. “I’m not prepared! None of us are! I-I’m in a hoodie and sweat pants for f*ck sake. You expect me to take the stand professionally like this?”

“I’m sure the council is willing to excuse your attire on account of the sudden change in plans.” Sera replied professionally, never losing that too-kind smile he was so sick of seeing.

“Don’t get upset, dad.” Niffty whispered in his ear, tugging on the sleeve of his hoodie.

He glanced around at the angels of the council watching him from their seats. If he raised his voice at Sera or made a scene, they’d remember. He took a deep breath and straightened his posture.

“Okay.” He glanced up at her. “Could my colleagues and I have a few minutes to prepare?” He asked calmly.

“You may use the boardroom through those doors.” Sera motioned to a set of golden double doors behind him, “You have fifteen minutes. I suggest you use it wisely.”

They were all talking over each other as they piled into the boardroom Sera had loaned them. Introductions and reintroductions were echoing through each other. Tears were shed as demons reunited with redeemed sinners. Hugs were given, names were exchanged, and conversations were started.

Sir Pentious was stumbling over his words as he tried desperately to convince Cherri Bomb that he’d meant to kiss everyone in the battle before he sacrificed himself for the Hotel.

Dorothy was introducing herself to Lucifer, being super friendly and understanding as if she weren’t talking to the actual biblical devil.

Charlie was sobbing about seeing Pentious and Niffty again while Vaggie consoled her.

And Angel Dust was trying every seductive card in his playbook in a desperate attempt to convince Husk to have sex with him on the golden boardroom table in Heaven. Alastor was blocking out most of that conversation, but he’d unfortunately overheard the sentence “C’mon babe it’ll be the hottest thing we ever do I swear!”

“Okay can we all just stop for a second!” He shouted, red wings stretching outward and a few feathers falling loose. “I know this is out of nowhere and we have a lot we need to catch up on, but we don’t have a lot of time before those angels out there try everything they can to take my wings away and maybe even shut down the hotel!”

“Alastor’s right!” Niffty growled, landing in the middle of the table and whipping out her cellphone, scrolling through a note taking app, “I know we’ve missed each other but the time for reunions is going to have to wait a little longer, we’ve got a trial to win!” She started pacing back and forth on the table, reading out the notes from her phone. “Now this trial is likely to be broken down into two sections. First being, is Alastor worthy of redemption, and the second being, should the Guardian Angels be reinstated as official angels.”

Alastor couldn’t help but smile as he looked at all the dumbfounded faces of the demons who had no idea what Niffty was like before her lobotomy.

“I’ve been reading up on the Guardian’s and taking notes on anything I think is important to know. The main reason for their original falling was due to the extreme nature in which they protected their souls. Alastor is connected to the guardian of the hungry, who was said to have been consumed by the sin of Greed, so it’s likely that the opposing angels will try to use his greed against him. We need to brainstorm ideas on how to prove that Alastor can overcome his greed, so let’s think people, who has an idea!?” She stood looking over the rest with her hands on her hips.

They all stared up at her silently.

“Niffty…” Husk breathed, “When did you get so… So smart?”

“She takes after her dad.” Vaggie smirked, bumping her hip against Alastor.

“We could tell them how long he went, resisting his Wendigo nature.” Cherri Bomb shrugged, “He nearly made it three weeks before we forced him to eat again.”

“That’s a good idea, but if at all possible we want to avoid the cannibalistic side of him.” Lucifer reminded nervously.

“Why? It’s the angel's fault he’s like that isn’t it?” Angel shrugged, “Ain’t they the ones who put that hungry for flesh curse on the fallen Guardian in the first place?”

“That’s true, but since he’s regained his wings and redeemed himself they might think the curse should’ve been broken.” Lucifer thought out loud. “If the cannibal thing comes up we can figure out how to handle it, I just don’t want us to be the first ones to talk about it.”

“What about an example from his life?” Dorothy offered, “My Gator was always cooking enough food for everyone in our neighborhood when we were alive. Even when the recession started, he never turned down a hungry soul.”

“That’s perfect because that was likely the Guardian spirit working in him even back then.” Charlie smiled excitedly. “A greedy person would’ve kept all the food they had for themselves. Even a generous person would be more likely to keep food for themselves during the depression!”

“Okay, that’ll work.” Niffty nodded, “Now, how are we going to defend the original Guardian’s decision to feed the natives human flesh?”

“That’s going to be difficult since we don’t know the original Guardian.” Husk rolled his eyes.

“What was their punishment?” Alastor asked.

“What?” Lucifer narrowed his eyes at him.

“If the Guardian angels failed at keeping their assigned souls safe, what was their punishment?”

“Oh… I’m not sure.” Lucifer admitted, “I don’t imagine it was very pretty.”

“If a Cherub fails to save a soul we get banished to the mortal realm.” Niffty shrugged, “And that’s kind of what happened to the Guardians from what I’ve read.”

“Put the blame on Heaven then.” Alastor growled, “I’m sure we all would’ve taken extreme measures to keep from facing extreme punishments.”

“Heaven won’t like you blaming them for anything.” Vaggie shook her head.

“Well then they shouldn’t have put me on trial.” Alastor replied.

“What are we going to do about the first part of the trial?” Pentious asked, “No offense Alastor, but the angels here are still skeptical of Niffty and I. Given your uh, colorful history in the living world, they’re not going to be very willing to believe that you’ve truly been redeemed.”

“We’ll all vouch for his change of character.” Angel nodded, “He’s undergone a lot of changes since Niffty was taken from us. He’s hardly the same person as before.”

“As sweet as that is, Angie, what reason do the angels have to believe us? We’re still just a bunch of demons.”

“Emily will believe us.” Charlie nodded confidently.

“Emily is one seraphim, Charlie.” Vaggie sighed, “We need to convince the entire council that he’s really changed.”

“They’ll believe me.” Dorothy nodded, “I’ve been here for years and I’ve built up quite the string of friendships throughout Heaven. They trust me. If I tell them about the difference I’ve seen in Ally since he got here from your hotel, they’ll listen.”

Alastor smiled at her.

“I think we’ve got this.” Angel suddenly smiled proudly, standing straighter than he had been previously. “It might be the weirdly positive vibes I’m getting from this place, but I feel like we’re going to actually pull this sh*t off!”

“Well…” Lucifer swallowed nervously, “We just have to be prepared for anything.” He eyed Alastor. “We have no idea what kind of stuff they plan to throw at us during this trial. And if I know Heaven like I think I do… They’re not going to be content just sitting in their little booths and letting us all argue. They’re going to want action.”


Sera's a bitch.

Chapter 11: This trial isn't over


Niffty saves the day


Warning, this chapter contains mentions of past traumas, including the Big Dave stuff, so feel free to skip over it if you need to.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the hotel residents, along with Pentious, Niffty, and Dorothy filed into one of the booths closest to the ground, Charlie and Alastor took the floor, looking up at the dozens of angels watching them closely.

They heard a loud shink of blades and turned in shock, finding that Lucifer had been seated off to the side, several glowing spears aimed at him no matter which way he moved. He hadn’t been back in Heaven since his initial fall. The fact that they allowed him here today proved just how big of a deal this whole thing actually was, which did not ease any of Alastor’s anxieties.

“High council, we’re ready to present our case!” Charlie beamed, putting her hands on her hips and puffing out her chest proudly and confidently.

“That won’t be necessary Princess Morningstar.” A bright being made entirely of light in the very top booth echoed. Alastor couldn’t see them, only light. He’d heard Lucifer occasionally, and often nervously, mention the elder angels before, but he’d never been told what they looked like. Mortal eyes couldn’t see them, so he’d never know.

“What do you mean?” Charlie asked, expression falling nervously.

“Sera has just shown us evidence that Mr. Thomas has already pleaded unworthy of his wings.” The elder angel explained with what Alastor assumed as a nod.

His ears stood and his eyes widened, his feathers ruffled and his tail stood on end as he quickly backed away. A large clear orb floating in the center of the courtroom shined, showing everyone the clips of him and Sera in her office.

“You don’t belong in Heaven, do you?” She asked.

“No. No. W-whatever you have to say to me, the answer is no!”

He could see now how badly he was shaking. No one else seemed to notice. They were focused on his words and not his body language.

“So you do want your wings?”


The clip ended and there were gasps and murmurs throughout the crowd, even from the booth of Alastor’s newfound family.

“So you hereby forfeit your wings and your redemption.” The elder angel stood tall, “Newly appointed head exorcist, Lute, will remove your wings now.”

Alastor jumped as a loud thud behind him shook the floor, he turned around, tucking his wings close, as the one armed masked angel stalked closer, aiming her angelic sword at him.

“Don’t fight it and I'll try to make it quick.” Lute was smirking even through her mask. Practically trembling from anticipation. She was going to tear his wings from his back. She was going to rip his halo from his head. She was going to have justice for her fallen commander.

“Wait!” Niffty screamed, flying out of their booth and drawing everyone’s attention. “High council, I would like to defend Alastor. I have reason to believe that he was coerced into saying those things by Sera. He was manipulated into pleading unworthy!”

More gasps followed, this time mostly from the angels on the balconies.

“Cherub, you should know better than to speak out of line.” The bright elder angel warned.

Niffty landed on the tile floor, stepping carefully between Alastor and Lute, never taking her one large eye off the elder angel high above them. “I deeply apologize, Sir.” She curtsied. “Please. I would like to give my friend… My father a fair chance.”

“What’d she say?” He heard Husk whisper.

“Is she jokin’?” Angel added.

“I think she’s being serious.” Cherri Bomb tilted her head to one side.

“If I’m wrong then you can remove my wings as well as his.”

“Niffty!” Alastor growled, ears pinning back. “What are you doing!? Don’t put yourself on the line like that! You earned your redemption, you can’t just give it up!”

“You earned yours too.” Niffty replied, cutting her eye at him. “They’re not gonna beat us that easily.”

“Very well.” The elder angel settled back into his golden seat, much to Sera’s frustration.

“Sir, hasn’t this trial wasted enough of the council's time already?” Sera asked.

“We’re in Heaven, Sera.” Emily cleared her throat, “We’ve got more time than anyone needs.”

“Lute.” The elder angel nodded.

With a frustrated growl, Lute flapped her wings and returned to her place behind Sera and Emily, watching with her one remaining hand on her hip.

“You may proceed, Niffty.”

Niffty paced back and forth for a moment, hands behind her back.

Charlie carefully took Alastor by the arm and guided him to stand next to their booth and wait.

“Heavenly hosts of the council.” Niffty cleared her throat, “It is my suspicious that the head seraphim, Sera, willfully used emotional and psychological manipulation to force my father into claiming he was undeserving of his wings.”

“I could get used to smart Niffty.” Angel smirked, leaning on his arms against the booth. He turned to look at Alastor, “Is she actually your daughter?”

“She is.” Alastor nodded, half smiling at her.

She was presenting herself so strongly and confidently. Standing before a multitude of angels all much higher ranking than herself, without showing any fear. She was speaking so clearly and professionally about topics he himself would have stumbled over. They hadn’t been given nearly any time to prepare a case against Sera, and yet she was getting ready to drag that seraphim through the mud. He couldn’t have been more proud if he tried.

“Do you have any evidence of this suspicion?” The elder angel asked.

Niffty tapped her hand to her chin a few times, searching the ground. “Yes. I would like to call upon Oscar the ophanim to give a testimony!”

“Your gracefulness, we seriously can’t be entertaining this Cherubs fantasies, can we?” Sera huffed, rolling her eyes.

“Very well.” The angel replied, completely ignoring Sera. He snapped his fingers and suddenly, sitting at a stand near Niffty, was Oscar. Alastor recognized him as the same ophanim that had given them access to the hall of records the day before. He looked confused. Like Alastor and the others, he’d just been teleported into the court room without any warning.

“Oscar.” Niffty cleared her throat and Oscar's expression shifted from confusion to annoyance.

“Yes, Niffty?” He sighed.

“Do you swear to tell the whole truth in front of the council today?”

“Yes.” Oscar replied.

“So help you God?”

He glanced up at the elder angels nervously. “So help me God.” He nodded.

“Good. I only have a few questions for you, Oscar, and then I’ll send you back to your duties. You do a fine job at protecting the hall of records.” She smirked in Alastors direction and he subtly shook his head. Now was not a very good time to be smug.

“Very well. What do you need to know?” Oscar asked.

“You have all of the information of the hall of records stored within your mind, correct?”


“Right down to the names of angels checking out certain information and when they request to see mortal souls files?”

“That’s correct.”

“So can you tell me, other than Alastor and Vaggie, when was the last time the file for Alastor Thomas was viewed?” Niffty glanced up at Sera who shifted uncomfortably.

“Yes.” Oscar's eyes turned bright white for a moment. “The last time it was viewed was exactly six days ago.”

“Alright. And which part of Alastor’s file specifically was requested?” Niffty leaned forward.

“Traumas and phobias.” Oscar replied.

Alastor’s ears stood. He glanced up at the other angels who were all starting to pick up on Niffty’s direction.

“And who exactly wanted to view Alastor’s traumas?” Niffty asked.

A few of Oscars many eyes shifted up at Sera nervously.

“You’re under oath, ophanim.” The elder angel reminded, leaning forward with interest.

“Sera.” Oscar replied.

“Interesting.” Niffty fluttered to pace back around in front of the council, leaving Oscar standing at the podium behind her. “So, what reason would Sera have for viewing a mortal souls past traumas? It’s not a seraphims job to concern themselves with what souls have gone through in the past, only to help prepare them for the future.”

“Objection!” Sera shouted, slamming her fist down on the balcony railing. “High council, I was viewing Mr. Thomas’s file in order to ensure he was comfortable during his stay in Heaven!”

“Is that so?” Niffty crossed her arms.

“Yes as a matter of fact it is!”

“Emily.” Niffty turned to glance at the smaller seraphim who stepped forward to acknowledge her. “When Alastor first arrived in Heaven, were you made aware of his touch aversion?”

“No, Niffty, I was not.” Emily cut her eyes at Sera angrily.

“So, Sera is claiming that she read the file on Alastors traumas and phobias in order to make him feel comfortable here in Heaven, and yet she did not inform you that he has a fear of physical contact. Seeing as how that’s one of his biggest phobias, you’d have read about that.”

Sera didn’t reply, she just narrowed her eyes at Niffty angrily.

“I’d like to call upon another witness.” Niffty turned back to the elder angel. “One from Hell.”

“Hell!?” Several of the council members gasped.

“Quiet!” The elder angel held up a hand carefully and the room immediately silenced. “I’ll allow it. Who is your witness?”

“Asmodeus, the Prince of Lust.” Niffty replied.

There were more whispers, but no one dared raise their voice again after the elder angels had asked them to be quiet.

In a flash, Oscar was gone, and Asmodeus was standing in his place. In nothing but his boxers.

Several angels screamed and averted their eyes. Angel Dust whistled and started cat-calling the demon prince while Charlie frantically shushed him.

Asmodeus, unphased by suddenly appearing in front of a host of angels in nothing but his underwear, looked around at everyone, confused.

Niffty cleared her throat several feet below him and he looked down.

“Your highness.” She bowed. “If you wouldn’t mind, we’d like to ask you a few questions for the case of Alastor Thomas.”

“Oh, of course.” Asmodeus agreed, snapping his fingers. His body blazed with blue flames, and when they’d died down, he was wearing one of his nicest suits. He took a seat behind the podium professionally, as if he weren’t standing nearly naked moments ago.

“Asmodeus, do you swear to tell the whole truth in front of the council today so help you God?”

“I do.”

“And so help you Lucifer as well?”

“Of course.”

“Good.” Niffty took a deep breath and glanced in Alastor’s direction. The look on her face was suddenly laced with anxiety. Not for fear of speaking in front of the council, but for fear of speaking in front of him. She knew whatever she was about to ask in front of the angels was going to hurt him.

“Asmodeus, you’re the Prince of the sin of lust, correct?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Therefore you’re able to see when someone has been victimized by lust, correct?”

“That’s right, little lady.” He nodded.

“Has Alastor Thomas ever been victimized by the sin of Lust?”

Alastor’s heart rate spiked.

“Yes.” Asmodeus replied.

“Can you tell us about it?” Niffty asked.

“I cannot.”

“And why’s that?”

“I made a deal with Alastor, swearing to never tell another soul.” Asmodeus explained, eyes flashing.

Niffty took a deep breath and closed her eye for a moment, listening to the whispers of the angels watching. She turned to look at him sadly. “Alastor…” She breathed.

He started shaking his head, ears pinning down. He knew what she was going to ask him.

“Alastor, can you break your deal with Asmodeus?”

“No.” He squeaked, eyes frantically scanning the several dozen angels staring at him. His new family was here. His mother was here. He didn’t want them to know.

“Alastor…” Niffty swallowed, “I know you don’t want to talk about what happened, but this is the only way. Either you allow Asmodeus to testify for you, or you’ll have to tell the story yourself.”

With a shaking breath, Alastor closed his eyes, and in a bright flash of green, the deal was broken.

“Asmodeus.” Niffty cleared her throat again, “Are you able to tell us about the first time Alastor fell victim to the sin of lust now?”

“I believe so.” He sat up straighter.

“We’ll just get the basics from you if you don’t mind.” Niffty nodded, glancing in Alastor’s direction once more.

Angel Dust had jumped over the balcony and was holding his hand while he stared at the floor, mentally preparing himself to hear it once again. This time, with everyone he cared about listening.

“Alastor was called to an interview at a club,” Asmodeus began, “The man’s name was David.”

“Where did he take Alastor for the interview?”

“Into his office. Alastor says he distinctly remembers him locking the door behind them when they entered.”

“What did he do before the interview started?”

“He offered Alastor a glass of wine.”

“Was the wine spiked?”

“It was.”

He wrapped his arms around himself, digging his nails into his skin. He could practically feel the tears building up in Charlie’s eyes as she stood beside him, hearing this story for the first time.

“What happened after that, Asmodeus?”

“After three glasses of wine, David asked a very drunken and drugged Alastor if he’d be interested in having sexual intercourse with him.”

Alastor started pulling his hair. His body was shaking.

“And, due to the drugs in his system, Alastor agreed.”

“So what you’re saying is…” Niffty trailed off.

“Alastor was raped.”

The whispers from the watching Angels grew louder. Charlie latched onto his arm, but he didn’t pull away from her. He could do nothing but stare at the floor as his eyes glossed over and his claws threatened to bore holes into his skull.

“And would you say that experience has affected him and how he responds to certain situations?” Niffty asked.

“Absolutely.” Asmodeus replied.

Niffty turned back to the watching angels. “So, let's look back at that footage of Sera asking Alastor if he wanted his wings.”

The orb returned, starting the clip from the beginning when they entered the office. Niffty held her hand up at the orb when Sera reached for the door.

“As you can see, council, Sera brought Alastor into her office and locked the door behind them. Now, last time I checked, there were no locks in Heaven. That means that Sera specifically had this lock installed in her office for this moment.” Niffty explained.

Alastor, still shivering, glanced up at Sera who was looking increasingly uncomfortable.

The footage skipped forward and stopped again at the moment Sera was pouring Alastor a glass of wine.

“The next thing Sera did was offer Alastor a glass of wine that she'd created from a pitcher of water. A demon, unaware of the miracles in Heaven, wouldn’t understand why the liquid changes colors. If I saw a drink changing colors when it hit the bottom of a glass, I would be wondering what was in that glass. She was making him believe that the drink she was offering him had also been spiked.”

The whispers settled, and Alastor noticed more and more of the angels fixing their gaze on Sera in disbelief and disappointment.

“Next, Sera continues to ask my father a series of yes or no questions, phrasing them so that the answer she wanted to hear was no.” She whipped her head back to Asmodeus. “Prince Asmodeus, would you say Alastor blames himself for what happened with David?”

“He absolutely does.” Asmodeus nodded.

“Why’s that?”

“Because he said yes.”

Alastor shivered.

“So it makes sense to you that if he were put in a similar situation he’d be more hesitant to say yes. He might even answer no to everything for fear of accidentally agreeing to something so traumatizing again, wouldn’t you think?”

“That makes perfect sense to me.” Asmodeus nodded.

Niffty nodded, her confidence returning. “Thank you your majesty, no further questions.”

In a bright flash, Asmodeus was gone again and the courtroom was left with silent whispers and angry stares.

Niffty took a deep breath and turned to Sera, a smirk on her face. “Heavenly Hosts.” She said, addressing the room without looking away from the seraphim. “I rest my case.”


Redeemed Niffty is a bad ass.

Chapter 12: Take five


Alastor breaks.


I write when I'm stressed and I've had nothing but a stress sandwich all day, so you guys get two chapters tonight. Enjoy. Eat up.

This entire chapter is a big panic attack, so if you're sensitive to reading about that thing you may need to wait and catch the next one. We won't blame you.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He felt like he was going to vomit. The room was spinning. The voices around him were distant echoes. One of his deepest and most well kept secrets had just been spilled in front of everyone he loved. In front of all the higher ups of Heaven. In front of nearly everyone.

He could hear voices talking. He could hear them discussing something. It was probably something important. He couldn’t decipher what they were saying. It was fuzzy and muffled. His heartbeat thudding in his ears was drowning it all out. His breathing was almost louder than that. His claws were latched into the sides of his ears, his hands shaking as he restrained himself to the best of his ability, barely managing to keep himself from tearing his ears off.

“Alastor.” A voice echoed beside him. He could feel a hand on his shoulder and he flinched away, biting the inside of his mouth until it bled.

Don’t touch me!

“Alastor, are you with us, boss?” Another voice. He backed away, mashing his wings against their booth.

“Come on, Ally Gator, take deep breaths.”

The voices saying his name weren’t clear. The hands reaching for him scared him. He wanted everything to stop. He wanted everyone to go away.

Leave me alone!


That voice was clear. It stood out among the rest. It wasn’t as scary or threatening. It was warm and comfortable.

Hands delicately touched the tips of his ears and they stood up in response, his claws slipping away from them and gripping the loose strands of his red hair instead. These hands weren’t as violent as the others. They weren’t threatening or thorny. They were safe. They moved down his ears, scratching through the fur expertly, easing his nerves just enough for his vision to clear up.

“Come on, they’re letting us take another five minutes for you to breathe.” Niffty’s voice said calmly. He followed her guidance back into the boardroom they’d met up in earlier.

When the door closed behind them, the room erupted into voices shouting and talking over each other. Some were congratulating Niffty, others were screaming about Sera. Charlie was absolutely bawling. Vaggie was frantically trying to soothe her, Alastor couldn’t tell if it was for her benefit or his.

“I’m sorry.” Niffty’s voice, though she kept her volume barely above a whisper, was still clearer and louder than all the others. “I had to do it, sir. They wouldn’t have believed me if I didn’t.” She swallowed nervously.

Alastor just nodded, staring vacantly at the wall in front of him. She stood on his shoulders, tucking her wings behind her, and kept scratching his ears, helping him catch his breath. He blinked a few times, managing to bring himself back to reality. He glanced up at her as she leaned over his head and offered him a warm smile.

“Thank you, Niffty.” He breathed shakily.

She just nodded.

“Alastor!” Charlie’s sob’s drew his attention. He flinched away from her before she hugged him, managing to back away in time. This reaction only made her cry more and she turned and latched herself onto Husk instead. The cat demon tried to squirm out of her tightening grip but failed, forced to stand and endure it as her tears soaked into his fur. “Why didn’t you tell me you went through that!?”

“Because he knew you’d act like that!” Angel shouted, fists clenched.

“Hey, don’t yell at her!” Lucifer growled, floating spears still following his every move and preventing him from getting close to the others.

“She needs to pull herself together!” Angel lashed back, “This is hard enough on him without her wailing about it!”

“I’m sorry!” Charlie cried, letting go of Husk, her body trembling. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Alastor!” The more she tried to stop her cries, the worse it got.

He backed into the corner, ears flattening.

“C-can I please give you a hug!?” She sniffed.

He didn’t want her to touch him. He kept picturing that awful night. He kept seeing it whenever someone reached for him. He could feel it like nails in his sides whenever fingers brushed against his skin. Niffty’s physical touch was the only thing he could handle that didn’t feel like his skin was on fire. Her hands were the only ones that weren’t made of thorns.

“I’d rather you didn’t.” He squeaked, pressing himself further into the corner.

She turned to embrace Husk again, burying her head in his neck as she struggled to contain her cries.

“Do we know where this David guy lives?” Cherri Bomb asked, crossing her arms. “I’m ready to blow his f*cking house up.”

“I second that.” Husk growled, ears pinning back. “What’s this guy look like, boss? Need us to go teach him a f*cking lesson?”

“No.” Alastor’s breathing was speeding up again. Niffty’s fingers in his ears weren't helping.

“I say we throw Sera in that house with him before we blow it up!” Sir Pentious hissed.

“Alastor, baby, why did you never tell me that happened to you?” His mom asked, taking a step forward.

He watched her hands cautiously. He didn’t want anyone to touch him. The hurt look that fell over her eyes once she realized he was shying away from her hands was like a stab in the heart and suddenly the room was spinning again.

“Can you all leave him the f*ck alone for a second!?” Angel was shouting, but no one was listening to him.

His body started shaking again. Niffty could sense that her scratches weren’t helping anymore, so she flapped her wings and floated off his shoulders, backing herself away and doing her best to keep the others a good distance away.

It felt like the walls were closing in as they all talked over each other and argued. Lucifer and Angel were shouting. Charlie was sobbing while Vaggie shushed her, constantly glancing in his direction, clearly aware of his distress. Husk and Cherri were plotting revenge. Sir Pentious and his mother were trying to get closer to him while Niffty did her best to encourage them to stay back.

He started sliding down the wall, his claws scraping the wallpaper off. This only made his mom and Sir Pentious move closer. Charlie noticed him shrinking down and tried to move closer too. They all kept reaching for him. Reaching with hands made of knives. Fingers like daggers. Skin like fire.

He could taste the bitterness of the wine he’d drank that night on his tongue. He could practically feel the stinging powder of the narcotics that he hadn’t even realized were there. His stomach, almost always empty, suddenly felt much too full.

“Alastor, you can talk to me!”

“Al, it’s going to be okay!”

“We can get through this together!”

“Boss, take deep breaths, it’s going to be alright.”

“You’re safe here, we won’t let anyone hurt you!”

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” He broke. His initial shout was followed by an ear piercing wendigo shriek that forced them all to step back and cover their ears.

The room was suddenly silent. Filled with nothing but a choking sobbing noise. It didn’t sound like Charlie’s. Who was crying now? It took him far too long to realize it was him. The awful guttural crying was coming from himself.

He kept his hands over his head, face buried in his knees, body shaking as tears poured down his face and soaked through his clothes. He could barely breathe. He felt like he was drowning in his own tears, but he couldn’t stop. His stomach twisted in knots. His head throbbed and his heart pounded loudly in his ears.

“Alastor?” Charlie’s voice shook quietly, rising about the silence.

“No!” He snarled, his body wracked with more sobs as he curled in tighter, wings raising up to defend himself if necessary.

His ears, stuck flat against his head, shifted slightly at the sound of light feathers fluttering closer. He didn’t have to look up to know that Niffty was moving closer. Slowly. She landed nearly four feet away and was on her hands and knees, moving closer barely an inch at a time.

Soon, she was sitting directly across from him, her head rested on her knees, staring up at him with one large eye.

“Please go away…” He sniffed between deep heaving breaths. “Please…”

“We don’t want you to be alone.” Niffty replied in a calm and quiet voice.

“I don’t want you to see me like this.”

“It’s okay. It won’t change our opinion of you. You’re still just as strong as you’ve ever been.”

He shook even more, wings slowly starting to lower.

“Dad…” Niffty scooted half an inch closer. “I’m going to touch you. Is that okay?”

It was quiet for a moment, only his crying breaking the silence. He nodded against his legs, but it was enough for her to see. She slid even closer and he flinched when he felt her hand against his leg. She didn’t move or try to get closer. She just sat across from him with her hand planted against his knee. Her hand didn’t feel sharp like the others. Her touch didn’t feel like a chokehold around his neck. It didn’t feel like a rough rope against his wrists. It didn’t feel like a harsh punch in the gut. It didn’t feel like a broken pocket knife carving letters into his back.

“Can I get closer?” She asked carefully.

He considered it for a moment before nodding again. She moved closer, suddenly sitting right beside him, or at least as close to his side as she could be. His slim body was still crammed into the corner of the wall. Her hand carefully moved to rest against his arm. Slowly she moved it up and down over the sleeve of his hoodie. It didn’t hurt.

“Niffty…” He shivered, finally glancing up from the makeshift turtle shell he’d been hiding in.


“Can I hold you?”

“Sure.” Niffty slowly and carefully climbed into his arms. He hid his face against her, shivering as she put her arms around his neck, rubbing circles into his back and humming softly in his ear, leaning her head against the top of his.

His wings curled up around the both of them, blocking them from the rest of the world.

He knew he was probably hurting the others. He couldn’t imagine the pain that Charlie and his mother felt watching him refuse contact from anyone but Niffty. It didn’t matter. Niffty was the only one he wanted. Niffty was the only one he needed. She was the only one who couldn’t hurt him. The others had skin made of metal and fingers made of spikes. Eyes that burned holes into his soul, and teeth that would tear him apart if he got too close. Teeth like dogs. Three hungry hunting dogs.

“I’m sorry!” He shivered, his crying finally slowing enough that he could breath. He could hear her heart beating. He could hear her breathing. Slowly, his breathing was starting to sync up with hers. His heart rate was slowing to match her rhythm. His cold shivering body was warming up against her hug.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry about.” She breathed, running her fingers through his completely flattened ears.

He opened his eyes, glancing through the gaps in his feathers. The others had all taken a seat on the floor, watching him carefully from six feet away. Carefully and quietly.

“You shouldn’t have to see me like this.”

“It’s fine, dad.”

“You don’t have to call me that.”

“That’s what you are.”

He hugged her tighter, taking a deep breath to replenish the oxygen missing in his lungs.

He loved her more than anything. He never wanted her to feel what he felt. He never wanted her to hurt the way did. He’d do whatever he could to be completely sure that she was safe and loved for the rest of their eternity. It didn’t matter what happened to him. It didn’t matter what he was going through. He’d be there for her. Always.

“Take a deep breath.” Niffty instructed, rubbing his ears down.

He followed her instructions, letting the last of the tears drip down his face.

“We’re going to get through this. We’ve already convinced them that you didn’t plead unworthy, now we just have to show them what you’re made of.” She said softly.

“I’m not ready.” He squeaked.

“I know.” She sighed, “I’m not either.”

“I missed you so much.” He let out another shaking breath.

“I know you did. I’m sorry I had to go. I would’ve come to visit if I could.”

“No.” He shook his head. “I’m not talking about your death in hell. I’m talking about forever. I’ve missed you so much.” He shivered, “I didn’t even know you, but I’ve missed you my whole life.”

Niffty opened her mouth, staring off into nothing. She didn’t know how to answer. How could she? She swallowed, leaning her head back against his.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


My daddy issues increase with each chapter istg. It f*cking hurts. Damnit fanon Alastor when are you going to adopt me???

ALSO! Have ya'll heard those Wendigo screams and growls? Imma link a YouTube video here and if you wanna see the kind of thing I'm imagining when I said he screams like one, just listen to these things! They sound so scary, but also like they're in so much pain!

Chapter 13: The Mystery Murderers in New Orleans


The angels discuss Alastor's sins. Is he worthy of redemption?


Some mentions of violence, murder, and some arguing. Nothing serious, but just heads uping ya'll.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As they reentered the courtroom for the second time, they couldn’t help but notice that it was much quieter. The mood was much more serious. The angels of the council were finally starting to grasp just how serious this case was. They were beginning to understand that life as they knew it was about to change. No matter the outcome, nothing they knew would ever be the same.

Alastor glanced up where Sera was seated. Emily had moved to sit as far away from her as possible. It looked like she had tears in her eyes. Lute was still by Sera’s side, looking even more angry than before if that was at all possible.

“Alastor Thomas, on behalf of all of Heaven, I deeply apologize for what Sera subjected you to.” The bright elder angel said from the top of the room. “I can assure you that her actions will have consequences, and she will be dealt with accordingly.”

Alastor just nodded, ears folding back. The less they talked about what happened the better. He was ready to get on with the rest of the trial now.

“Onto the subject of redemption.” The elder angel cleared his throat. “I believe Ms. Morningstar has some evidence supporting the possibility of sinners becoming redeemed?”

“Yes!” Charlie nearly tripped over herself rushing to stand by Alastor’s side in the center of the courtroom. “Yes, my hotel! The Hazbin Hotel!”

“I’ve been informed that Sera held a hearing about this Hotel of yours in the past.”

“Yes, I’ve discussed it before.”

“Sera ruled during that hearing that redemption was not possible. However…” He shifted to gaze in what Alastor assumed was in Sera’s direction. He still couldn’t make out any physical attributes or details about the bright being of light. “It would appear that my head seraphim has been behaving out of line as of late. So I’d like to hear you for myself.”

“Well.” Charlie cleared her throat. “My Hotel was originally intended to cut down on the souls lost during the exterminations. I thought that if we could give mortal souls a chance to redeem themselves in Hell, they’d be worthy to live in Heaven. I believe my theory was proven true multiple times already. Niffty, the mortal Cherub you spoke with earlier, and Sir Pentious were my first two successes.”

“Alright.” The elder angel nodded, “So it would appear that the redemption of damned souls is possible.”

Alastor could practically hear Charlie’s internal shrieking. She was doing a great job at containing herself and staying professional in front of the angels.

“However, we reviewed Aiko and Phineas’s files upon their arrival, and found that they were souls who had just barely gotten themselves out of Heaven.” He continued.

“What do you mean?”

“Aiko was a rather aggressive young lady to be certain.” An Ophanim near the top started explaining, “However, she was young when she committed most of her sins. Minors are instantly forgiven of sins, as children are always viewed as innocent. Before she was an adult, she went through a lobotomy, severing parts of her brain. That should’ve also excused her from many wrong doings. It was her actions on her final day that sent her to Hell. Burning her family in their home and committing suicide.”

Niffty shifted uncomfortably in the booth and Alastor wished they would’ve let her leave the room before discussing her mortal life. He could tell it was no easy subject to listen to, and he hated to think that she would have to go through anything similar to what he just had.

“And Phineas was a very well mannered man in the living world.” The ophanim motioned towards Sir Pentious. “His main damning sin was actually done by other humans. Many of the things he invented were used to cause harm or even murder other souls, and that is how he wound up in Hell. Ultimately, they were both dealt a very unfair hand just before their deaths.”

“Alastor was the same way!” Charlie jumped.

Alastor felt his ears fold and his tail stand. He swallowed nervously, feeling like a deer in the headlights as the angels all turned to look at him again. She was wrong. He was pure evil. Always had been.

“Yeah right.” Lute scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I’ve seen the kind of things that monster is capable of. You should’ve seen him during our last extermination attempt, he fought with such aggression and heartlessness. If Adam hadn’t gotten a lucky shot in time, he could’ve easily killed him.”

Alastor realized that Lute’s words weren’t meant to be taken as a compliment, but he felt proud of himself nonetheless. He’d been beating himself up since that battle, feeling weak at the hands of the angel. Apparently, he’d given the spoiled golden child a decent fight before he’d been injured.

“Isn’t it possible that his aggression during that battle was due to his inner Guardian nature?” Lucifer asked, the spears floating around him sharpening and moving closer.

“Go on?” The elder angel waved a hand and some of the spears backed away, just slightly.

“The exorcists were specifically targeting my daughter's hotel to kill the demons that she was getting so close to redeeming. They were trying to destroy everything Alastor had been sent to protect. He didn’t know he was a Guardian angel at the time, but he knew that he was meant to protect those souls hungry for salvation. He was doing what he was designed to do without even realizing it.”

He thought back to the battle. He didn’t give a sh*t about anyone in the hotel at that time. He couldn’t even if he wanted to. He was still under Lilith’s control. He was still emotionless and numb. Still, he’d fought with every ounce of power he could. He’d defended that building as if his own life depended on it. He’d nearly died trying to save them. And when Adam’s blade struck him? It had felt like he’d suddenly had the sense knocked back into his brain. It felt like a wakeup call. He was going to die if he kept putting himself in harm's way for people he didn’t even care about. It scared him. So he ran. Had his chains been broken before the fight however, he’d have gladly put his life on the line for them. Hell he might not have even let them leave the hotel. He’d have tried to take on the entire exorcist army on his own.

“Alright, so his fight in Hell doesn’t mean anything.” Lute rolled her eyes. “What about his life? If he was truly someone worthy of redemption, like the Princess just said he was, what did he do in the living world?”

“My Alastor was a good boy in the living world!” Dorothy spoke up.

“Momma, you don’t know that…” Alastor said nervously through his teeth, eyes glancing around at all those watching him. All those who knew the truth. He’d never told her. He wondered if anyone had.

“I don’t know what my son did to wind up in Hell, but you just admitted that small sins could send someone to Hell like Niffty and Pentious. You just said that it could’ve been a mistake. I know Alastor did some very bad things when he was down there, but he was a good boy in the living world.”


“Oh Dorothy.” Sera laughed, finally looking like she’d gained her confidence back. “I feel bad for you. I hate that you have to find out this way.”

“Sera stop.” Alastor growled, eyeing her.

“Sera.” Emily’s eyes were darting between her and Alastor nervously.

“Your son was a serial killer. Your son was the mystery murderer of New Orleans.”

He could practically hear her heart shattering like glass. He quickly spun around, afraid to face her, but he couldn’t just leave her alone. Her eyes were wide and her large doe ears were lowering. She was shaking, tears beginning to slide down her face. “What?”

“Momma, it’s not what it sounds like!” He swallowed, stepping closer to the booth. She backed away from him, eyeing him up and down like she didn’t know who he was. Like she couldn’t recognize him. He stopped, pulling his claws inward. He was suddenly very aware of just how dangerous he looked. “Mom, please, just hear me out. I-I never intended to-”

“Your father.” She said, eyes narrowing.

His heart pounded in his ears. “...What?”

“Your father… You’re the reason he went missing. Aren’t you?”

He searched her face, unsure of how to answer. He knew everyone was watching. He knew they were waiting for his answer. They didn’t matter anymore, only she did.

“Mom, he was hurting you I just-”

“Did you kill your father, Ally!?” She shouted, her voice echoing through the courtroom.

His ears folded back and he took a shaky step away. “Yes.” He swallowed.

Pentious caught her before she collapsed to the floor, sobbing louder than he’d ever heard her before. Crying harder than she ever had in front of him in the living world.

“Momma, I… I did it for us!” He was shaking. There was no way to make it sound any less than horrible. No way to make her feel better. No way to make him seem like anything less than a monster. “He was hurting you!” He growled, ignoring his own tears.

“He was your father!” His mom huffed, holding onto Pentious’s hand but standing herself back up. “I know he was a terrible man, Alastor, but he was your father!”

“That did not give him the right to hurt us!” Alastor clenched his fists, his eyes were glowing green and his antlers were starting to branch upwards. “I told him when you two moved into my house that if he ever laid a hand on you again I’d kill him. I warned him not to f*ck with you!”

“There were other ways you could’ve helped us, Ally!” She screamed, “If you were really worried about it you could’ve gone to the police or-”

“The police didn’t give a sh*t about people like you and me, mom!” A wendigo like shriek echoed around them, forcing several angels to cover their ears. “You’ve been living in this perfect replica of home for too long, so maybe you forgot what it was really like down there. The police didn’t give a single a single f*ck what happened to us! No one did!” He could see the hurt in her eyes. He could see the pain in her face, but he couldn’t stop himself. He couldn’t calm down. He was so angry at her. Why couldn’t she see that he’d done the only thing he could? Why couldn’t she see that he did it for her?

“Alastor.” She swallowed, trying to compose herself. “I raised you not to result to violence. I taught you not to react in anger.”

“You raised me that way!” He growled, claws digging into his palms as he clenched his fists tighter. “He didn’t. I was so sick and tired of hiding all the time, mom! I spent my entire childhood hiding! Doing every f*cking thing I could to keep from pissing him off so he didn’t hurt me, and guess what? He’d f*cking hurt me anyway! It didn’t matter how nice we were, he was always going to find a reason to hurt us.”

“So what about everyone else?” Lute called down from the booth, ignoring Emily begging her to stop. “What about the other sixty three people you murdered in cold blood?”

“Sixty three!?” His mom’s voice could only be described as a mix between a gasp and a sob as she backed into Sir Pentious’s hold again.

“You don’t know what it was like back then!” Alastor snarled, whirling to face her. “While you angels sat up here on your clouds, living in paradise, us mortals were down there suffering for no reason at all. We were punished for things out of our control, like the sex we were born with or the color of our skin. There were men out there who would put us down or hurt us for things outside of our control, and what did you angels do? You did nothing!”

“So you took it upon yourself?” An ophanim asked, leaning over their balcony booth. “You decided Heaven wasn’t good enough to give you humans the protection you needed, so you decided that you’d handle things on your own?”

“I cleaned up a few stains on the streets, yes.” Alastor growled.

“Sixty three stains.” Lute narrowed her eyes.

“Did you do it quickly, Alastor?” Sera asked grimly, stepping closer to the edge of the balcony. “Did you at the very least spare the souls you murdered any suffering? Did you treat them with the same kind of respect you would’ve wanted?”

He narrowed his glowing green eyes and slowly shook his head. “I didn’t show them a f*cking ounce of mercy. They didn’t deserve it.”

“Alastor…” Charlie whispered beside him, glancing nervously up at the elder angel watching them closely.

“Do you regret any of the lives you stole?” Sera asked.

“Not one.” He growled without hesitation.

He could hear his moms crying getting louder behind him. He didn’t turn to look at her. He didn’t want to. He knew he’d hurt her, and there was nothing he could do to fix it. Not now anyway. One hundred years in Hell and all he’d ever been worried about is how badly his mom reacted if she’d found out what he’d done. And now here he was with a front row seat, and he did nothing to comfort her. If anything, he’d made things worse.

“How can this man be worthy of redemption?” Lute snapped, turning to look up at the elder angel. “He’s barely worthy of his wings, let alone good enough to hold the title of Guardian Angel.”

“He is a Guardian Angel!” Cherri Bomb shouted unexpectedly behind him. “The women of New Orleans said so themselves! The people he saved!”

Lute laughed, putting her hand on her hip. “And what makes you think that?”

“Because they said it themselves!” Cherri huffed, “There were interviews. Interviews of women who’d been alive during the time of his murders. They all claimed that he’d saved them from abusive relationships or dangerous situations by getting rid of the men they were involved with. In almost every interview I’ve heard, they call him a Guardian Angel.”

He remembered the podcast Cherri had shown him in the past. He remembered the praise he’d received from women he’d never met.

“He’s always been an angel.” Charlie added, her confidence in Alastor returning. “You all have claimed that the Guardians fell because they had a tendency to take matters into their own hands in extreme ways. Well, that’s Alastor! He’s always been an angel!”


She said, "You ain't no son of mine!"
For what you've done they're
gonna find a place for you
And just you mind your manners when you go.
And when you go don't return to me my love,

Mama, we all go to hell
-"Mama" by My Chemical Romance.

Chapter 14: Angels make mistakes


The trial continues and Charlie realizes that angels do in fact make mistakes. They've made lots of them.


All Sera's secrets are spilling.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“If your theory is correct, and Mr. Thomas acted in violence due to his inner Guardian, then all you’ve done is prove that the Guardian’s are still unworthy.” Sera held herself high and proud, thinking she was winning. To be fair, she kind of was. How do you defend a murderer? How do you defend someone who took sixty four lives in the span of four short years?

“High council, I’m aware that the Guardian's trial was well over 100,000 years ago now, but I’m sure we all remember how vicious those malfunctioned angels were. How dangerous.” She pointed a finger down at Alastor who’s ears flattened in response. “Look at that thing and tell me you see anything other than a monster! Look at him and tell me you don’t see all the problems with the Guardian’s!”

He felt like melting into the shadows to hide himself from all the judging eyes locked onto his every move. He was more aware than ever how sharp his claws were, how jagged his yellowed teeth. His antlers were spiked, his eyes were blood red, and even his angelic wings had thick hooks on the elbow joints that could easily be used to slash someone open if he so desired. He was created for violence. He was designed to kill. Every aspect about him was dangerous.

“You just admitted that angels make mistakes!” Charlie shouted suddenly, causing him to flinch. He’d nearly forgotten she was standing next to him.

“I beg your pardon?” Sera raised an eyebrow.

“Last time I was here Lute said that angels don’t make mistakes!” Charlie said through her teeth, eyes reddening in anger, “but you just told everyone that angels make mistakes. If you all created the Guardians and they failed, then you made a mistake! You lied!”

It was eerily quiet.

“Was I not an angel?” Lucifer suddenly spoke up, daring step closer to his daughter while the shining spears drew closer. “Was I not one of the highest honored heavenly hosts back in the beginning? And what would you call my actions that led to the fall of humanity?”

“That was an act of rebellion.” Sera narrowed her eyes dangerously.

“That was a mistake.” Lucifer corrected, returning her stare. “I didn’t know the evils that humanity was capable of. How could I? Until the garden, there was no such thing as evil or darkness. I didn’t even consider humans becoming corrupt! I thought they’d use their freewill for good.”

“I fail to see the point you’re trying to make here. Princess Morningstar, your hearing ended over a year ago, you’re doing yourself no favors by pointing out any hypocrisies you think you’ve found now.” Sera rolled her eyes. “We’re here to discuss Alastor, not your Hotel.”

“My point is, if angels make mistakes like you just admitted they do, then why can’t Alastor be forgiven of the mistakes he’s made?” Charlie stamped a foot on the ground, and Alastor heard the whispers of the watching angels pick up again. She was gaining their support again. Support he’d thrown away when he openly admitted to his crimes with no regrets.

“Mistakes are something that happen once or twice.” Lute argued, “Not sixty three times, some with up to ninety stab wounds!” She glared at him and his ears shifted at the continued sound of his mother crying.

“Could you please stop bringing up the details of my crimes while my mother is in the room?” He growled, trying to regain at least a little composure.

“Mistakes are things that happen a few times, not over and over. Mistakes lead to accidental man slaughters, not serial killer body counts.” Lute continued.

“Oh, you wanna talk about body counts?” Alastor snarled, wings unfurling. “How many demons did you kill during your last successful extermination?”

The eyes of all the watching angels shifted to stare at Lute, whose confidence visibly wavered. She looked around, her eyes widening nervously. “That… That has nothing to do with this trial!” She growled.

“What’s the matter, exorcist?” Charlie smirked, “You were so proud to tell me how many of my people you’d slaughtered last time we talked. Why are you acting so shy now?”

“High council this trial is not about me or the exorcists!” Lute huffed, turning to look up at the elder angel.

“Answer the question, lieutenant.” The elder angel instructed.

She narrowed her eyes at Alastor who grinned back at her smugly.

“Two seventy five.” She said through her teeth.

There were gasps throughout the crowd. Angels reeling back in their booths from shock. Emily’s eyes were wide and glossy. Charlie had informed Heaven about the exterminations during her last visit, but she hadn’t gotten across just how devastating they were for Hell.

“Two hundred and seventy five.” Charlie shook her head. “And that’s from one exorcist during one extermination.”

Lucifer crossed his arms. “Sounds to me like you angels don’t have the right to judge whether or not someone is worthy of redemption on their body count.”

“The exterminations are different! They’re authorized by Heaven!” Sera argued, stepping in front of Lute. “What Mr. Thomas did was outside of any jurisdiction. He wasn’t an angel, he wasn’t a human authority figure, and he was not allowed to kill innocents.”

“How many of the council members knew about the exterminations, then?” Charlie shouted back, “I thought you all had to come to an agreement before anything was authorized up here, and yet more than half of them had no clue what was taking place every year!”

Alastor could feel a shift in moods within the courtroom. Charlie was winning them over. She was convincing them.

“Now, Sera.” Lucifer cleared his throat, “You asked Alastor if he regretted any of the lives he stole… Do you?”

Somehow, someway, the spears aimed at Lucifer turned, each of them suddenly aimed straight for the head seraphim while still floating by the king of Hell’s side.

A flash of fear passed over Sera’s face before she shook it away, hiding it from view. “I didn’t take any lives. I’ve never killed anyone.” She cleared her throat.

“You authorized it.” Lucifer retorted. “The blood that was shed during every single extermination is on your hands whether you held the blades or not. Souls that had been damned to Hell due to a technicality like Niffty and Pentious never got their chance for redemption and it is your fault. Do you regret any of the demon lives that were lost due to your orders?”

It was quiet. Too quiet.

Alastor picked at his bracelet.

“Your silence is the only answer we need.” Lucifer nodded, taking a step back, allowing the spears to turn to face him again.

“Heavenly Hosts of the council.” Charlie smiled, her confidence returning. “I believe we’ve made our point. Alastor’s murders are not going to keep him from redemption.”

“Agreed.” The elder angel high above them nodded, much to Alastor’s surprise.

He smiled slightly, his deer tail wagging. His murders were honestly the biggest thing he was worried about. Sure, he’d done plenty of horrible things, but arguably nothing quite as bad as killing someone. The angels had no grounds to stand on. They couldn’t say he was unworthy of his wings without admitting that they were unworthy of theirs as well.

His smile dropped suddenly as his stomach growled. He quickly cleared his throat and took a step away from everyone else, hoping no one noticed.

A few of Sera’s extra eyes opened, glancing in his direction before hiding away again. She heard it.


He hadn’t had anything cannibalistic to eat since his arrival in Heaven. The food here was great. His mothers cooking was just as good as he remembered, if not better. It wasn’t what he needed though. The curse was created by angels, so it wouldn’t be lifted in Heaven. His body still needed the flesh of his own kind to sustain itself, no matter where he was. He’d gone four days without any issues, but now his stomach was growling. Now he was getting hungry. Hungrier than usual anyway. He took a deep breath and chewed on the inside of his mouth, tasting the blood he drew. He just had to hold himself together until this trial was over, then he could find something to eat. He’d gone much longer before, he’d be fine.

“Alastor was an overlord!” Lute growled, drawing his attention back to the trial. “Not just any overlord, he was the Radio Demon. He committed unspeakable acts in Hell. He took part in soul trading. He participated in turf wars, and he broadcasted tormented screams over the radio for others to listen to.”

“An angel wouldn’t do any of that.” One of the ophanims commented. “Soul trading is arguably the most terrible thing someone can do.”

Alastor swallowed nervously. They were right. Taking ownership of someone's soul was one of the most evil things that could be done. It was almost worse than murder.

“He was under someone's control at that time!” A deep voice behind him hollered, and soon Husk landed by his side, fur standing up. “Alastor was forced to become an overlord. He was being puppeted himself.”

“Explain.” The elder angel instructed.

“When Alastor first arrived in Hell, he was scared and alone like many of us were.” Husk took a deep breath. “So, desperate to survive, he did what many new sinner demons do, and he went looking for someone stronger than him to protect him. He found Lilith.”

Judging by the reactions of the watching angels, no one was expecting that name to come up. They all looked surprised. All but Sera, who looked nervous. It would appear they were about to uncover more of her dirty little secrets.

“Lilith offered him power. She offered to take away his weakening human emotions in exchange for his soul, and he agreed. He was so new to the Hellish world that he didn’t know what he was agreeing to.” Husk continued, “Liltih used him to take out other overlords. She used him to strike fear into the hearts of other demons so that they’d never try to step out of line. For her plan to be successful, he’d need to become an overlord himself, and in Hell the easiest way to do that is to collect and trade souls. He let many of his owned souls go after a time, he was just using them to gain more power for her.”

“And what about you?” Lute asked, raising an eyebrow. “He didn’t let you go until recently. Why’s that?”

“He was protecting me.” Husk growled. “I got to Hell in the 70s and I started gaining power quickly. I became an overlord much faster than most. I was a threat to Lilith’s plan. If Alastor hadn’t taken my soul and kept me from getting stronger, she’d have sent him to kill me. Was he a harsh boss? Absolutely, but he didn’t have any emotions. He couldn’t help himself. And the very day that Charlie started breaking his chains, he released me.”

“What about his other thrawl?” An angel near the top asked. “Didn’t he have a second soul he kept for a long time.”

“That was me.” Niffty answered, raising her hand. “I wanted to stay. I knew he was my father even though he didn’t, and I wanted to be with him. Plus, he’d offered me protection. He never made me do anything I didn’t want to do though, and he was very kind to me. He actually understood me more than most.”

“Excuse me if I’m just not understanding, but what exactly was Lilith using him for?” An ophanim asked. “She was the queen of Hell. She was the one encouraging her people to grow stronger. Isn’t that why the exterminations were founded in the first place?”

“Lilith made a deal.” Lucifer spoke up. “She agreed to destroy the hope that she’d built up in the demons in exchange for a place here in Heaven.”

There were more gasps and whispers.

“Lilith in Heaven!?”

“That’s absurd!”

“She’s not in Heaven… Is she?”

“Who would’ve made a deal like that?”

“She made her deal with Adam.” Lucifer explained. “With Adam, and I’m guessing Sera.”

“Is this true, Sera?” The elder angel asked, turning to her again. “I was aware you had some kind of a deal with Lilith, but did the two of you actually use Mr. Thomas to kill overlords?”

Sera gave Lucifer the nastiest look Alastor had ever seen an angel make. “Yes.” She said through her teeth. “I was doing it to prevent an uprising. The exterminations weren’t working, and we needed to find a way to get rid of some of the bigger threats.”

“Wait until you guys hear what they did with Alastor once Lilith got to Heaven.” Husk scoffed, rolling his eyes.

“What’s that?” The elder angel leaned forward in interest.

“They locked him away in an empty void for seven years.”

“An empty void!?”

“All alone?”

“That’s so cruel!?”

“It’s no wonder he’s so aggressive, I’d be angry too!”

He couldn’t believe how quickly they were turning the angels against Sera. He couldn’t believe how many Heavenly Hosts seemed to be on his side. He never expected to make it this far.

“Sera, were you aware that Alastor was being locked away in an empty void for seven years?” The elder angel asked.

“Yes, I was aware.” She huffed.

“Why would you authorize that?” An ophanim woman asked. “I can’t imagine how horrible that must’ve been. No matter how bad of a person you believed him to be, seven years locked in nothing is far too cruel a punishment for anyone.”

“Especially someone who was only carrying out the actions you forced him to.”

“I know that it sounds horrible.” Sera sighed, “But I promise, council, I had Heaven’s best interest in mind the entire time. Everything I’ve done I’ve done for the greater good.”

“So what about locking Alastor in a void was for the greater good?” Charlie asked, crossing her arms.

“I…” Sera was stumbling over her words, grasping at straws for an answer. “He was… He was dangerous!”

“You made him dangerous.” Lucifer narrowed his eyes. “You and Lilith.”

“It doesn’t matter! Regardless of who made him into the monster he is today, he’s still a monster! We were doing Hell a favor by keeping him locked up where he couldn’t hurt anyone.”

“No, you were doing you a favor!” Lucifer shouted, “Because you both knew damn well that he wasn’t a monster. You both knew that he was a Guardian this entire time, and you didn’t want him to find out! You made him into something to be feared and run from so he’d never grow close to anyone, and then when you couldn’t monitor him anymore because you were both in Heaven, you locked him up in a void. You kept him away from anyone he could possibly care about. You kept him from feeling any kind of emotions so he couldn’t love anyone. You weren’t doing any of that to stop an uprising, you were doing it so he never found out that he was a Guardian.”

“Alright I admit it!” Sera slammed her firsts down on the balcony, six wings spreading wide and every set of eyes opening. “Yes, we were just trying to keep Alastor from discovering that he was a Guardian angel. Taking his emotions, forcing him to become a feared overlord, and even locking him in the void, it was all to keep him away from others. We had him attack anyone he got close to, like that TV headed demon, Vox. We took away his ability to love so he’d never find out what he really was, but somehow it didn’t work. Somehow he still managed to find just enough love to gain his wings back.”

Alastor remembered the day Niffty died. He wasn’t supposed to care. He wasn’t supposed to feel. He remembered locking himself in his room and destroying all his furniture. He remembered screaming. He remembered smashing mirrors because he was sick of looking at his own smiling face.

It was Niffty.

It was his daughter.

Lilith’s chains repressed every single emotion he should’ve felt. He wasn’t supposed to be able to love Niffty, but he did. And when he lost her, the pain was so great that he was able to feel again. Able to feel just enough to express to Charlie that he was sad. Just enough to motivate her to break his chains.

It was all because he loved his daughter. Someone he’d always loved but never known.

Niffty saved him.


Free my mans. He guilty as hell but free him anyway.

Also someone get him a hamburger. Like seriously. He need food.

Chapter 15: Pain


The angels get a taste of Alastor's pain.


Content warning, the episode is going to go back over some of the stuff we've covered in the past, namely Alastor's eating disorder. If you're sensitive to that kind of thing, feel free to skip this chapter and I'll catch you in the next one.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“So, high council. It would appear that some of your authoritarians haven’t been playing by the rules.” Lucifer smirked. “I don’t know if I even feel comfortable sending redeemed sinners here anymore, honestly. At this rate they’re probably safer in Hell.”

“Don’t be a smart ass Lucifer.” Lute sneered.

“I do agree that we have perhaps been too trusting of Sera’s decision making as of late.” The bright elder angel commented. “I can assure you that things will be taken care of after this trial.”

Alastor glanced at Sera’s booth. She didn’t seem as worried as he thought she should be. Emily however looked horrified. Torn between her feelings. She clearly knew what Sera had been doing was wrong, but she loved her and looked up to her. She didn’t want to watch her fall. Alastor wondered if it would come to that. If they were threatening to take his wings away before they’d even met him, surely Sera deserved to lose hers too.

“For now, we need to continue with this trial. Sera,” The elder angel turned to her again, “Since you seemed so concerned about the Guardians' return to Heaven, what exactly is your argument against them?”

“Well.” Sera crossed the balcony slowly, pacing closer to Lute. Alastor narrowed his eyes, she was walking strangely. Like every step had a purpose. She started making gestures with her hands as she spoke, something she hadn’t done before. Some people talked with their hands, Alastor had a tendency to do that when he was being dramatic or if he was excited, but so far he’d not noticed Sera doing this. “Obviously, those of us old enough to remember the Guardians know that they were overly protective. Loyal to a fault, and they had issues taking things too far.”

She swung her arm out wide, and her forearm brushed against the tip of Lutes sword, drawing blood.

Alastor’s pupils turned to dials as the sickly sweet scent of angelic blood hit his nose.

“Oh my!” She gasped. It sounded fake. Very fake. She made no move to heal her wound, or to cover it or even apply pressure to stop the bleeding. If anything, she was still moving her arm around dramatically as if she were trying to let the smell spread. “I’m terribly sorry, Heavenly Hosts. I’m afraid talking about the Guardians always gets me worked up. I’m so clumsy.” She cut her eyes at him.

She was baiting him.

His ears pinned back as his stomach growled. He blinked several times to try and force his pupils to return to normal, but it wasn’t working. It wouldn’t work as long as he could smell her blood. He was starving. He started biting the inside of his mouth, but his own blood wasn’t going to satisfy him. Not when he could smell prey just a few flaps of his wings away.

“Alastor…” Charlie whispered, giving him a nervously look. She knew what was happening.

They couldn’t call Sera out on her deliberate manipulation without bringing Alastor’s cannibalistic nature to everyone's attention. As difficult as it had been to navigate his murders and his time spent as an overlord, his cannibalism would be worse. Unlike the other arguably evil parts of his history, there was nothing he could really blame this on. Of course it was a curse. A curse put on the Guardian of the hungry by the angels themselves. Alastor couldn’t help that he needed flesh to sustain himself. He couldn’t help that he was always on the brink of starvation. But he hadn’t struggled with these feelings until he’d gotten to Hell and deliberately chosen to eat demon meat. He’d made the choice to try cannibalism. He’d decided to eat the flesh of a mortal soul. If he hadn’t, the curse would’ve never affected him the same way it did the Guardian before him. He’d have never become a real wendigo.

“I’m okay.” He said to Charlie, giving her a weak smile while the back of his mind wondered if her blood tasted angelic or not. Angels were so much richer than demons. So much more filling. He’d never known that until the failed extermination when he tried angelic flesh for himself. It actually put a dent in his never ending appetite. He hadn’t thought about it in awhile, but damn it was good. He wanted more.

“The Guardians devastated the mortal realm when they were created.” Sera said, suddenly flying away from her booth. Alastor took a step back as she landed a few feet away, the smell of her blood growing stronger.

His heart was beating in his ears. Charlie grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. Grounding him.

“It was heartbreaking to see just how dangerous they became.” Sera continued, looking up at the council members, still moving her arms around in a dramatic fashion. Purposefully getting closer to Alastor while Charlie backed him up.

“Just look at those wings.” Sera turned to him, stepping closer. “They were practically designed to cause harm. They don’t even look angelic.” She reached forward.

He went rigid as she grabbed onto the hooked claw sticking out of his left wing with her injured arm. The smell of her blood was so strong. Her fingers felt like they were made of knives. He couldn’t control himself. He was too hungry. She was too close to him. He yanked his arm away from Charlie and his wing away from her. Before he was able to restrain himself, he’d grabbed her arm and bit down into the cut made by Lute’s blade.

Sera didn’t stay to let him rip her arm off. Obviously she wasn’t going to allow herself to feel any real pain. The second Alastors teeth sank into her arm; she'd vanished in a blinding flash of light that stunned him for a moment.

He backed away, frantically rubbing his eyes to try and clear the white spots from his vision. His ears were ringing but he could still hear the frantic shouts and cries of the angels high above him. He forced his eyes to open, not surprised to find Sera standing back at her booth, holding her arm outward for all to see.

“This is what I’m talking about!” She growled, displaying the teeth marks like a badge of honor. “The Guardians are unpredictable and dangerous! What kind of angel just bites someone!?”

“The kind that you cursed!” Lucifer shouted, wings unfurling and eyes turning red. One of the shimmering spears jabbed at his side and he calmed down, eyes returning to their usual color and wings vanishing. “Don’t act like you don’t remember the curses you all put on the Guardians! You forced the Guardian of the hungry to wander for eternity in a perpetual state of starvation. Only able to satisfy himself by consuming the flesh of his own kind. When the Guardian gave its spirit to Alastor, that curse went with it.”

“Curse or not, he should know how to restrain himself!” Sera argued, narrowing her eyes. “He should have enough common sense not to attack another angel out of the blue like that, especially during something as serious as this trial.”

Alastor shrank back, he could feel people watching him. He started picking as his bracelet, afraid that if he didn’t he’d try to drive his claws back into his sides. He wondered if his spleen was back. Most of his injuries had healed when he grew his wings, but did his removed spleen return or was it still missing? If it was back, how mad would Odette be if he clawed it up again?

“You cut your arm to make him react that way you bitch!” Niffty shouted.

“Niffty!” A few angels scolded, she didn’t look away from Sera.

“Regardless. Even if the smell of blood made him hungrier, the fact that he couldn’t control himself for even a minute proves that the Guardians are unstable and dangerous.” Sera crossed her arms.

“Restraint!?” Angel Dust hopped over the booth and stepped between Alastor and the judgmental eyes. “Don’t you f*cking talk to him about restraint! He tried to resist your bullsh*t curse already. He tried to control himself just recently, and he is still recovering from it.”

“Something else you’d have known if you read his trauma file!” Niffty added.

“Please, sit down Anthony, you’re making a fool of yourself.” Sera warned, “We wouldn’t want to have to make you leave the courtroom.”

“Look, bright dude!” Angel turned to look up at the elder angel, ignoring Sera. “Alastor tried to resist your curse. He tried so hard! It could’ve killed him! Look at him for God's sake he only weighs like seventy pounds. Less than that if you take off his new wings. He did try to resist but he couldn’t. Do you all have any idea the kind of pain he had to put himself through?”

“No they don’t.” Lucifer shook his head, “Because they’ve all lived here their whole lives. They don’t feel pain.”

It was quiet, everyone looking between each other. No wonder the angels felt so cold and unrelatable. They physically couldn’t relate to mortal souls. They’d never felt pain before and they never would.

“Sir…” Lucifer looked up at the elder angel, “I’d like to make a request.”

“You’re lucky to be here, Lucifer!” Sera growled.

“I wasn’t talking to you!” Lucifer snarled sharp teeth at her.

“Go on, Lucifer.” The elder angel nodded.

“Patch everyone here into Alastor’s nerves. Just for a second.” Lucifer instructed.

“This is insane.” Sera rolled her eyes, “What exactly do you think you’re going to prove with this, Lucifer?”

“Look at him!” Lucifer pointed at Alastor who tried to keep from shrinking to hide behind Angel Dust. “He’s just standing there! There’s nothing wrong right now. You’ve no reason to be afraid. Just patch all the angels here through to his nervous system for like thirty seconds.”

The elder angel was quiet for a moment, considering his request. “Very well. Everyone.” He stood up, getting all the watching angels' attention. “Prepare yourselves. We’re going to feel everything Mr. Thomas feels for the next thirty seconds.”

In a split second, the room was filled with screaming. Alastor backed away, ears flattening as he watched the angels react. It was much more chaotic than he’d expected. Some of them were doubled over, clutching their stomachs in pain. Many had tears in their eyes. A few of them were scratching at their arms, or pulling at their hair to try and find relief. One or two had crawled onto their knees in their booths, curling in on themselves. Several were screaming, others were crying. Emily looked like she was going to vomit. Even Sera looked like she was about to pass out.

“What’s going on?” Alastor turned to Lucifer, eyes wide with confusion. “I thought he said they were feeling what I was feeling. Why are they acting like they’ve been stabbed?”

“You’re used to it.” Lucifer sighed, watching them with no emotion.

“Used to what?”

“Hunger.” He replied, “They’ve never even felt a little hungry before. You’re starving to death constantly. They don’t know what that feels like, and you’re numb to it.”

It ended and the room was quiet aside from the shifting of angels returning to their feet and the sniffles of those trying to save their pride and hide their tears. Emily was still sobbing. Her empathetic nature stabbing her in the heart as she processed what Alastor was going through on a daily basis.

“So do you see now?” Lucifer asked. “He is showing restraint. Constantly. If you all felt like that all the time, and you knew that taking a chunk out of the person closest to you would make it go away, wouldn’t you?”

Alastor watched Lucifer and couldn’t help but smile just slightly. Lucifer. The man who’d once made him feel horrible for his cannibalistic nature was defending him. Speaking up for him. Helping him.

“I-If he’s used to it, then it’s not as bad for him!” Sera stuttered. Her arms were shaking as she held onto the railing of her booth to keep from collapsing as she recovered from the pain.

“Your majesty, er, your, whatever you are.” Angel looked back up at the elder angel. “Are you able to play memories on that orby thingy ya’ll have?”

“I beg your pardon?” The elder angel asked. Alastor imagined he’d have been raising an eyebrow if he had a face. Did he have a face? Maybe he was just too bright for Alastor to see.

“I have something I need you all to see.” Angel explained, “I promise it’s important to the case. Can you bring my memories up on the orby thing?”

The angel nodded and the clear orb from earlier lowered back towards them, filtering through images captured by Angel's mind like a sped up slideshow. Watching it was like being sucked inside of his mind. Like you were experiencing the events along with Angel.

He looked at himself in the mirror, making sure that he was still as hot as always. Angel often struggled with his self confidence, but today he was feeling extra cute, so he was giving himself a good look over before bed.

The metal clanging noise in the background was getting annoying. He sighed and rolled his eyes, turning to refill his pet pig's food bowl before the little creature started squealing. He opened the box next to Fat Nugget’s bowl and frowned, he was out of the kibble the pig used as his main source of food.

“You already ate this evening, Nuggs. You can wait until tomorrow morning.” He yawned, putting the empty box in the trash before crawling into his bed. He got comfortable and switched off the lamp on his bedside table. It was peaceful and quiet, the only noise he could hear was the quiet music playing from his clock radio.

He’d nearly fallen asleep when he heard the clanging noise again.

“Nuggsie. Sleep!” He huffed, pulling his comforter up further over his head. It was quiet for a few seconds before the noise came back, more persistent this time. “Ugh, fine!” He growled, sitting up.

He threw on his robe and bent down to scratch the pigs head. “You better be glad you’re cute. I’d have sold you to a farm by now if you weren’t.” He scolded, unable to keep the slight smile off his face as the little pig nosed around his feet.

He walked down the halls. The hotel was nice, dark and quiet already. Charlie must’ve finished checking up on all the residents and gone to bed already. Angel should be in bed too, but he knew damn well he’d never get any sleep if he didn’t feed that annoying pig.

He opened the door to the basem*nt and paused at the top of the stairs. There was a horrible shrieking noise coming from down there. It sounded like a harsh echoing mix between an elk and an alligator, if that was at all possible. It made his blood run cold. He took a deep breath and continued down. It was probably just the pipes. Someone was taking a hot shower, yeah that’s all it was.

When he reached the bottom step he found a discarded note pad and ink pen lying on the ground. He picked up the notepad and read it over curiously. It looked like an unfinished inventory list. The handwriting started out fine and legible, but the further down the page he read the more frantic the scribbles became until it was just chicken scratch.

The shrieking noise wailed out again, louder than before. It was pitiful. It made Angel want to cry. No longer worried for his own safety, he started navigating through the labyrinth of junk in the basem*nt. Finally, tucked behind some shelves and storage totes, he found the source of the noise.

Alastor was lying on his side on the cold cement floor. Curled up into such a tight ball that he looked twice as small as usual. His ears were stuck flat against his head, his knees were pulled under his chin. His arms were wrapped around himself so tightly that his fingertips were nearly touching each other on his back. His eyes were squeezed closed and his teeth were bared. The noise was coming from him. He kept screaming, tears streaming down his face and dripping into the puddle on the floor.

“Alastor!” Angel shouted, rushing forward. He grabbed onto Alastor’s shoulder and the deer demon's eyes flashed open. He’d uncurled and twisted around in a split second and before Angel could react he’d lashed out with his claws and slashed down the side of the arm that had touched him. Angel screamed and jerked himself away, taking several steps back as Alastor continued to swipe at the air.

After a few failed attempts at attacking whoever had touched him, Alastor collapsed back onto the ground, rolling onto his opposite side and curling up even tighter, tucking his head behind his knees so Angel couldn’t see him. He wasn’t in his right mind. The pain had taken over every part of him. He probably didn’t even realize what was going on.

Angel watched him in shock for a moment, holding onto his bleeding arm. Alastor’s body was shaking violently. So badly that Angel almost wondered if he was having a seizure. He looked around them, hoping to see a blanket or a towel or something he could use to get closer to the deer without getting hurt. There was nothing. Nothing useful around. It didn’t matter, he couldn’t leave him alone. He knew he should probably go for help, but he was afraid to leave him. He knew Alastor had a tendency to melt into shadows and teleport away when he was scared or in pain. Angel was worried that if he did that now, they wouldn’t be able to find him again.

He swallowed his fear and got down on his knees, crawling closer slowly. “Alastor… Can you hear me?” He asked, his voice quivering.

Alastor didn’t respond. Angel didn’t even see his ears twitching. His ears were pinned as flat against his head as he’d ever seen them, he probably couldn’t hear anything.

“I’m going to touch you, Alastor, but I promise I’m not going to hurt you.” He took a deep breath and reached forward with one of his lower arms this time. He touched his fingertips against the deers arm and Alastor flinched, yelping out as if he’d been stabbed, but other than that he showed no reaction.

Angel moved closer and closer until he’d put his whole hand against Alastors shoulder. He slowly rubbed back and forth for a moment, hoping that he was getting him used to the feeling of Angel touching him.

His body was freezing. Even though Angel was only touching his hoodie, he could feel the icy cold radiating off of him.

He slid as close as he could, crossing his legs. He carefully moved another arm to Alastor. He very slowly and carefully rolled the deer demon onto his back. Alastor’s shivering got worse when he was unable to curl up on himself. He sounded like he was choking on his own tears.

“It’s okay, I’m just seeing where you’re hurt.” Angel whispered, rubbing his arm again. He grabbed Alastor’s wrists with one set of hands, uncrossing his arms so he could see him better. The way Alastor was acting had him convinced that the deer demon had been stabbed in the gut somehow, yet when he uncovered his abdomen he couldn’t see any signs of injuries. With his second set of hands, he pulled up Alastor’s hoodie and T-shirt, but he couldn’t see any visible wounds. He was a bit stunned at the sunken in and scarred skin over Alastor’s stomach. Or at least where a stomach should’ve been. Angel wouldn’t have been surprised if someone told him Alastor didn’t have one. He could see movement beneath the thin stretch of skin as Alastors innards searched for something, anything, they could suck the nutrients out of.

Feeling sick all of the sudden, Angel pulled his clothes back down and let go of his arms, letting them snap back into place over himself. He couldn’t see what was wrong. He couldn’t figure out what had happened. He knew one thing though. Alastor was in pain. More pain than he could imagine.

Carefully, he slipped his arms under the extremely light deer body and lifted him into his arms, holding him close. It felt like hugging an icicle. Angel rested his head on top of Alastors as he pulled him in closer, squeezing his eyes closed and listening painfully to the sounds of Alastors crying. What else could he do? He wanted to move him. To get him somewhere safe. To take him to someone better equipped to help.

No one would be able to help. Angel knew what was happening now. There was nothing anyone could do to take his pain away now.

After a good ten minutes, Alastor’s crying slowed down. Angel waited for a moment before pressing one of his four hands against Alastor’s chest and feeling carefully, ensuring that it was still rising and falling. Ensuring that his blackened heart was still beating. He was still shivering like crazy. Still curling in on himself as much as he could in a desperate attempt to relieve some of his pain.

Carefully, Angel stood himself off the floor, still clutching Alastor close. He made sure to grab a box of Fat Nuggets food before he trekked back up the stairs.

He brought him into his room and carefully laid him down on his bed. He looked him over a few times, double checking that there were no visible injuries on the deer's body. With a sigh, he poured Fat Nugget's food and then went to a cabinet in the corner of the room, retrieving a heavy electric blanket. He plugged it in by the bed and draped it over Alastor’s frozen body, pulling it up to his nose. He turned it on and brushed the deer demons bangs out of his face gently.

He watched him breathe for a moment. Terrified every time his chest sank that it wouldn’t rise back up again.

Fat Nuggets bumped his snout against Angel's leg, drawing the spider's attention. He bent down to pet the pig and scratch behind his ears.

“Oh Nuggs…” He sighed, “I don’t know what to do.”


That little snippet at the end is what Angel actually found between chapters 6 and 7 of unclipped just in case anyone needed a reminder ;)

Chapter 16: I stand with the Guardian


Heaven makes their decision...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The mood inside the courtroom had gone somber. No one was speaking. No one was whispering or staring or even talking. They were just standing there, taking it in, processing the things they’d just seen and felt. The ancient angels were finally starting to grasp just how devastating the curse they placed on the original Guardian was. They were finally starting to understand.

Alastor didn’t think anyone could ever understand.

“Well…” Sera cleared her throat. “I um… That was…”

“Just say you don’t have an argument, Sera.” Lucifer interrupted her mumbling.

She cut her eyes at him.

“I have an argument!” Lute sneered.

She stood up and prepared to speak, but the great elder angel high above them silently held out a hand, wordlessly gathering everyone's attention at once.

“There will be no need for that, Lute.” He nodded once, “I’ve made a decision regarding Alastor. If we all come to an agreement, this trial will soon be over.”

Alastor turned to look at the other members of the hotel nervously. None of them knew what to expect. His mom still wasn’t even looking at him and had taken to standing in the corner of their booth, eyes cast downward while Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb tried their best to comfort her.

“In regards of redemption.” The elder angel cleared his throat, “I believe that is without question that Alastor has done many many terrible things throughout his mortal life and his afterlife in Hell. Some of his actions have been influenced by others, and some have been of his own desire.”

His ears folded back anxiously.

“However, In light of the recent good that he has been doing, and his persistence to keep trying to change in spite of all the challenges put on him by the cursed Guardian spirit, there is no denying that Alastor Thomas has indeed earned his redemption.”

“Yes!” Charlie squealed, nearly knocking him over as she jumped to embrace him. He hugged her back, wrapping his hands around her waist and lifting her up to spin in a circle before putting her back onto her feet. The others were all voicing congratulations and support. Many of the watching angels were clapping. Others, like Lute and Sera, were watching with disapproval. Emily flew down from the balcony and reached for him but stopped herself, apologizing. He hugged her the way Charlie had him, touch aversion be damned. She’d believed in him from the beginning, he owed her a hug.

“And in regards to his title as Guardian Angel…” The elder angel had to raise his echoing voice to be heard over the crowd. They all settled down and looked back up at him, smiling expectantly. “It is undeniable that Alastor was gifted the spirit of the Guardian of the Hungry. His behavior and his wings prove that fact. He clearly has the instinct, the power, and the heart to be a Guardian angel.”

Charlie grabbed onto his arm excitedly.


His ears drooped.

“It was decided many years ago that the Guardian angels were dangerous and insubordinate.”

He felt like he could throw up.

“They acted aggressively, and without empathy. Alastor has shown that he too carries these traits. I cannot with sound mind allow Guardian angels to return to Heaven.”

“What!?” Charlie and the others all gasped at once.

“I’m afraid that I have no choice. If Alastor would like to keep his redemption, we will have to remove his status as Guardian and instead make him into a standard winner angel like the others.”

“Now hold on!” Lucifer argued, “You can’t just change what he is like that!”

“Not without removing his current wings and abilities first.” The elder angel agreed.

He glanced at Sera. The smirk on her face was enough to strike him dead.

“Lute, if you wouldn’t mind.” The elder angel nodded.

“Gladly.” Lute sneered, putting her exorcist mask back over her head and zooming towards him.

Charlie grabbed him by the arm and yanked him out of the way before she’d had the chance to slice her angelic sword down his back.

He spun around in time to see her second attack and his body reacted faster than his mind, his eyes turning green and his antlers extending. His wings folded back out of her reach and he grabbed onto the sword as it was swinging. Somehow, he’d managed to snatch the blade without it slicing into his hand. He stared Lute down, snarling. Taking a quick step back, he ripped the sword from her one arm and spun it around, grabbing the handle and pointing it back at her.

“Now hold on a f*cking minuet!” He growled, panting to catch his breath, “Don’t I get any say in this!”

“There is no room for debate here Mr. Thomas.” The elder angel shook his head. “Either you give up your Guardian wings and become a winner, or you’ll lose any angelic standing and fall back to Hell as a demon again.”

“What about the hotel?” Alastor asked, ears pinning back, “What about my family there? What happens to them?”

“Once you’ve grown in your new wings you’ll live here in Heaven with the other winners. You’ll not be able to contact Hell anymore. If you fall, you won’t be able to contact Heaven. You’ll never see your mother or daughter again.”

He glanced at Niffty. She was watching him closely, fear etched into her face. He’d just gotten her back. He’d just found out that she was his daughter. She was the thing he’d been missing and never known about. He didn’t want to lose her, but how could he just let go of the hotel!?

“What’s it going to be, Alastor?” Lute smirked, holding her hand up as the blade stayed steady pointed at her neck. “You're gonna stay here and take care of your real family, or are you gonna fall and suffer in Hell with the demon scum you think are your friends.”

“They are just as much my family as my mother and Niffty are!” Alastor growled. He unfolded his wings and flew upwards, looking over all the watching angels, sword still clutched in his hand.

“This is your paradise!?” He asked, holding out his arms and gesturing to the courtroom. “After all of the hardships and trials we mortals go through in the living world, this is our reward? A shiny city filled with snobby pretentious bird brains who can’t even relate to us because they’ve never had to struggle in their life? A place where the world is so perfect that it’s practically sickening!? A place that is perfectly fine with splitting up families and never letting them see each other again!?”

“You have no right to question the actions of Heaven!” Sera shouted.

“I have every right!” Alastor screamed in an elk like shriek, forcing several angels to cover their ears. “How can any of the winners possibly feel content and happy knowing that their loved ones are suffering for all eternity!? Isn’t that creating a Hell all on its own!?” He pointed the sword downward at Sir Pentious who was still standing next to Cherri Bomb and Dorothy. “Pentious has been working himself to the bone since he got here because, as great a place as this is, the person he loves isn’t here with him!”

“W-well I-I.” Sir Pentious was stuttered, his face turning red as he glanced nervously from Alastor to Cherri Bomb.

“Pen, are you truly happy here?” Alastor asked, “Would you be completely happy and at peace if you knew you’d never see Cherri Bomb again?”

He stared up at Alastor with wide eyes before slowly shaking his head. “No…”

“This is not paradise, this is an illusion!” Alastor snarled, turning back towards the bright elder angel. “The only way to make something truly perfect is for imperfections to exist. The only way to feel love is to have felt hated. The only reason light exists is to counteract darkness.”

“You’re treading dangerous ground, Alastor…” Sera warned.

“Who are any of you to judge any of us? If you were put in the positions us mortals were in, you’d probably have sinned too. Angel didn’t ask to be born into a mob family. Husk didn’t ask for his country to betray him after fighting in a war. Niffty didn’t ask to be lobotomized and mistreated her whole life, and Cherri Bomb didn’t ask to struggle with her mental health. And who’s to say, if Hell isn’t forever and demons can be redeemed, what if angels can sin? What if all your fallen exorcists are down in Hell right now!?”

Lute shifted on her feet, her eyes suddenly widening in thought behind her mask.

The angels were whispering amongst themselves again.

“I’m done taking orders from anyone.” Alastor continued, narrowing his eyes, wings carrying him higher. “From now on I am going to do what I want with my own life.” He was practically eye to eye with the elder angel now. “I am going to go back to Hell and defend my home. I am going to keep talking to my daughter as much as I please. I’m going to use these wings how I see fit.” He backed away. “And if Heaven tries to stop me, well…” He started lowering himself down again. “If you thought the battle at the hotel was bad, then you haven’t seen anything yet. I’ll declare war.”

It was quiet as he landed on the ground, keeping his wings outstretched. After a few beats of silence and unbroken eye contact with the elder angel, he held Lutes sword outward and swung one of his wings downward, the hooked claw snapping it in half easily. He dropped the remaining end down.

“Go ahead and strike me dead if you want.” He growled, “But I f*cking promise you I’ll put up a fight. I’m done being told what to do. Either you let me do my job as Guardian, or I’ll snap the necks of every halo wearing hypocrite in this realm…”

The elder angel was staring him down dangerously as the room fell into an uncomfortable silence. If someone had dropped a pen it would’ve echoed throughout the courtroom.

He felt someone grab his hand and flinched, turning in shock to find Emily standing by his side, staring up at the elder angel bravely.

“I stand with the Guardian.” She huffed.

His ears twitched at the sound of Niffty’s wings fluttering closer before she landed on his shoulders, standing just above his head. “I stand with the Guardian.”

“I stand with the Guardian.” An ophanim near the ceiling declared.

“We stand with the Guardian.” Two Cherubs closer to the ground nodded, clasping their hands together.

Alastor’s eyes widened and his heart thudded in his ears as slowly, more angels stood from their seats, turning to face the bright being high above them and stating bravely,

I stand with the Guardian.

His eyes flicked back down as Lute stepped in front of him, dropping her mask onto the ground, wings outstretched and fist clenched. She stared at him, unmoving, an unreadable expression in her golden eyes.

“I stand with the Guardian.” She swallowed.

Well over half of the angels were standing now, all watching the elder one for his next move, all ready to defend him if necessary.

Wordlessly, the blindingly bright creature sat back down in his golden throne, folding his hands together in consideration.

“It would appear that the council has decided without my input.” He nodded.

Alastor found it hard to breathe. He realized a little too deep into his speech that this elder angel with god-like abilities could have his heart in his hand in mere seconds if he so pleased.

“I need to discuss some things with my head angels.” The elder sighed, “Alastor… Guardian.”

Alastor narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth.

“For the time being, I am sending you and your crew back to Hell, with no contact with Heaven until I see fit. If you try to attack, we will destroy everything you and Princess Morningstar hold dear. It is in your best interest that you stay put and wait to hear from us again.”

He held out his arm, hand suddenly glowing even brighter than the rest of his body.

Alastor’s eyes widened as he felt the ground shifting beneath him. He looked up at Niffty on his shoulders and she looked back down at him, terrified.

“No, wait!” He reached for her just as the floor opened up and swallowed him whole, sucking him down into the ground and leaving her in the sky.

And just like that, in an instant, he was lying on the floor of the hotel, staring up at the beam he and Angel had replaced. Tears welling up in his eyes as his ears folded back and his heart pounded in his chest.

He’d lost her again.


It was at this moment that he knew
He f*cked up.

Chapter 17: Letters


Alastor waits to hear back from the archangel

Meanwhile, the rest of Hell has woken up to an unexpected surprise.


Here's an extra chapter for ya'll before bed (it's 11 here). Hope you're having a good weekend!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There was a faint tapping against the door.

“Alastor…” His ear twitched at the sound of Charlie’s voice, but he made no move to let her in. He curled up tighter on the twin sized mattress, facing the wall and letting his wings hang uncomfortably off behind him.

He hadn’t been in Niffty’s room in over a year. It was still spotless and tidy, but now with a thin layer of dust on everything.

He didn’t fit in her bed very well, even before he’d grown his wings, but he didn’t deserve to be comfortable.

“Alastor I’m coming in.” Charlie sighed. He closed his eyes as the thin stretch of line poured in from the slowly opening door. Charlie closed it behind her, leaving them in the midafternoon dark of the room. The only thing keeping it from being pitch black was the rays of light filtering in through the pink curtains on the window.

He felt the mattress shift with added weight as Charlie sat down on the edge of the bed, carefully rubbing his arm.

“Everyone’s worried about you.” She said in what was nearly a whisper.

“I messed everything…” Alastor replied, his voice weak and hoarse. “I let you all down.”

“You didn’t let us down, Al. Heaven was unfair.”

His claws curled around himself. He wished he hadn’t left his stuffed frog behind. He wished he had something other than his own arms to dig his nails into.

Charlie’s hand moved to brush through the red down feathers of one of his wings. “You need to come out of here, Al.” She sighed, “It’s been two days.”

He didn’t say anything, but his ears pressed themselves tighter against his head. He didn’t need her to remind him how long it had been. He’d been counting the hours. Waiting for Heaven to get back to them and tell them what they’d decided. Waiting to discover whether or not he’d actually started a war.

Her hand moved from his feathers and he heard the sound of something sliding off of a wooden surface. She was picking up the plate left on the nightstand. The plate he hadn’t touched. He felt terrible about wasting food. He’d known so many people when he was alive who’d have killed for a decent meal like that. He was the Guardian of the Hungry for f*cks sake, he shouldn’t be wasting food.

“Did you eat anything at all?” She asked.

“I’m not hungry…”

“Al… You know that I know that’s not true.” Her hand was in his feathers again. “Can you talk to me? Please? I’m really worried about you.”

“You don’t have to worry, I’m not going to try to kill myself again.” He rolled his eyes.

“That’s not why I’m worried, Alastor.” Charlie’s voice became more serious. “You can’t just lay here and rot. You’ve got to get up and keep moving forward. This isn’t the end.”

He laid for a moment longer before stretching his sore wings and sitting up, turning to look at her, dark circles under his eyes. “It will be the end, Charlie.” He breathed, showing no discernible emotion. “You think that archangel is just going to let me get away with the things I said? He’s just trying to figure out the best way to cut my wings off without starting a war.”

“You don’t know that.” Charlie shook her head, “He just said he needed to talk to the other angels, that doesn’t mean he’s going to take your wings.”

“What if he attacks the hotel?” Alastor asked, ears finally standing and brow furrowing, “What if he thinks that this place is getting too close to causing an uprising? What if he destroys everything you’ve worked for? It’ll be all my fault!”

“No, Al. It is not your fault.” She sighed.

“And what about the people I left behind?” He continued, “What about Pentious, and my mom, and…” He shook his head and gritted his teeth. “What if the angels hurt them? What if they punish them for my actions up there? We have no way of knowing what they did when we left!”

“Come on, Alastor, this is Heaven we’re talking about. I doubt they would hurt Niffty.”

“Why not? They were perfectly content with cutting my wings off right in front of everyone in that courtroom. They were fine with taking Vaggie’s eye out. Fine with casting your father out. I can only imagine the horrors they’re hiding behind that squeaky clean exterior. If they hurt my girl, Charlie, that’s on me! I just got her back into my life and I’m causing her pain!”

“Alastor, don’t say it.”

“Your dad was right!” He huffed, hugging himself tightly to keep from pulling his hair. “All I ever do is hurt people!”

“You aren’t hurting anyone, hon, you’re just-”

“I’m hurting all of Hell!” He interrupted, growling, “I’m hurting your chances of getting your hotel to really work. I’m hurting the demons who’ve already been redeemed. I’m hurting Angel, Cherri, and the others chances of ever getting into Heaven, and I hurt my mother!”

Charlie bit her lip, watching him sadly.

Alastor couldn’t get that look in her eyes out of his head. “Did you see how she looked at me, Charlie?” He sighed, releasing himself and looking down at his red claws. “She looked at me like I was a monster. Like she didn’t even recognize me…”

“She was just in shock. I’m sure she’ll forgive you, Alastor. She loves you more than anything.”

“She would’ve rather I died. She would’ve rather I let that horrible man keep on abusing the both of us until he killed one of us.”

“That’s not what she wanted, Al, she just didn’t get a lot of time to process everything. Sera had no right to tell her about your mortal life in front of all those other angels. I’m sure if the two of you got to sit down and talk it out she would-”

“But I’m never going to get that chance.” He cut his glowing red eyes up at her. “Heaven is never going to let me see her again. So now I have to live the rest of my eternity down here, with that look she gave me forever being my last memory of her.”

Charlie took a deep breath and opened her mouth to say something that she probably hoped would be encouraging, but she was interrupted when the door swung open, Husk flailing his way into the room, fur arched and feathers ruffled.

Alastor quickly covered his eyes and hissed, he’d been in the dark for two straight days and his eyes weren’t ready for the harsh light seeping in through the open door.

“Al, Charlie, I need to talk to you!” Husk panted, leaning on his knees to catch his breath.

“We’re kind of in the middle of something, Husk, can it wait?” Charlie asked.

“No!” Husk growled, “It’s important.”

“I’ll take a message.” Alastor growled, flopping back down onto the bed.

“You’ll really want to hear this.” Husk shook his head. “And you have to come down stairs.”

“Nice try.” He scoffed, “You’re not getting me up that easily.”

“No, sir.” Husk took a deep breath, “Vox is downstairs. He says it’s urgent.”

Alastor’s ears twitched and he sat back up, narrowing his eyes at Husk skeptically. He didn’t look like he was lying.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Alastor was wrapped in a tight hug he wasn’t prepared for. He let out a frightened squeak and frantically squirmed his way out of the strangers arms, standing behind Charlie with unfurled wings. He loosened his tense stance once he realized it was only Vox.

Vox with tears running down his screen.

“Thank you, Alastor!” The TV headed demon was crying, ringing his hands around each other. He looked like he could collapse at any second. “Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!” He reached for another hug but stopped when Alastor bared his teeth and lifted his wings higher.

His pajama shirt was hanging off one shoulder and his flannel pants were hanging off the ends of his hooves, causing him to trip over himself occasionally, but he’d still put up a hell of a fight if he was pushed to it.

“Slow down, Vox. What exactly are you thanking him for?” Charlie asked, holding out her arms to put some distance between the two of them.

“The letter!” Vox sniffed, “The letter I got this morning. I’m more of an email or text guy myself, but snail mail is as good as anything. Especially for this! I seriously cannot thank you enough, Al, this is amazing!”

“You’re getting ahead of yourself again.” Charlie breathed deeply, hoping Vox would mimic her and calm himself. “Take a step back and tell us what’s going on.”

Alastor would have to remind himself to thank Charlie for constantly encouraging Vox to back up. One of the biggest things he and the other media centered demon struggled with when they were friends was that Alastor appreciated his personal space and Vox loved to touch and grab and hold and hug.

“This letter!” Vox pulled an envelope out of his inner coat pocket and opened it up. “More importantly, this picture!” He took a photograph out of the letter and turned it to show them.

Charlie and Alastor took in the photo with wide eyes. It was a picture of an angel. A young angel. She had curly red hair and bright green eyes. Her halo looked too big for her head, and her wings were small but strong with greenish tinted white feathers.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand, Vox.” Charlie shook her head, “Why is this photo important?”

“It’s Audrey…” Alastor swallowed, not looking away from the image, “... Isn’t it?”

Vox nodded, turning the picture back to himself and smiling at it warmly before tucking it back into his coat pocket to keep it safe.

“Who?” Charlie asked, looking between Alastor and Vox.

“My daughter.” Vox explained, “From the living world.”

“How did you get that picture?” Alastor asked, “I didn’t even see her when I was in Heaven.”

“No, but you did something up there to get this to me.” Vox shrugged, “Didn’t you?”

Alastor shook his head, ears lowering. “I… I didn’t do anything other than spend time with my mother and attend that pointless trial.”

“Then where did the letters come from?” Vox asked.

“What letters?”

The TV demon smiled slowly, backing towards the exit. “You don’t know, do you?” He asked, his smile widening.

“Know what!?” Alastor huffed, “Vox you’re being incredibly cryptic and it’s annoying!”

“Come on!” Vox called, motioning for them to follow him outside.

Charlie and Alastor exchanged glances before following him out the door and down the pathway, leading towards the city.

The closer they walked to the heart of the pentagram, the more demons they saw holding or reading letters. There weren't any violent crimes taking place. No muggings or murders. There was no screaming or breaking glass. All around them, demons were reading letters with tears in their eyes, looking up towards the skies in awe.

“What’s going on?” Alastor asked, “What are they all reading?”

“We all woke up this morning and found them.” Vox explained with a sigh, “I figured since you just got back from your trial you had something to do with it.”

“Something to do with what?”

“The letters from Heaven.”


Short n sweet.

Chapter 18: Yours to command


Alastor makes a deal with an angel


Sometimes when I'm writing I get to a scene, and I know what the next logical step is but I'm like "Wait damn, what a plot twist I didn't even see this one coming!" That's this chapter. I swear when I started this fic, this is not where I saw it going.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Where did the letters come from?” Charlie asked Vox. Alastor kept looking all around them, ears rotating and twitching. Standing in the middle of town in his pajamas. Watching every single demon in sight reading a letter or telling their friends about them. All of them with a smile on their faces. A genuine smile, not a stitched up and forced smile.

“We don’t know, I was thinking you did.” Vox replied with a shrug. “We just kind of found them here.”

Alastor wasn’t listening to them, he was listening to everyone else. His ears turning in every direction, tuning in and out of every conversation within earshot.

“My mother’s out there and she said she misses me!”

“My little sis is still just as sweet as she always was, she even remembers our old favorite song!”

“Look at this drawing my dad sent me! I used to love his sketches so much!”

“The little Cherub that delivered them was so nice.”

There! That one.

He whirled on his feet, turning to face the small fish-like demon who’d spoken the words he so desperately wanted to hear. “What Cherub!?” He barked out, causing them to jump in alarm, clutching their letter close.

“Uh, what?”

“The cherub! You said you saw a Cherub delivering the letters!” Alastor growled, stepping closer, Vox and Charlie following behind him nervously. “Who was she!?”

“I dunno man, I don’t know angel names!” The demon shrank back nervously.

“What did she look like!?”

“Like an angel I guess?”

“No, smartass what did she look like!” Alastor snarled. Charlie grabbed at his arm to try and force him to calm down but he pulled away from her.

“S-she had pink hair and one big eye!” The smaller demon squeaked, “Please don’t hurt me dude that’s all I know!”

Alastor’s ears stood and he took a step back. “Niffty…” He swallowed, “It was Niffty!”

“Alastor wait, we’ll figure out what-”

He didn’t give Charlie the chance to finish her sentence. He’d spread his wings and taken off, flying in whatever direction he’d felt pulled. His eyes frantically scanned the ground below him, following the trail of demons with clean sheets of paper in their hands. Following the sounds of joyful tears. Following the letters from Heaven.

It wasn’t long into his search when his phone started ringing in his pocket. He ignored it. He had more important things to do. He zipped in different directions, unsure which way was backwards or forwards. It looked as if most of the Pride ring had gotten letters already. He was having trouble finding anyone without a letter in their hands. She wouldn’t have come and gone without seeing him, would she? What if Heaven was forcing her to avoid him? What if she was being controlled? What if she was on a leash ten times tighter than the one he’d kept her on before? He had to find her, he had to know she was alright!

His phone rang again, and he growled, refusing to answer. He flew through Imp City, the letters were spaced out farther there due to the lack of mortal souls, but there was still a trail to be followed. It was possible she’d visited the smaller part of the pride ring last. No sign of her. Not so much as a feather!

How long had he been searching now? It was getting harder to see any demons reading letters, they’d all gone home. Many of them were returning to their normal hellish lifestyles while others were taking a day to sulk in bed and regret their life choices. His phone buzzed, another incoming text. Frustrated he growled and stopped, hovering in the air as he took it out to see what was so important.

You need to come back to the hotel right now.

It’s an emergency!

It was from Charlie. Had it been from anyone else he’d have thought they were just tricking him. Baiting him into giving up and returning home so they could try to figure things out together. No, Charlie wouldn’t lie. He bit his tongue, unable to ignore the need to protect the hotel. Unable to leave his post unguarded. Reluctantly, he turned and flew back to the hotel as fast as he could. He landed in front of the door and went inside, slamming it behind him and searching the lobby for whatever emergency Charlie had called him for.

“What is it!?” He snapped when she ran up to him, the other members of the hotel close behind her.

“Al, we were trying to figure out where the letters came from and we think-”

“You called me back here because of something you think!?” He interrupted before Charlie could finish. He’d have to apologize for being short with her later. He wasn’t in the mood to be worrying over what-ifs right now. He was trying to find her daughter! He was trying to find the only person who even mattered anymore. His only blood relative who hadn’t given up on him yet.

“Hear me out, Alastor.” Charlie breathed.

“I’m trying to find, Niffty!” He growled, “I can’t let her just disappear back to Heaven without finding out if she’s okay!? And did anyone here get a letter!? Is Heaven gate keeping the letters because of me!? I can’t be sitting around the hotel thinking right now, Charlie, I’ve got to-”

“Dad.” A voice behind him stopped him mid sentence. He didn’t even try to cover his surprise. He just spun around and grabbed her, wrapping Niffty in the tightest hug he’d ever given anyone in his entire touch-hating life.

Her arms wound around his neck and her head leaned into his shoulder. He could feel her heart beating. Smell the oh so familiar scent of pine sol and lemon juice that forever stained her clothes.

“I thought I lost you!” He breathed a shaky breath. “I thought I was never going to see you again!”

“I know. I was scared too.” Niffty replied, giving him another quick squeeze.

He took a deep breath, soaking in every second of their embrace. Hoping with every inch of himself that he wasn’t dreaming. He couldn’t have been. His dreams had never been kind enough to grant him something this real.

She flapped her small wings and he let go, letting her hover in front of him, a wide smile on her face. “How do you like my new job?” She asked.

“New job?” Alastor tilted his head, “The letters?”

“I am not the one and only official postal worker of Heaven and Hell.” Niffty saluted him proudly, clutching her messenger bag. “Once every two weeks, I’m going to come down here and deliver the sinner demons letters from Heaven. I’ll spend a few nights here at the hotel with you, and then I’ll take the sinners' letters to their families back to Heaven.” She explained.

“That’s… That’s great!” Alastor’s tail wagged. “How did you… Who… How did you get permission to do this?”

“The new head seraphim was moved by your little outburst in the courtroom, so she suggested the idea and the council loved it.” Niffty smirked.

“New head seraphim?” Alastor tilted his head.


He turned around. Emily and Lute were standing by the stairs. Emily was standing tall, her hands folded over in front of her, her halo much larger than it had been before. She had a look of pride and authority about her now, and carried herself with much more confidence than she had before.

“They made you head seraphim?” Alastor asked, “That’s amazing!”

“Right!?” Emily’s professional attitude disappeared with her excited girlish squeal.

He glanced nervously at Lute who just subtly nodded her head.

“As head seraph, it is my job to protect the souls of Heaven.” Emily went on to explain. Her more professional attitude returned. “Where Sera’s means of doing this was, well, the extermination,” She looked disgusted just saying the word, “My plan to prevent an uprising is to encourage sinners to attempt redemption via Princess Morningstar's hotel.”

“How are you gonna do that?” Angel Dust asked from the sidelines of the room. “No offense, Em, but the folks down here weren’t exactly open to the whole redemption thing when we told ‘em it was the only thing that could save their asses from the extermination. How exactly do you think an angel is going to change their minds?”

“Not an angel, but angels.” Emily smiled. She turned to Niffty and gave a nod.

Niffty’s grin widened as she landed on the floor and opened her messenger bag, taking out a handful of envelopes which she handed out to the demons in the room. Angel, Husk, and Cherri all got one, and she had more set aside for Vetty, Legion, and Sage.

“What is this?” Angel’s voice was suddenly broken as he looked over the letter within the envelope.

“That is a message from your sister, Angel.” Emily explained softly.

Alastor watched the tears welling up in the spider demon's eyes. A quivering smile creeping its way up on his face.

“What’d she say?” Charlie asked.

“That she’s proud of me.” Angel sniffed, using one of his four arms to wipe tears from his eyes. “Niffty told her how I was your hotel's first resident and she said she’s proud of me. She said she can’t wait for me to join her up there, a-and that she’s got some Italian restaurants she wants to take me to.”

“See?” Emily smiled. “I believe that receiving communications from Heaven can subtly encourage sinners to change their hearts. The ones who truly want to see their families again will come to the hotel. And even if they don’t want to change, I feel like being able to communicate with their loved ones will keep them pacified enough to stop any rebellion Heaven thinks is brewing down here.”

“That’s fantastic, Emily!” Charlie squeaked excitedly, lurching forward to wrap the seraphim in a hug.

“On the other hand.” Lute cleared her throat, stepping forward.

Alastor narrowed his eyes at her skeptically, claws twitching as Niffty flew to land on his shoulder.

“Some of the high council members believe that receiving communications from Heaven will only spark more of an outrage in some demons. It’ll bring drama between the two realms in the form of family feuds and disagreements. They worry that this letter system will encourage an uprising instead of quell it.”

“Which is where the exorcists come in.” Emily sighed.

Alastor’s ears are folding back. He didn’t like where this was going.

“Not just the exorcists.” Lute glanced in his direction and he bared his fangs.

She took a step closer to him and he took two back. “Guardian.” She sneered, eyes flashing dangerously.

“Exorcist.” He snarled back.

She moved and he nearly scratched at her but held himself back as she dropped onto one knee and bowed her head. His eyes widened and he looked around at the others in the room, looking for confirmation that he wasn’t imagining what he was seeing. They were staring at her, looking just as shocked as he felt.

She looked back up at him for a moment before standing again, flapping her wings once before folding them away.

“You’re the defender here, and you outrank me.” Lute said, holding her head high, “It’s my job to protect Heaven, and yours to protect Hell. If there’s an uprising, both of our homes are in jeopardy. So…” She took a deep breath, clearly not prepared for what she was going to have to say, “It would appear that we’ll be working together from now on.”

He instinctively flinched back as she held out her hand to him. “Commander..”

He stared at her, waiting for the catch. Waiting for the but.

“I’m being serious.” Lute raised an eyebrow, holding her one arm out straighter. “The exorcists are yours to command. I’m your lieutenant now.”

He swallowed before reaching forward and shaking her hand, to his surprise, a green aura lit up between them. At first, he tried to pull away, terrified of ending up on another leash. Then he realized, it wasn’t him that was being tethered. The invisible chains that appeared weren’t as thick and harsh as those that he normally saw in Hell. They were thin and looked easily breakable, and they were attached to Lute’s arm instead of her neck. She truly was his to command now, but she had the free will and ability to fight against his orders if she felt it put Heaven in danger.

She closed her golden eyes as the deal was sealed and made official, and once she opened them, he realized her irises were bright green. He’d never realized that the exorcist's souls belonged to Adam until this moment.

“So…” Charlie was the first to speak after the stunned silence following their deal. “Do you guys want to stay for dinner?”

“We’re having pancakes.” Lucifer added with an enthusiastic smile.


Alastor Thomas.
Guardian of Hell
Commander of the exorcist army.
Eater of Jambalaya

Chapter 19: Home


Wrapping things up


A bit of a short one, but this is the end for now, see the end notes for more information.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was the most awkward and uncomfortable dinner Alastor had ever had the displeasure of attending in his entire afterlife.

The angels and demons kept staring at each other as they ate their pancakes.

Pancakes were not a dinner food. Alastor was eating it just to be polite, but every foodie instinct inside of him was screaming that it was not breakfast and pancakes were inappropriate. It was all Lucifer knew how to cook though, and he’d insisted on preparing dinner for everyone.

“I was thinking, Charlie, what if we set up a postal box at the entrance of your hotel grounds?” Emily asked, finally breaking up the silence. “That way when demons bring their letters to mail off to Heaven, they’ll see your hotel and it’ll make them think about redemption.”

“That’s a great idea.” Charlie agreed with a smile, “And Niffty won’t have to go door to door to collect the letters before she goes back to Heaven every time.”

“Which clears up my schedule and gives me more time to be with you all.” Niffty nodded, glancing at Alastor with a grin.

His tail wagged behind him momentarily. He’d have to plan for her next visit. He’d make sure all of her visits were fun and memorable.

“Who did you get your letter from, Husk?” Lucifer asked, changing the subject suddenly.

Alastor searched the table before finding Husk sitting in one corner, pushing his pancakes around with his fork. He’d been so uncharacteristically quiet that he hadn’t even noticed him.

“Eh.” Husk shrugged one shoulder, not looking away from his plate.

“What’s the matter?” Angel asked, his voice slipping into that genuine sympathetic tone Alastor had heard a few times.

He noticed Lute out of the corner of his eye, grabbing onto her butter knife as if she were about to wield it as a weapon. As if Husk’s mood not being perfectly happy and excited meant he was a threat.

“Nothing, it’s fine.” Husk sighed, “It was uh… It was from my father. He’s doing well. No wheelchairs in Heaven.” he laughed dryly. “I just kinda forgot how much I missed him is all.”

“I know what you mean.” Angel sighed, “I think about Molly every day, but I hadn’t thought about just how badly I wanted to see her again until I got that letter.”

Lute gripped the butter knife tighter and Alastor’s wings unfurled quietly, prepared to protect his friends if it came to it.

“You’ll see them again.” Charlie said with an encouraging smile, “You’re both already in the hotel, and we saw for ourselves that it does work. Just stick with it and you’ll be with them again in no time.”

“We will, Charlie.” Angel gave the princess a half smile. “Don’t worry, we’re not giving up on you yet.”

Lute put her knife back down.

As they all finished their meals, Hacate and the other imps came to collect their plates and cutlery, wheeling them to the kitchen on a cart to be washed.

“Thank you all for the meal.” Emily smiled, “I enjoyed it, and I hate that I have to rush off, but I’m afraid I have matters to attend to in Heaven.”

“I’m sure you do, head seraphim.” Charlie punched her lightly in the shoulder.

“We’ll have to do it again sometime.” The angel nodded happily before turning to Niffty. “Niffty, you know how to get back to Heaven tomorrow evening, right?”

“Yes ma’am.” Niffty stood taller and gave a firm nod.

“Good. Collect any letters that may be written before you come back, but don’t rush. Enjoy your time with your friends.” Emily instructed.

Niffty nodded again and they watched as a portal opened behind Emily and she stepped through, waving at them all and grinning at Charlie before it closed up.

Alastor let out a sigh and turned to exit the dining room but jumped, nose to nose with Lute who was standing right behind him.

“Lute!” He squeaked, taking a step back, “You uh… You didn’t go with Emily.”

“Do you need me to open a portal for you?” Lucifer asked, eyeing her skeptically.

“That won’t be necessary.” Lute cleared her throat. “I’m staying here for the time being.”

Alastor’s ears flicked and he turned to look at the others for advice. They just shrugged back at him. “Why?” He tilted his head to one side.

“I’m your lieutenant now.” She rolled her eyes, “I go where you go. I do what you say.”

“I thought you were going to stay in Heaven and protect it while I protected the souls down here.” Alastor shrugged.

“No. The exorcists are protecting Heaven. I’m assisting you.”

It was uncomfortably silent again. Niffty was at his legs, staring up at Lute with the most untrusting glare he’d ever seen from her. She almost looked feral.

“I guess that’ll be okay.” Alastor looked at Charlie awkwardly, and she just gave an unsure thumbs up in response. “We’ll find you a room.”

“Good.” Lute nodded. “Preferably one close to yours in case you need me.”

“I don’t think I’ll be needing you for anything. No offense but I’ve got things handled on my own.”

“I have to be able to be by your side in a second's notice if need be.”

“...Okay then sure, we can find you a room close to mine I guess.”

Niffty narrowed her eye at Lute who completely ignored her.

“And that’s when my brothers started crying. Mama did all she could to make them stop but they just wouldn’t until I was allowed back in the room with them.” Niffty was telling Alastor stories about her childhood. Stories his chains had never allowed him to care about before.

They were sitting on the floor of his room, playing a game of checkers. Alastor preferred chess, but Niffty claimed the rules were too hard to understand. She didn’t like how each piece moved differently than the others, it made no sense.

Even before she’d gone to Heaven and had her mind restored, Niffty had always been better than him at checkers, it was extremely aggravating.

“Niffty… I have a question.” He asked, watching her jump three of his pieces at once and rake them off the board into her own collection. “Did you send a letter to anyone down here?”

She paused for a moment before continuing to take her turn, moving a piece into an empty square. “No.” She replied, “No one I want to talk to other than you.”

“Where is your family?” He asked, moving one of his pieces forward.

She jumped it and added it to her collection. “You’re my family.”

“You know what I mean.” He sighed, “Your mother, your brothers, and your stepdad. Have you spoken to them at all since your mortal life ended?”

“No.” Niffty replied flatly.

“What about your hus-”

“Ex husband.” She corrected before he’d even finished.

“Ex husband.” He amended.

Niffty let out a sigh as she slid one of her pieces to the other end of the door and let Alastor place another one on top. “I found you as soon as I got here.” She explained, “I didn’t realize you were you at first, but still. You took me in right away, so I didn’t really have time to find any of them. None of them are in Heaven, but even if they were I wouldn’t have talked to them. I don’t have anything to say to any of them. They said all I needed to hear the night I burned them.”

Alastor decided not to push her any further. “Okay. I… I have another question. Unrelated.”

“What is it?” She asked, watching him take his turn, calculating every move.

“Did my mother say why she didn’t send me a letter?”

Niffty froze up again, glancing up at him sadly. She let out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair. “Look, Al, she’s just not ready to talk yet is all. She was pretty upset at the trial.”

“Do you think I should write to her?” He asked, “Try to explain? Or to apologize for shouting at her?”

“I think you should just give her her time right now.” Niffty answered, shaking his head. “She’ll forgive you. She’s in Heaven, she basically has to. It’s just going to take her a while.”

Alastor nodded, determined not to show her how badly the situation was bothering him. He hated that he’d raised his voice at her. Especially in front of so many prying eyes. He was a bad son.

“I win.” Niffty proclaimed, snatching the last of his pieces off the board smugly.

“As per usual.” He smirked. “I wouldn’t have expected anything less.”

She stood off the floor and stretched, wings flapping a few times before she began helping him collect the game pieces and put them away.

“It’s getting late.” She yawned, “I assume my old room is still standing?”

“Yeah, but, you could stay here if you wanted.” Alastor shrugged.

She turned to look at him, tilting her head to one side. “Now hold on a damn minute.” She smirked, “You used to hate when I’d ask to sleep in your bed. You used to only let me stay in your bed if you were having a horrible nightmare. What changed?”

“I’ve missed you.” Alastor’s ears pinned down, “I was on an emotion restraining leash, Niffty, I couldn’t exactly express my need for attention when you were around.”

“You let someone else in your bed, didn’t you?”


“Oh my God, even better, you slept in someone else's bed!”

“I did not!” He growled.

“Was it Charlie?”

His face turned red. “No!”

“Aw, that’s so cute!” Niffty fluttered a few feet into the air, “You cuddled in Charlie’s bed. How many of the others were there? Was it all of them?”

“No!” His eyes locked onto the floor.

“They all cuddled in Charlie’s bed together! That’s so sweet, Alastor!”

“Okay okay, whatever!” He huffed through his teeth, “Stop talking about it.”

“Oh!” Niffty zipped towards the door where she’d left her messenger bag. “That reminds me, I almost forgot!” She dug around in the bag for a little while before flying back towards him, hands behind her back. After a second she held Odie, the plush frog, out to him. All his rough stitches had been replaced by neater, more professional looking ones. He had been cleaned and brushed. He looked nearly brand new. “Ta da!”

Alastor’s eyes lit up before he squashed the excitement and crossed his arms, rolling his eyes. “Oh, cool, you found that thing. I didn’t even realize I’d left it behind.” He muttered.

“What, you don’t care about your little froggy?” Niffty asked, smirking.

“No. It’s just something Vox gave me.” Alastor shrugged.

“Oh, well if you don’t care about it I guess I can take it back to Heaven with me and-”

“No, wait!” Alastor found himself reaching for it but stopped just short of her, recoiling back and folding his ears. “I… I do care about it a little.” He sighed.

Niffty smiled and handed Odie back out. Alastor stared skeptically for a moment before taking the frog and hugging it close to his chest for a moment while she giggled.

“Don’t say anything.” He sighed, climbing onto the bed and tossing the stuffed frog up to his pillow.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Niffty smiled. She flew to the other side of the bed and made herself comfortable.

He laid on his back and she snuggled close to his side, using his shoulder as her pillow. She sat up when he reached for the lamp, giving him a confused stare.

“Don’t tell me they cured your fear of the dark too.” She gave him a suspicious glare.

“Nope. Watch this.” Alastor nodded towards the ceiling and flicked the lamp off. The room was dark for a split second before the soft greenish light from the glow-in-the-dark star stickers on the ceiling illuminated it just enough to keep them from sinking into the icy blank loneliness of Hell’s night.

Niffty settled back down, letting out a sigh as she smiled up at the stars. “They care about you a lot, you know?”

“I know.” He nodded, trying to identify the constellations Charlie had told him about while hanging the stickers up.

“You care about them too, right?”

“More than words can explain.”


“What?” His eyelids were drooping, but he didn’t want to miss a second of her voice if he could help it.

“You would’ve been a great dad.”

His eyes opened wide, his heart rate spiking for a moment as his ears tried to fold backwards against the pillow.

He’d never wanted to be a father. He’d never wanted children. Yet, knowing he’d had one he’d never had the opportunity to raise hurt more than he imagined it could. He’d never gotten to tie her shoes, or soothe her fevers. He’d never had the chance to hold her hand as they crossed the street. He never dropped her off at kindergarten, he never put a bandage on her skinned knees. He wasn’t there when she was a teenager. He didn’t get to lecture her about right from wrong. Never got to give her life advice. She’d gotten married and he wasn’t there to walk her down the aisle and give her away.

She’d already lived her whole life.

And he’d missed all of it.

“Thank you, Niffty.” He swallowed.

It was quiet for a moment before his ears flicked at the sound of her breathing, she was already asleep.

He put an arm around her and closed his eyes. He’d make up for it all somehow. He’d find a way. He’d never be able to get back the time they’d lost, but they had an eternity together now. He’d find some way to make it right.




Alright first of all, I was listening to the song Never Love an Anchor by the Crane Wives the other day and I legitimately cried because it made me think of Alastor and Niffty so much, like it was perfect and it made my stomach ache oh my god! So that's where that ending came from, you're welcome.

Seconldy, this is NOT the end of the Radio Demon Redemption series. I don't know if there will be another big arc like this one or Deer Hunt or any of those, but I do have a few one shots planned. Some focused on Alastor, some taking place from other characters point of view, and some that just exist to tie up lose ends.

So, now's your chance dear readers, let me know what kind of things you'd like to read about. I'm gonna do a Lute story, and I'll probably have one focused on Al and Niffty mending their relationship. Give me some ideas! Brainstorm! What do you guys think we should explore?

Homesick - BlueSpike9997 - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.